SPARK on Monday


Hi everyone…….can you believe we’re having another Monday NOW when it seems we just had one?   It’s a funny thing – time.   I have days when I think about being in my 20s (back when dinosaurs roamed…haha) and it really feels like YESTERDAY.     But now that I’m of a certain age I think a lot about my memories.   Maybe that’s what lots of people do – not LIVE in the past but THINK about it?    Cats don’t do that – they live in the moment period – Teddy might be lucky!

Anyway, I couldn’t resist a DOUBLE SPARK today – one is just a funny one I saw and the other is just one that caught my attention.

Yes – this is the funny one……….

And the second one is about memories too of course – the ones you hold on to which may be painful but they ARE there in your head and heart but NEED to let go.    We sometimes would like to change a memory and often in retelling a memory we DO change it just to make it “prettier” for ourselves OR easier for someone else to understand.

So if you think you don’t have a lot of happy memories – MAKE SOME NEW ONES!

Hugs, Pam

33 responses »

  1. #2 is a good spark but that is sometimes hard to do… sometimes it is easier to keep than to let go… although we know it is a burden and we should shake it off …. or like bette midler said: I’ll never be da beast of burden… ;O)))

    Liked by 1 person

    • Good way to put it – the ones I have in a file cabinet that’s locked have a tendency to drift out from time to time but sometimes it’s good to be reminded how much BETTER things are now than they used to be!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Boy, for both of them, I’m surprised a deafeningly loud gong sound didn’t happen! That’s how apt. The second one is what I have been trying to live the past several years. Don’t think/obsess/whatever/ about things you can’t change (of course) That is futile and ridiculous. Let it go.


  3. Teddy musta found the furst spark fur you. Lynn laffed. The second spark she ‘splained to me. I do not think like a hooman thankgoodness. I think like a kitty and Lynn wants to follow suit. Live fur the moment (and the crunchie treat) and let go of the past. Precious


    • Truth is for most of us have a hard time letting go of things. They are PART of us and made us what we are….good or bad. I know there are things in my past I’ll never let go of because they made me who I am today. But I do find that some of the FEELINGS about the past I can let go of. Resentment in particular.



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