

Sammy here – I decided to let my Mom do a blog post today – aren’t you proud of me for being so generous?  Well, the reason is because she decided to pawticipate in Ann of Zoolatry’s LIVESTRONG blog.   She put the word out that anyone who wanted to share their story of dealing with cancer could tell their story there if they wanted to and my Mom thought she’d like to do that.


Even though Mom spoke of her OWN journey with cancer in her post, we have known many friends and family as well as many pets who have had cancer and it seemed important to my Mom that she tell her tale of being a CANCER SURVIVOR….hoping to bring HOPE to some who might need it.

Her post is up at WELIVESTRONGTODAY along with other posts from other people,  but she’s going to tell it here too.  TAKE IT AWAY MOM!

Thanks Sammy!    I sometimes think about how many people I’ve known in my 68 years who either have HAD cancer, or known someone who did – it’s a very widespread disease and until researchers can come up with cures for this incredibly complex disease, I’m afraid we’ll just have to deal with it as best we can.   There’s new research almost every day so there is a LOT of hope out there.   

My personal journey began in 1985 when I was diagnosed with cervical and vaginal cancer.   I had a total hysterectomy and was confident that was the one and only time I’d hear a physician tell me I had cancer.   Not to be though……….even though over the ensuing years I had some minor skin cancers – basal cell and then a more serious one – squamous cell, it wasn’t until 1996 when I had a mole on my right leg begin to “look funny” and had a biopsy that I found out just how dangerous “MELANOMA” was.    This was a very deep and wide amount of tissue involved – I had a lot of tissue removed until they found clear margins – and I had to have a skin graft to go over the four inch diameter and half inch deep operation site.   I was in a soft cast for three months; the cancer had JUST missed my muscle tissue in that leg.   I was lucky!!    Then in 2006 out of nowhere I got a large lump at the top of my right leg – I immediately saw my doctor and he immediately sent me to a surgeon but they both thought it was a swollen lymph node and it was.   I had surgery almost the next day – the lymph node and ancillary nodes were removed and only the one was cancerous.    I was pretty upset about having “RECURRENT MELANOMA”…….and was told that I needed to undergo treatment which would be for at least a year and was somewhat experimental because there was no real effective drug to tackle melanoma.   What I wound up with was treatment for an organ which had shown “some” effectiveness with recurrent melanoma.   After one year of treatments I felt I had learned a whole lot about myself and my tolerance for discomfort!    I began thinking of myself as a true survivor…………my positive thinking and my REAL confidence that I could beat it and never get melanoma again has held until this day.   Here it is 2015 and I’m BEYOND cancer.   It’s where I intend to stay.   

Thanks Sammy – you’ve been with me for some of this journey as have many friends and my family.   I am grateful and I am STRONG and I will live out the rest of my life being grateful.

OK Mom – thanks for telling your story – I know you want it to be uplifting to those who might be going through cancer treatment now or have received the diagnosis………….I’m just so happy that you’re still with me and Dad!   We are FAMILY and we need each other!

Hope is a wonderful thing……………………….KEEP HOLDING ON TO IT – that’s from me and Mom……..deep in our hearts!

Love, Sammy 


I miss you today Mom....Happy Birthday!

67 responses »

    • We know so many humans who don’t have as good an outcome as my Mom has had but Mom is sure that BELIEVING she could beat it helped her do just that!!!! I’m glad I could help her out just a bit………

      Love, Sammy


  1. Thanks for letting your Mom tell her story. I’m glad you were there for some of it to help her through with love and encouragement. Us 4-legged ones have a real ministry with our humans when they are facing a crisis. I’ve heard that our unconditional love for them mirrors God’s unconditional love for them.


    • I think that’s absolutely TRUE……….we know what our humans need (just as they know what WE need) and God looks out for ALL of us and gives us what we need along the journey.

      Thanks for reading!
      Love, Sammy


  2. You’re a good egg to give your mom a chance to blog her story, S. Her kind of success story gives people hope. And having hope is being part of the way to recovery. Thanks, P.

    Love and licks,

    Liked by 1 person

    • You’re right……….having hope in our hearts AND staying positive get us ALL through a whole lot in our lives – the longer we’re HERE, the more we know this to be true! THanks for reading Genevieve and Cuppycake! 🙂

      Love, Pam (and Sam)


  3. Dear Sammy and Mom!!
    Thank you for sharing your story of SURVIVAL!!! I have often heard a
    positive attitude is a big part of any health battle. You proved that with your inspiring story.
    Hugs madi and mom


    • Oh I SOOOOOOOOOOO believe in positivity. Not just through my cancer issues but other things in my life as well. Having a positive outlook has pulled me through a lot of things! I think Sam has a positive outlook too – – – he’s positive that I’ll give him a treat if he screams loud enough! 😉 Thanks for reading my story…..

      Love, Pam (and Sam)


    • Cats are magic! The cats I’ve had throughout this whole “process” have always just KNOWN that I needed extra hugs – and they delivered!! 😉 Thanks for reading my story. I wanted to participate in the LIVESTRONG blog AND repeat on Sam’s blog too.

