Tag Archives: polls

Let The Votes Begin!


Good Morning EVERYBODY!   And I do mean EVERYBODY because I know you’ll be here bright and early to cast your votes – seems this whole moon trip has gone bananas and tons of people are waiting patiently to see all the contest entries.  No wonder – they’re GREAT and I ought to know because I’ve been working along with my Mom to try and get everybody into the right contests with their super photos.

I said yesterday and I’ll say again – with the number of people who sent photos in for the contest and even not for the contests – just to be sending a plain spacesuit photo undecorated so they could go – there’s bound to be someone left out unintentionally.  We hope not – we’ve checked and re-checked – but there might be and I apologize in advance if that DOES happen.   We have tried our best!  Photos came in at different times – people sent several versions of their photos so we couldn’t keep track easily – but we did try!

Bravo everyone who entered !

 You did an AMAZING job

with all the artwork. 

Everyone is so talented and I hope you

had as much fun doing the photos as we had SEEING them!!

So on with the show(s) right????    Remember you can click to bigify the photos – and remember you can choose as many favorites as you wish.   Also remember TODAY IS THE ONLY DAY FOR VOTING!!!    That’s right.  Just until midnight tonight Eastern Standard Time.

READY?   SET?   Here we go!

Check out these booooootiful spacesuits first!

Then we have the fantabulous Stardust Hotel Room decorations!

Last but FAR from least – the scariest, weirdest bunch of Moon monsters you’ve EVER seen!

See what I mean?  Almost impossible to get through all of these great entries but here we are – at the end.   Thanks for casting your votes.  This will decide who the winners will be at the BIG awards banquet at the Stardust Hotel on the Moon this Friday, February 28th.    We had another chaperone sign on too – my Cat Scout friend Nibbler’s Mom Yvonne is joining my Mom and Miss Dianna.  THREE humans ought to be able to keep track of a bazillion animals right???    Here are our chaperones:

My Mom - Chaperone #1

My Mom – Chaperone #1

Miss Dianna - Chaperone #2

Miss Dianna – Chaperone #2

Nibbler's Mom Yvonne - Chaperone #3

Nibbler’s Mom Yvonne – Chaperone #3

Before I go, I wanted to share another of the incredibly fabulous posters that our friend Miss Layla from CatWisdom 101 submitted for the contest.   It’s her cat Odin, me, and another space traveler exiting Ralph but instead of SCARY monsters that we discover when we get to the Moon, we find the cutest little kitties with wings I’ve ever seen!   This was just too CUTE to put in the “Monster” contest but I wanted you to see it……..I wish all monsters we dream about or see (!) could be as adorable as little winged kitty monsters don’t you???   Thanks Layla for your magical posters.


Now if you’ll excuse me I do believe I’m going to go curl up and take a nap…..a guy can’t get too much sleep before a moon trip right?   Indeed !!

Sammy Space Cadet