


Hi Everybody!  Hope you all had a good weekend…………….sorry I whined yesterday about having to take medicine from now – I should be really grateful that I reached the ripe old age of 14 and never had a medical issue – finally my age is catching up to me.  At least I can take a pill for hyperthyroidism!   I am LUCKY!

Now, here’s the reason for the subject being SunSHINE.    Last week my buddy and pal and fellow Scout Raz of Friends Furever Cat Blog gave me an award – the “Shine On Award” – which is another one I already have but in my new policy of INSTANT REPLAY of all the awards I already have but am enjoying all over again, I’m going for it again!!    First of all, thank you Raz for thinking of me.  This is one of my favorite designs on any blog award – I like how “artsy” it is and how it really does SHINE!


The rules for accepting this award are:

1. Visit and thank the blogger who nominated you. 

2. Acknowledge that blogger on your blog and link back.

3. Share 7 random facts about yourself. 

4. Nominate up to 15 other blogs for the award.

Well seven random facts should be easy to do!    Although since I just recently gave you a big pile of facts (randomly of course) about me, I’ll have to try to get seven NEW facts……so here goes:

  1. When I was a baby, I had one of those stretchy on a cord toys and Mom had put it on a doorknob for me to play with.  She left the room for a few minutes and when she came back I had the cord wrapped around my neck a couple of times from batting the toy in the air – and Mom realized immediately just how DANGEROUS those toys on a stretchy cord can be so no more of those for yours truly.
  2. Also when I was little I used to walk with my Mom down into our woods to where a great big old oak tree had fallen down on the ground before we moved here.  I loved using it like a scratch post and liked to pull the old bark off.  That old tree had lots of “bald spots” on it from me pulling off the bark.  I don’t go into the woods anymore but I bet that old tree is STILL there!
  3. I love raspberry and cherry yogurt (I think I’ve told you all that before though!).
  4. I have freckles – LOTS of them – mostly on my lips, gums and eyelids but a few on my pink paw pads too.
  5. Believe it or not I have some black hairs in my ginger coat!   Mostly on my tail but a few on my back.  You have to look closely to find them but they’re there!
  6. If I could change ONE THING about my life……………………….I wouldn’t !!   Things are perfect just the way they are……….
  7. I like to walk through puddles…..not muddy ones…..just rain puddles – especially if I see a worm in it – worms are fascinating.
Ahh....this spot will be sunny for AT LEAST another hour!

Sun Shining On Me!

Now I know that almost everyone has this award and I also know that many people (a) don’t accept awards any longer or (b) just don’t have time to work on award acceptances SO, can I just say that if you would like to have the Shine On Award (even if you already have it like I do!), please take it but follow the rules and tell people seven things about yourself…….because it’s fun to learn new stuff about our friends isn’t it?

Tomorrow is TUESDAY TEASER……………I might have a Guest Teaser for you but I’m waiting to receive it – if I don’t get it in time, it will be from my Mom’s photo albums!   So STAND BY……………………tomorrow’s Teaser will of course be at a SURPRISE TIME!!!!

Hugs and Happy Monday

Sammy (who is


…..and ON)

62 responses »

  1. Congrats Sammy and I don’t think you were whining at all..merely expressing yourself 🙂 well…I love that the scratchy tree will be there still.who knows what criiters have come and read your scratches and left their own message:) Dinnermintz also has black freckles on her mouth and black hairs..only a few but they are there when I look carefully for them..on her tocks and her head 🙂 looking forward to Teaser Tuesday Sammy 🙂 hugs and loves Fozziemum xxx


    • Ah yes the beautiful and pluxurious Dinnermintz! Sigh. Well, I hope that the animals of the woods have read my messages – I know the deer think it’s an open invitation to invade my yard but the other animals seem to know that a HUGE TIGER lives here and they’d best stay away!

      Hugs, Sammy


        • The azaleas made a STUNNING comeback from their “deer buffet” state during the early spring. Thank heavens….as long as the deer don’t attack them THIS winter we should have a beautiful Spring for the azaleas next year! YAY!!!!!

          Hugs, Sam


          • Oh awesome Sammy..i had been wondering how they fared after the Deer buffet!! so perhaps a good prune was all they had 🙂 hugs Fozziemum xxx


          • I think the older varieties of plants and trees are tougher..they seem to have been through many cycles and tend to fair a lot better..or the deer have horticultural training 😉


  2. I’m always anxious to hear more about you, Sammy. And I love that picture of the sun shining on you! Hope you have lots of sun puddles to nap in today; it’s cloudy here…
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae! Guess what – it’s cloudy here too…..maybe going to be like that ALL DAY but it’s too soon to know – still kinda dark outside! We’re going to have some excitement here today though with a big old tree coming down – hopefully in the woods and not on my roof! HAHA

      Love, Sam


  3. Concats on your award Sammy. We seem to have quite a lot in common, maybe you are my brother from a different mother.
    We are both 14.
    I like to walk in puddles.
    I walk in the wood with my mum and use one particular tree as a scratching post.
    I have black furs amongst my ginger furs. Mum says black is the new grey.
    I have some freckles, but Eric had lots.