      Hugs, Pam (and Sam)


  4. Your Mom is an amazing person, Sammy….so optimistic and so encouraging to everyone she knows!
    I’m happy she’s in my Mom’s life (although most of their friendship is “long distance”) and we are so grateful that she’s a survivor!
    Love, Sundae

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Sundae!! What a SWEET thing to say…….Mom is just one of zillions of people who have gone through that kind of journey and the LIVESTRONG blog shares a lot of those stories. Sending hugs to you AND your Mom!

      Love, Sammy


    • Your Dad is going through a tough course of treatment but just look how brave he is – and you are! He’s halfway through chemo and LIVING STRONG. Glad you all shared your story too – there will be those who will get a boost from hearing they are NOT alone!

      Love, Sammy (and Mom)


  5. Thanks for sharing your story, Pam. You are one strong, brave woman. You are a treasure. I think your story is all about hope and strength. And “happy”… attitude. I have learned a thing or two from you about what is important. I am so happy to know you! Thanks Sammy for letting your Mom use your blog to tell her story of courage! Hugs!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh Pix…..you made me leaky eyed (!!)…….seriously, thank you so much for your sweet comments….I didn’t want it to be a SAD story because to me, it’s not – it’s a hopeful story and knowing how tough it is to go through, I wanted everyone to know that I truly believe having hope and believing I would be alright were the keys (for me) to success. I know not everyone is as lucky as I was…..but if just one person reads about a SUCCESS, it might help them stay more positive. You’re a DEAR friend and I mean that from my heart to yours………..

      Love, Pam


    • Oh Ellen what an incredibly sweet thing to say……..I’m happy to have met you too and think you and your hubby do a BEAUTIFUL job of keeping your BIG crew of kitties happy, happy, HAPPY!!!!!

      Love, Pam


  6. Congratulations on being a survivor – we are happy you are at that stage. Cancer is a mean and ugly disease and we hope and pray there will be a cure one day soon. Thank you for sharing your important story.


    • We didn’t know that about your Dad Brian but we send him special “Survivor Hugs” – going through that is tough but aren’t you and I lucky that there are those who carry on and tell the tale?

      Love, Sammy (and Mom Pam);)


  7. Sammy our Mom share the dreadful Melanoma cancer stories. So far ours only had one occurrence way way back in 1991. We hope it never happens again. We are so glad your brave Mom is happily healthy now!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. In May 2014, Kyla (rescue Scottish Terrier) had a toe amputated because of melanoma. Too late-the melanoma spread and in September it was hopeless. She was given 1 to 6 months and most likely 3. She crossed the week before Christmas. Kyla was the heart and soul of this house. Melanoma is nasty stuff and you’re lucky.


    • We remember when Kyla went to the bridge……you’re right about melanoma – very sneaky form of cancer (although they all are in their own way). Believe me, I feel very lucky and every day is a gift that I don’t take for granted.

      Love, Pam (and Sammy)


    • Hi Gracie……….I’m proud of Mom but I’m proud of EVERYONE who stands up to this disease and is able to fight back. Sadly it isn’t always possible but Mom is grateful that she was one of the lucky ones!

      Love, Sammy


  9. I never have read your story before Pam. What a long and ever reoccurring role cancer has played in your life. You are a very strong woman but I knew that anyway. Your positive thinking is what got to me my friend. It is so hard to stay positive when met with pain day after day. Not to mention frustrating! You are a role model to all and especially me.

    Big hugs.



    • You have your own hard road to travel Jean….and I admire you for getting through all that you get through as well…..we all do what we HAVE to do right? I SOOOOO believe in the power of positive thinking, having faith, and believing that things get better…..you just HAVE to. Sure is better than the alternative!!!

      Love and Hugs, Pam


  10. Dat’s so pawsum awnty Pam. Mommy had dat cervical cancer too. Here’s to da survivors and purrayers to all who didn’t. Cancer is no respector of purrsons and can happen to anyone wiffout a warnin’. We too awe gwateful fur da doctors and all they know and all da continuin’ studies to learn more. Weez so glad yous still wiff us too, and dat weez had da oppurrtunity to get to know y’all. Have a pawsum day.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi


    • Oh girls I’m sorry your Mom had cancer too – isn’t it amazing how many people have dealt with it personally OR have a dear friend or relative who has? It’s impact on people is HUGE. Anyway, thanks for reading my Mom’s post. She felt strongly about sharing her story because it’s one of HOPE.

      Love, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  11. dood….tell yur mom we said thanx for sharin her storee….we noe it wuz a scaree time anda tuff time….we noe de love her getted frum ewe, dad, familee & friendz helped her thru theeze times, & we hope her never hasta go thru any of thiz again ♥♥♥♥♥


    • Thanks Tabbies! Mom is strong and with me as her “team captain”, there’s no way the EVIL C will darken our doorway again!!! Mom wanted to share her story to give HOPE to those going through the battle or who are going through it with a friend or family member (or a pet!). Thanks for being our friends you guys – and I hope you have a FRESH FISH FRIDAY…..!!!!

