A Quiet Bacon Breakfast


Ahhhhh………………..peace and quiet………well mostly – there’s the Harley Davidson starting up early in the morning, the early morning mowers in the neighborhood and Mom doing 87 loads of laundry to make up for not being able to do laundry while the FLOORING PROJECT was in full tilt BUT other than that………quiet.   Bacon was available and no amount of bacon will EVER make up for my exile to the basement for THREE WHOLE DAYS.   However, it goes a long way toward my forgiveness!


So, the dust is settling around us and Mom and Dad will be cleaning maniacs for the rest of this weekend but we have new floors and when we have everything BACK in place, I’ll bore you with a final photo or two of THE END of the process…………..

Now, I know you love my bacon posters so let the fun begin!


Oh yeah – a Bacon Day without posters is like a bacon day without bacon……or something like that anyway!

Hope you get some kind of treat today like I did!   We deserve it right?



47 responses »

  1. Sounds very peaceful Sammy lol! Enjoy your bacon, we are bacon free this weekend sadly but the humans get paid Monday so we feel a bacon festival coming on then. Looking forwards to seeing pictures! Xx


  2. What a relief that the floor work is finished. For you parents, THAT was the easy part. The cleaning is the hard part. Enjoy the peace and quiet, buddy.

    Love and licks,


  3. We’re glad that your project is finally done. We hate projects not just because we get locked away but also because there is noise and strange people walking in the house. We don’t want the scents of strangers in our house. We hope your mom and dad get all the dust (and the weird scents) cleaned up and you can go back to normal. We would love to see pictures of the new floor.


    • I don’t like strangers in my house either…….it was nice to have them all “washed away” today when my parents cleaned the house up – the place looks sparkling clean and now smells like US again! HAHAHA

      Love and Hugs,


  4. Aaaaaw Sammy weez so glad everyfin’ went well and it’s all over now. Weez find these peeps don’t ever clean up after themselves very good. Glad yous enjoyed yous bacon. And by da way, we hope yous got sum kitty bag goodies fwum all da eatin’ out yous folks did. Have a gweat weekend.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi


  5. Bacon has to have made everything just perfect. And if we aren’t mistaken, maybe the evil vacula monster didn’t come out yesterday:)

    Woos – Ciara and Lightning


  6. Peace at last!!! Well, if yous still gots bacon, purrhaps mes shall floats over and has snack with yous Sammy….hmmm…mes wonders…they makes Catnip smelling bubbles, maybe someone makes BACON bubbles too!!!


  7. **throwss paw over forehead**…
    There was NO bacon thiss weekend Unccle Sammy…mee iss just flabber-gassted that mee has gone so-o long without any…
    LadyMum DID buy mee new mousie toyss tho’. They are pawsum…..
    Butt a bit of bacon wood bee so nice…. 😉
    Glad thee renos’ are dun an Life iss getting back to normal.
    ***paw patsss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxxx


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