  4. Congratulations on your repeat award, S. You’re still shining on, so re-accepting was a great idea. I also love yogurt – ALL flavors! I can’t see your black hairs, but your mom probably sees them when she cleans. Mom tells me my furs are smart – the black ones stick to her white clothes and the white ones stick to her black clothes. That’s a good thing….. Right….?

    Love and licks,


    • HAHAHAHA Cupcake….I never thought about it but I do think our furs and hairs are SMART. Mine must be smart like yours. My Mom never sits in a chair here at our house if she’s got black slacks on…..and doesn’t pick me up if she’s got on a black top – SMART HAIR??? I think so!!!!!

      Love, Sam


  5. Concatulations! I agree with you for this “doorknob-toys”, they can be dangerous… in my case it was for the door what looked like Thomas Hewitt was there with his chain saw :o) I’m ready for tomorrow, hope Kevin has a flat tire, so I can enter the finishline as the first :O)


    • Kevin is BOUND to have a flat tire at some point right? Let’s hope it’s tomorrow! I DO have a Guest Teaser for tomorrow……will be interesting to see who gets it!! Yes that doorknob toy was cute but I whacked it so good it flew around and managed to nab me around my tiny neck…..good thing Mom was home at the time or NO MORE SAMMY.

      Hugs, Sammy


  6. I don’t recall you doing any whining Sam. I know a blog kitty that has/had hyperthyroidism, and I am sure you know some too with all your friends. He is doing just fine, his name is Estorbo. Just use this as an opportunity to get more BACON! Congratulations on your award, it was fun hearing more about you. I didn’t know about the yogurt or the freckles!


    • Hi Miss Pix! I am the king of freckles although Mom and I think it’s amazing I don’t have freckles on my nose like most “freckle-faced kitties” have! We know lots of cats with thyroid issues and WORSE who are doing great so I plan to be one of those…..Mom gets my new meds tomorrow and the GREAT EXPERIMENT will commence! HAHA

      Hugs, Sammy


  7. FreckleS! All Gingers has freckles (at least my Mommy and her sister does!
    How cool that yous has them too. Can mes come over and kiss each and every one?
    Adn Sammy, mes ALWAYS loves hearing facts about yous.


    • Oh Nellie you’re welcome to kiss my freckles ANY TIME AT ALL!!!! My Mom has bunches of freckles too although she’s not a redhead – fairskin though! I hope you have a super wonderful day dear girl…….

      Love and Kisses, Sammy


  8. WHINING? Surely you don’t mean that oh-so-refined little discussion of the Stabby Place the other day? Phfft–if you call *that* whining, you don’t get around much, Buddy 😉


    • I know…..whining is a fine art and I’m not a very good artist. You’d think after 14 years of squeaking to get my way, a good WHINE would be in me just dying to get out right? I’ll have to work on it!

      Hugs, Sammy


  9. We always love learning new things about our furiends. And we are tickled that you are accepting awards you already have. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for visiting on our 2nd blogoversary to celebrate with us! You have become such a good furiend during these two years. Our mom is still hoping that she and Mom Pam will be able to get together in the future. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • I’m trying to talk my Mom into going to Blogpaws in Nashville……….but then again she wouldn’t even go to the one there was at Tysons Corner so how can I get her to go to Nashville???!!!! Meanwhile, one of these days maybe we can round up a bunch of Virginia bloggers SOMEWHERE for a get-together. I bet my girlcatfriend Sundae’s Mom would be up for that!

      Hugs, Sammy
      p.s. Mom sent you some photos for photoshopping for the trip!!!!


  10. We gonna call ya “Sunshine Sammy” frum now on 😉
    Ya DOEZ bringz sunshine into our livez me furend!!! Ya deeserve diz award a bazillion timez over@
    Me nott nose ’bout da yogurt; me likez strawberry…nommie guud!!
    Yow me can just see ya in a rain puddle watchin a worm…
    Lub ❤ Nylablue ❤ n Mum too x0x0


    • I like raspberry yogurt the best BUT cherry is pretty yummy too. My Mom loves strawberry and I’ll eat it until I come to a piece of fruit then I freak out and run off. HAHAHAHAHA

      Hugs, Sammy


  11. Concats on your award Sammy! You always make our day sunny! So sorry you have to start taking medicine 😦 Hope it keeps you feeling good and around for a very long time! I know we say it a lot, but you are the one who inspired Mom and I to start blogging, so you have a special place in Mom’s heart 🙂
    Marty and Mom


    • Yeah – medicine won’t be fun but I’m gonna try to be good about it….no whining – just taking it like a good boy. Mom’s always telling me I’m a “good boy” so now it’s time I live up to that reputation!!!! Know what? I think that is VERY special that I inspired you and your Mom to start blogging – that makes me truly WARM all over!

      Love and special Hugs, Sammy


  12. Concats on the award for the second time! We enjoyed reading those random facts about you! It’s always nice to learn more about our furiends 🙂
    Looking forward to (not) guessing the Teaser correctly tomorrow! 😉


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