Tag Archives: four years

Blogaversary Bash!




Hi Everybody!    Welcome to my day of thanks – my way of thanking you for giving me the energy and love that have kept me going for four years and the determination to begin my fifth year of blogging.

My way of thanking you is to feed you ALL DAY LONG!   If you’re arriving here at breakfast time, I’ve gotcha covered – please help yourself!   If you’re arriving at lunch I’ve got your back again –  all you can eat……….AND if you’re here around dinner time an all you can eat seafood buffet awaits.   So let’s get the PAWTY started!

Sunrise Blog Breakfast!  Take a seat with your FULL plate and EAT!

Sunrise Blog Breakfast! Take a seat with your FULL plate and EAT!

Cappuccino and juice!

BLOGBREAKFAST5 BLOGBREAKFAST4 All kinds of fruit if you want something “light” !

BLOGBREAKFAST2 Or if you’re arriving HUNGRY, here’s a buffet with the “works” !


If you’re like me, fresh homemade pastries hit the spot..


Whew – that was a nice breakfast yes?   Ready for a nap?  Me too!

For lunch here at my blovaversary party if you’re just now arriving, I’ve got some good stuff too!!

You can sit at an outside table in the sunshine.....

You can sit at an outside table in the sunshine…..

OR you can grab a blanket and have a lawn picnic!

OR you can grab a blanket and have a lawn picnic!

A picnic spread fit for a king or queen!!!

A picnic spread fit for a king or queen!!!

Yummy desserts!!

Yummy desserts!!

Catnip tea

Catnip tea


Watermelon tea

Watermelon tea

You can come inside and watch a movie or relax if you like!

Creature Feature!!

Creature Feature!!

After the movie I’m SURE you’ll be ready for dinner????


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WOW…………………………what a day of FOOD, FUN and FRIENDS!    Please take a goodie bag – your choice of stuffies and treats…………….to remember this day – I know I won’t EVER forget it.


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My thanks to friends who sent me a blogaversary card!

Thank you Easy!

Thank you Easy!

Thank you Nellie!

Thank you Nellie!

Thank you so much Flynn!!

Thank you so much Flynn!!

Thank you Fozziemom  and Crew!

Thank you Fozziemom and Crew!

Thank you Siddhartha!!

Thank you Siddhartha!!

What a GREAT day…….sending you a big hug


Love, Sammy