      Love, Sammy and Mom Pam


  12. Thank you for sharing your story Pam. You are very brave and I am so happy for you that you have defeated the evil C. My mum and dad both died young from cancer and I always had the feeling in the back of my mind that it would try to claim me too. Sure enough, on the exact date of the 30th anniversary of my mum dying, it was confirmed I also had cancer. Thankfully I had gone to my doctor as soon as I suspected something was wrong and it was caught in time. I had a full hysterectomy in May 2011 and was told that it hadn’t spread. I go for my 4th year check up next month and hopefully it will be good.


    • Oh Jackie I’m SO glad you’re also a survivor……We do have it in the back of our minds when immediate family has battled it. My Mom and Grandmother had cancer but my Mom didn’t die from it – she had alzheimers and passed from complications related to that. Cancer is just so evil but there’s a POWER in staying positive and I think I know you well enough to know that you WERE positive throughout your experience with it. I just told myself that I could beat it and I did. Catching things early is important…….I hope you continue to get PERFECT checkups dear friend…….so far so good for BOTH of us!!! WE HAVE SURVIVED……..

      Love and Hugs, Pam


  13. What a wonderful story, Pam. You have really been through a lot, and I’m sure it was not easy at all. But we are so happy that you are strong and you are a survivor.
    A friend of ours is fighting leukemia right now, and his battle is coming to an end soon…and not the end they wanted. It is so sad. He went through chemo but it just wasn’t working. He has been fighting melanomas as well, and other health issues so I think it’s all just become too much for his body (he’s in his 70’s).
    Cancer can be so disheartening, it is always good to hear the stories that it CAN be beat!


    • I’m so sorry to hear about your friend. Leukemia is a particularly horrible disease and SO debilitating. I’m really sad that he fought the fight and tried to beat it but is losing his battle. Sadly MANY MANY do. I just was one of the lucky ones. Even though my treatment was more experimental in nature it seemed to have worked since I’ve been cancer free since 2007. It is very disheartening when you HAVE IT, and when you have someone you care about who has it……..you feel helpless…..and easily an feel hopeless. But I just decided NOT to allow myself to feel hopeless and was lucky enough to beat it. I do hope that your friend’s family will make his time wonderful – memories are made up until the last moment in our lives and carry us into the heavens on their soft wings of love.

      Hugs, Pam


  14. I have tears in my eyes reading this Sammy. i had no idea your Mom had been through all that. It is good to read because it is inspiring to know people had it and dont have it anymore and are still here. Also I thought your Mom was around 50 by her looks so she is going well in ALL departments. An “attitude of gratitude” is definitely the key to a happy life. plus having special anipals like mine and you Sammy! ❤ ❤ ❤


    • Oh how sweet you are…..my Mom has been through a lot but she says it made her STRONGER and she’s sure she’s FINISHED with cancer now. It’s been since 2007 and all her checkups are PERFECT so I think she’s right! Thanks for all the compliments – you made Mom happy….I hope you and your Mom have a super duper Friday and weekend – we’re going to just enjoy our beautiful Fall weather…..chilly means snuggle time!

      Love, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  15. Mee-you Lady Pam yur a reel Sirviver an mee iss honored to know you!!!
    Did you know mee LadyMum had Cervical an Uterine Cancer back inn 1985 when shee was 29 yearss old which iss berry young! Thee Sirgeon cott it inn time an saved thee Ovarie fingss…it tooked LadyMum a year to recover an shee has been Cancer free ever sine….butt shee says it nevurr leevess her mind that shee was a lucky Hu’man……
    Fank you fur sharin yur story. An fankss fur reedin LadyMum’ss. She does not meow about it a lot 😉
    ***paw kissesss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxxxx


    • My Mom thought it was impawtant to share her story on the LIVESTRONG blog and mention it as well on ours……people fighting cancer need to hear about SURVIVORS – gives them hope! Hope is very impawtant as you know already in your young life dear boy. We must HOPE that you get better very soon too! I’m glad your Ladymum is a survivor like my Mom.

      Hugs, Uncle Sammy

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  16. Iss berry impawtent to share stories an give HOPE an comfert to otherss….. Mee Aunty Reeni next door to us iss a Cancer sirvivur also….
    Fankss fur givin mee *hope* 😉
    Fingss have firmed up an mee iss not as crampy….slowlee butt surelee Unccle Sammy….
    Mee wantss to bee a sirvivur also…
    **nose bumps** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


  17. Unccle Sammy it iss goin to bee a s-l-o recovery butt mee iss payshunt…..Ladymum says thiss bowel issue was brewin fur a long time so wee HAVE to bee payshunt.
    At leest mee iss abull to ‘go’ without xplodin 😉
    ***paw patss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxx


    • You are making good progress…..can’t expect something that had gone on for a while to be gone instantly – PATIENCE PAYS OFF…….I think you’re doing grand. Ladymum is taking care of you and you’re letting her.

      No more exploding!
      Love, Uncle Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  18. Yur rite Unccle an mee iss beein payshunt an co-operatin like a good littul mankat!
    An Woo Hoo for not beein ‘bommbastick’ or ‘bummbastick’ as LadyMum says, mew mew mew….. 😉
    **nose bumpsss** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxx


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