Tuesday Teaser


Hello Class!  Teaser Time!


Is everyone well rested and ready to impress Assistant Professor Teddy and me for Teaser????   Are ya?  HMMMM?????????????????


I’m ready!!

I’m definitely ready AND I went to the litterbox on my way to class so I don’t have to go!!!!!!! (yet)

Alrighty…………….let’s get the show on the road……….first of all – everyone tuning in today – if you go to COMMENTS and leave one, you MIGHT be the FIRST COMMENTER this morning and if you are, you win this:

You’d better hurry up and comment – if more than one of you comments in the first minute of class, each of the “FIRSTS” will get a coolio badge!




Please proceed Professor!

Shall we ask our Teaser Cheerleader to come on in and give us a rowsing cheer to get everyone started off on the right foot/paw???   Suzie???

C’mon and give us a guess
Don’t sit there like a “hot mess”
Take a good hard look
At your geography book
Where was this photo taken?
If you’re wrong my heart will be breakin’ !
Put on your study glasses
Or I’ll spank all of your ***** !
Say – wait a minute – Prof do you have an automatic censor on my cheers now?????? That’s not fair! You’re crampin’ my style!

Sorry Suzie but this is a FAMILY post!    You don’t want us getting the boot do you?   Do you want me to get nasty letters from fans?   HUH?    Good!   Then on with the show…………..

Mr. Silver Suitcase – time for your entrance puleeeeeeeeeze!

Here’s the photo Prof. I’ve guarded it all week for you! It’s been TOP SECRET!

Before we put it on the bulletin board, let me tell you that TODAY we have made an exception to our rule about what town/city/village AND what state (if USA) or country (if not in USA) this photo was taken………..TODAY ONLY, just tell me WHERE this photo was taken – don’t have to say what town, etc. JUST WHERE??????    With that said……….please put the photo up!

I personally think this is a DOOZY…………………so get to work – if you are the FIRST to be right in guessing where this photo from today’s GUEST TEASER was taken……….you will get this:

If you’re right but not first you get this:

If you are NOT RIGHT (or you just like the color GREEN) you get this:

THERE YOU HAVE IT CLASS!    Now c’mon – let’s see who will be RIGHT first!!!!



Angel Prof Sammy and Assistant Prof Teddy


About onespoiledcat

We are Angel Sammy and Teddy......! Two ginger cats - one left for the Rainbow Bridge in December of 2016 (but still keeps in touch...) and the other in the "here and now" having lots of fun. Join us as we try to bring smiles to everyone around us with our blog.

98 responses »

    • BACON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your comment didn’t show up right away!!!! Goodness………..you were FIRST…..I told Raz, Oliver and Calvin and Kitties Blue that THEY were first – all three were here at 8:52! DANG! Sorry my little buddy and pal and Cousin……wonder why your comment didn’t show up right away. I think I’ll give you FIRST COMMENTER and give them HONORARY ALMOST FIRSTS or something like that!

      Love, The Boys

      Liked by 1 person

    • Good Morning KB KREW!!! WOO HOOOOOO for YOU – you, Raz and Oliver/Calvin are TIED for FIRST COMMENTER! Excellent work……….proud of all of you! Now tell me what you think about the Teaser photo?!?!

      Hugs, THE BOYS


      • She was going to whine ’cause she thought Oliver and Calvin got in earlier. Se never minds a tie, especially when we are tied with Raz, Allie and Ellie. No whining here, though, we have no idea where the photo was taken…Australia, Chili, Italy, Oregon coast? Who knows! Love to all. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


        • GOODIE!!! Glad you’re in the tie for first AND glad that you’re finding the Teaser to be a TOUGHIE (for a change!)……..this really is one of those photos with few (if any) clues…….there’s an interesting lamp on the stones but not much else………..FINALLY WE HAVE ONE PEOPLE AREN’T GUESSING IN DROVES!!!!!! Tee Hee


    • We did that too…and still we didn’t get in on time…sigh…maybe if she went live at 11 am when some of the contenders might be having an early lunch?? MOL, MOL!!!


