


Where In The World Will We Go Next????

Tomorrow is Teaser Tuesday (as if you didn’t already know that!).   Well, we have a doozy tomorrow.  It’s a GUEST TEASER……….but I do believe it will be a TRUE TOUGH TEASER so bone up on your geography while you can…………..Even the King of Teasing, Mr. Easy, might have a bit of a TIME with this one.

I have you wondering for sure now right?   I suppose in a way, I’m “pre-teasing” you  today with this post…………I’ve got you on the edge of your seats yes?  You’re drooling with anticipation over tomorrow’s Teaser right?  Well stop drooling because you might short out your keyboard (ha ha ha).

Just keep in mind we have PRIZES for First Commenter on the Blog tomorrow, First RIGHT Guesser, ANY Right Guesser, and the duds who know ZIP – the Big Greenie for  wrong guesses or NO guesses.  Everybody wins………….EVERYBODY!

Spend the rest of the day studying up now………………you know you wanna win!!

Hugs, Sammy


Excuse me while I tidy up a bit – I want to look extra SMART tomorrow!


41 responses »

  1. a true tough teaser… one of the category triple T? well… let’s say maine usa :o) I remember once my mom worked for 87 hours on a road sign to find out where the photo was taken… and after glowing paws and biggiefying and filtering the sign said: main street wooohoo! bawhahahaha :o)

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Oh you little rascal, I’m shaking in my booties ! Where in the world would be so tricky that even the Big Kahuna of Teasing, Mr Easy, will be stumped? Gads! Maybe I’ll go sharpen my dart while you errrr, ‘tidy up’. Let’s hug it out……squeeezzzeee (that’s a virtual hug done really tight) ❤ ❤ xB


  3. Mee-you Unccle Sammy mee has thee “Doodette who knows ZIP” mew mew mew..
    Wee will try to get on here tomorrow morning an see thee Teezer.
    LadyMum iss all ready wunderin 😉
    **Hi-5’ss** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=


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