SPARKS on Monday


Time For A Spark To Start The Week!

“Sparks” is a great blog hop started by my dear friend Annie at McGuffy’s Reader as a way that we can share some uplifting thoughts or ideas which we believe can bring some LIGHT not just to us, but others.    We share our thoughts on Monday in this Hop and invite you to join in the fun and inspiration we share with each other every single week.    Just click on the SPARKS graphic above, and you can enter your blog link containing your “spark” for the week.   You never know WHO will connect with your spark and perhaps change the course of their day, week or even their life by reading your thought!

My Spark this week is another quote from one of my favorite writers – Maya Angelou.    So many things that she has said in her teachings and writings have touched me through the years and I hope it will “speak to you” as well.

This is I suppose a variation of “think before you speak”…………..but I have a feeling all of us can remember a time when someone said something to us that STUCK with us – whether it was a good feeling or a bad feeling.   We touch those around us in many ways – our actions AND our words.   Words are powerful – it’s important to be aware of that power before we use it.

I hope someone will be sparked by Ms. Angelou’s wise words…..I know that I certainly have through my many years since I first read her work.    I wish you a fabulous week!

Hugs, Pam ♥

43 responses »

  1. We do remember how people make us feel. Many times how we feel is tied to an action or deed they did towards us. This is a wonderful Spark to remind us of the impact we make on others…good and bad. Hope you have a lovely day!


    • IT’s all about how you look at things isn’t it Barb. Putting things into perspective – things could ALMOST ALWAYS be worse and will ALMOST ALWAYS get better if we WANT them to!

      Love you!
      Hugs, Pam


  2. Mom Pam, that is such a great spark. Getting one’s feelings hurt is always hard to deal with but especially this time of year. We must all remember not to do thoughtless things or make thoughtless remarks. This time of year can be very stressful, so we must be extra careful. Thanks for the reminder. Sending lots of love and hugs. Mom and Dad are really looking forward to Thursday. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • My Mom and Dad are looking forward to Thursday too!! Mom says that people don’t seem to realize that things they say or do really can impact people WAY MORE than they think…..after all, how others perceive things is DIFFERENT for each person. The old saying about “if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all” might be wise…..LOL

      Hugs, Teddy


    • I just love being part of SPARKS – reading everyone else’s thoughts and inspiration is a GREAT way to start off a week……I keep a lot of that with me ALL WEEK LONG. Monday is a wonderful day to share sparkling thoughts! Thanks for starting it…..and for being our friend.

      Love, Pam


  3. Dad says there was a woman he cared for when he did pool on a Med Surg floor in a hospital. She was non verbal, could not move herself or feed herself. Her eyes were alive. Dad had a habit of talking to all his patients whether they could answer or not. Many nurses used give him “the look” when he did this but he ignored it. He always took special care of this woman, making sure she was nice and clean, pillows fluffed and pulled up in bed with pillows to hold her arms up and comfy. He always said her name and that she looked pretty and he hoped she was comfy when he was done. His jaw dropped when one day she said “thank you” in a small melodious voice. He smiled and she did too. He heard she passed a month later back in the nursing home but knew he brightened her days as best he could, and she remembered!
    I really like this story

    Liked by 1 person

    • Timmy that is a lovely story and Mom says she had chills reading it. Your Dad should be proud of himself for being a kind and considerate person to ALL his patients in all his time as a carer. The story is a wonderful illustration of how people can react to kindness…….the lady saying “thank you” was an affirmation that his time and effort – which he gave freely to all – MEANT more to her than anyone really knew. Thanks a lot for sharing this with everyone!

      Love, Teddy (and Mom as well…… >3)


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