Silly Photos


Howdy Friends!

Mom was looking through all the photos I’ve uploaded here (and the bazillions that we have that I’ve never used on my blog too) and we’ve found some incredibly SILLY photos –  many of which were done for Cat Scouts but not all.

I thought it might be fun to do a slideshow of these for your viewing entertainment.   Make sure you are not drinking a beverage while you watch……….you don’t want to spray your keyboard and/or screen and/or phone, and/or WHATEVER device you use – with LIQUID REFRESHMENT!   (it may take a minute to load – there are a lot of photos!!!)


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See what I mean?  Never a dull moment………………I do have a lot of fun don’t I ??   Thanks Mom for helping me to have the time of my life……………….and this is only a FRACTION of the wacky photos I have………………..I’m one lucky spoiled cat!

Hugs and Happy Thursday


little happy face

About onespoiledcat

We are Angel Sammy and Teddy......! Two ginger cats - one left for the Rainbow Bridge in December of 2016 (but still keeps in touch...) and the other in the "here and now" having lots of fun. Join us as we try to bring smiles to everyone around us with our blog.

70 responses »

  1. Good morning, Sammy! You have got to be the most adventurous kitty in the world!! (And I do believe I saw us cutting the rug in one of those photos….!)
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Charles!!! I’m glad you enjoyed my silly show. You know what Cat Scouts is like so you know how much FUN we have……I just DOUBLE that with my blog and I’m constantly up to my eyebrows in FUN!!!!!!

      So happy we’re enjoying a lot of these things together at Scouts Charles…………….!!!

      Hugs (and salutes) Sammy


  2. Those are great! I especially love the one of you on that saucer in the snow-your Mom needs to put that in your store. I wish I could photo edit like that.


    • Pizap – did ALL of those with good old PIZAP………we’ve been using it so long now we SHOULD know how to do things with it but once in a while Mom has the “shaky hand” and getting things “cut out” is TOUGH!!!!

      Love, Sam


  3. sammy…our favorites: hugging the groundhog, in the kangaroo’s pouch and conga with koalas. You really do have lots of fun! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • We all do, don’t we KB crew? Never a dull moment in the world of blogs……sometimes Mom wishes she had a dull moment instead of being so busy but it’s FUN – that’s the impawtant thing!

      Hugs, Sam


  4. dood…thanx for sharin theeze…we liked furst…yur fishin foto…..go figure… 🙂 we cracked UP at red ginger, yur wariorz outfit, N de bacon teecher dood pic surez,,,but ya noe…we GOTTA say….pleez due KNOT….eat yur hat …fotoz 4



  5. Oh Sammy, you really made us all giggle today!!! Hard to pick a favorite out of so many fun pics, but we do really like that one with you as a Lorax!!!

    Woos – Ciara and Lightning


      • She’s duin’ much better now dat she has medicine Sammy. Fanks fur askin’. Yous cutesy fotos were adowable. Course we luv seein’ fotos of you. Have a pawsum day

        Luv ya’

        Dezi and Lexi


          • After being BAD about my medicine for over a week, Mom tried out another flavor of baby food – beef with beef gravy – and I’m loving it. So for now, I’m taking my pill like a GOOD OLD GUY!

            Love, Sammy

            Liked by 1 person

          • Oh Sammy dat’s pawsum. Weez like da beef and beef gwavy too. Our favowit is still da ham, but beef runs a close second wiff chicken comin’ in last. MOL Weez so happy yous takin’ yous medicine llike a champ. Sissy will be da furst to tell ya’ it’s not always good, but it’s good fur ya’ and makes ya feel better. And ifin yous just choke fwu it it’s over afur ya’ know it and yous on to better fings.

            Luv ya’

            Dezi and Lexi


          • You’re right…..that ham baby food is nommy as well as the beef. I’ve been really good about taking the medicine – if Mom just changes the flavors up – I get tired of one kind. Mom usually has two or three little jars “at the ready” for pill time! Glad Lexi is taking hers too…..we know we need it but sometimes we just aren’t in the MOOD! HAHAHA

            Hugs, Sammy

            Liked by 1 person

          • Fanks Sammy. Yeah we know what you mean ’bout switchin’ it up. Mommy buys them buy da case and has 1 of each just in case weez won’t eat one of them.

            Luv ya’

            Dezi and Lexi


          • MOL Weez fur sure know dat feelin’ Sammy. Weez just glad yous takin’ yous medicine. Weez want you wound fur a long time to come.

            Luv ya’

            Dezi and Lexi


  6. ***play bowss*** to Unccle Sammy!! Mee iss amazed Unccle…is there anyfing you have not dun?? Yur simple amazin!!!
    LadyMum said yur Lepreecon foto iss adorabull an shee likes it best!!!
    Mee finks yur ‘Red Ginger’ iss heelareeuss…sorta like Chevy Chase man inn thee moviess…..
    Fankss fur a grate foto show…now mee knows lotss more ’bout you!!!
    ~~~head rubss~~~ neffkitty Siddhartha Henry~~


    • Glad you enjoyed it Nephew!!!!! Mom liked the leprechaun one too – ginger and green go well together!!! Did you get the birthday card I sent you to your Ladymum’s email? If you didn’t, let me know and I will resend!!!!

      Love and Hugs, Uncle Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Yur fotoss are so cool Unccle Sammy!!! \LadyMum says shee got yur day card fur mee an Fankss!!!
    Wee will do a bloggie tomorrow an show (off) case mee cards an give final total raised!!!
    ***paw kissess*** neffkity Siddhartha Henry xXxXx


  8. Fank you Unccle Sammy an Lady Pam fur thee luvley card! Mee will show them off durin thee week. Mee onlee did Sunday Selfie an toe-tal raised today!!
    Commint-athon was AMAZIN!!!!
    **nose kissesss**neffkitty Siddhartha Henry


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