  1. My internet has been acting up, so I always miss when the post appears. Suzy, maybe you could slip me a hint for next week so I know when to show up. There may be a package of catnip mice heading your way. It’s NOT a bribe, think of it more as a token of my gratitude for all your hard work. Don’t mention this to Sarge. 😉 And as usual, I have no clue.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Suzie Q you need to consider selling your cheers to cheer squads they are way better than anything we’ve heard in ages
    “C’mon and give us a guess
    Don’t sit there like a “hot mess”
    We are late AS USUAL ….blame Mom and her need to eat breakfast out on Tuesday then take an hour long walk.
    We will take a stab at the photo Amalfi Coast, Italy.
    Stop loling
    Hugs madi your bfff

    Liked by 1 person

    • Golly Madi it COULD be the Amalfi Coast……I’m sure it looks LIKE that if it’s not right – we’ll have to sit here like a hot mess and wait for tomorrow to find out! HAHAHAHAHA

      Love, Angel Sam


  3. Welcome to Oceanview State Prison! There’s no free cable TV or conjugal visits to be had at this hard nosed penitentiary… but the ultimate perk is that great view of the ocean! See all those little windows in the side of the prison complex, ingeniously carved into that cliff? The inmates can enjoy the sea breeze all they want and feed the swallow as they return from Capistrano…. but the sharks will ensure nobody leaves this joint in one piece…

    PS – Suzie, I think you would find an appropriate forum for your creative and unique cheers at The Nest where we don’t have the budget to hire any censors. The Nest firmly believes in standing up for individuality. We also believe in not paying our characters much in the way of money… but the fringe benefits are highly sought after!

    Liked by 4 people

    • ES, Suzie says she’s up for visiting The Nest as long as she can hang out with her bud Mitzi – she thought maybe they could do “dual pole dancing” at the local club or something. As for Oceanview State Prison – NO FREE CABLE TV???? That truly is punishment!!!!!!!

      Angel Sam and Ted


  4. Well, I am late. But, since you said there are not the usual location requirements on this picture, just “where was it taken?”, here is my answer…at the seaside, by the ocean cliffs. So, there you go. That is my answer and I am sticking to it. Hugs.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Um, on the ocean? Or did you need us to be a little more specific than that? 🙂
    BTW, our internet was out this morning, can we get a late pass or something?


  6. We are so late that mum decided to check through her photos first before we commented. It does look vaguely familiar. She said it does look similar to one of the places her and dad stopped at on an Adriatic cruise and where she was looking over a wall to take a photo of the sea. She always gets Split and Dubrovnik mixed up but said we should take a guess at Dubrovnik in Croatia. As you said we don’t have to say the town or city, that must mean we are wrong, but that’s our guess anyway.


    • Hi Flynn!!!! Good for your Mum looking thru her photos to find a familiar sight…….tomorrow you can tune in long enough to find out where this was taken……..and as much traveling as your Mum and Dad do, maybe they HAVE been here……………… 🙂

      Hugs, Angel Sammy


  7. Mee-you that iss a wunderfull foto! An LadyMum finkss it iss inn Portugal….
    Polish off thee Greeniess Unccle Sammy an Teddy; here wee come!!! 😉
    **nose bumpsss** Siddhartha Henry xXx


  8. Even though PNC Park is along the River… we guess this is NOT the Pitch Burger Pirate’s Stadium. WRONG AGAIN…


  9. Here we are once again…and we think this was taken in Italy…maybe the Amalfi coast…with the road showing a bit. This sends shivers down petcretary’s spine…we would not want to have her driving *there*, MOL! Imagine it in bad weather…or worse yet in an earthquake…Yikes!

    This truly was a doozy, Teddy, you are getting good at stumping us:)


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