Sorta Silent Sunday


Bloodwork from vet check came back……this old guy in good shape


Gonna have to take thyroid meds (hyperthyroidism) in addition to Cosequin for my achey-breaky arthritis.  YUCK


But I’m gonna be good and take my pills……I promise!  


97 responses »

  1. happy the old guy is doing good and I take thyroid pills and when I don”t I have no energy or motivation.
    Take care.


    • HA! That’s right – it should be interesting trying to catch up to a floating pill while we’re floating around ourselves right Easy??? I’m going to try my best to be good and take the pills…..Mom’s going to wear a suit of armor to protect herself from claws…HAHAHA

      Hugs, Sam


    • I’m so persnickety about food Mom’s thinking I’ll be a pain in the neck to give a pill to but I also think she’s smart enough to try smashing it to smithereens and mixing it in my food so purrrrrhaps it will be easy!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Thanks for the pep talk Charlie…..I know lotsa older cats (and some younger) get thyroid problems so I’m not worried about that part – Mom’s worried about me taking the medication but I’m going to TRY HARD to cooperate!!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  2. Aw… least you don’t have to get insulin shots twice a day like my pawrents’ former kitty, Beezy! You will do GREAT, Sammy: you are a trouper!
    Love, Sundae


  3. Aww Sammy my darling don’t be sad..the up side is this is a treat scamming opportunity..milk it my friend 🙂 glad everything else went great though 🙂 hgs and loves Fozziemum xxx


  4. Our angel cousin Lemew had to take meds for his thyroid for like 7 years (and he lived to be almost 18). While taking a pill isn’t great, we know you will do it like a champ to stay healthy so you can tease us all!


  5. Dearest Senior señor Sammy…we might be seniors but our hearts and minds are teenagers! Hugs
    Senior señorita
    Madi your BFFF


    • Hi Madi my girl!!!! You’re right – we seniors might have falling apart bodies (not you of course – ME!) but in our heads we’re younger than Springtime…..Mom says she feels like that herself!! I hope your lab work is good – make sure and let us know OK???

      Hugs, Sammy


  6. Aww Sammy medication sucks but if it helps then it’s worth it. My humans mum takes them everyday and she has almost forgotten about it now it’s just a routine. Maybe you can get extra bacon for it?! Hehe!


  7. Oh boy! Lucky you, S. Medicine means cheeses, or peanut butter, or bologna, or something yummy to wrap the medicine in. Unless it’s chewable, like the Cosequin… Either way – yum! Medicine is amazing.

    Love and licks,


  8. Sam don’t have a sads! Your Mom is going to take care of you and I see bacon, lots of bacon in your future. You will do fine with that little capsule.. what little capsule? Just a little sprinkle on some bacon Mom! You are gonna have both Mom and Dad in the palm of your paw!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    • Hi Miss Pix….thanks for the pep talk – just what I needed. I was feeling sorry for myself and I shouldn’t because I have been SOOOOOOOOOOO lucky for 14 years and just being here that long is a gift. I’m going to try really hard to eat my pills like a big boy. Mom will try all kinds of tricks to get me to take my medicine – she’s sneaky that way!

      Hugs, Sammy


  9. Oh Sammy, I feel so sad for you. I hate pills. I know they are good for you but really…..hoomins, fix the taste! Mom gets any liquid version of the med for Kali as she is usually the one on meds. Giving her the liquid is easier on both of them.



    • Hi Shoko….I know poor Kali has to take medication but I bet she’s brave. I’m going to TRY to be. This stuff isn’t available in liquid as far as I know but when we pick it up from the vet we’ll ask about that! THanks for the tip!

      Hugs, Sammy


  10. Hi Sam,

    Welcome to the club. I have had Rheumatoid Arthritis for 44 years and I have been taking all kinds of meds to be able to function. Yes, it is much more fun not to take meds, but some of us are old hands at it. You are quite a handsome fellow, bet you are also fun to be with – that will never change no matter what your body does.

    Wishing you a continued wonderful life,


    • Hi Miss Lee! Nice to meet you……My Mom has arthritis but not RA – I know RA is very painful and tough but I do hope your medication is helping you. I’m sure I’ll be just fine once I get used to taking pills – I’ve just been lucky in my 14 years and haven’t had to ever take a pill before! My Mom is very sneaky though so I’m sure she can disguise it and I won’t even know I’m taking it! Moms are like that…..hahaha

      Hugs, Sammy


    • I’m only sad because I’ve been healthy for so long but I guess stuff catches up to us when we get older! Mom says she knows that herself (hahahahaha). I’m going to be a good boy about taking my medicatons Miss Julianne I promise!

      Hugs, Sammy


  11. No reason to be sad. Does your mom have a “Cat Piller”? It’s rubber tipped plunger that your mom would use to get the pill way into our mouth. My mom did it for many many years for my Angel Brofur Mickey. When he had to take multiple pills she put them all in a gelatin capsule and he only had to suffer the piller once. Be brave and know it will help you feel better.


    • I promise I’m going to try to be brave Charles…….My Mom talked to our vet about that piller – he suggested instead of forcing me to take the pill to give pill-pockets a try OR crush it up and give it to me with a treat. Mom says if she has to do it though she will (the Cat Piller) because I HAVE to take the thyroid stuff for sure!!! Thanks for the encouragement Charles……….I appreciate it!

      Hugs, Sammy


  12. Hey Sammy! I have been taking joint medicine for awhile now and I am feeling much better. My human mixes it in with my dinner and if I eat it all I get a treat!


    • Oh that’s good to hear! I’ve only heard great things about Cosequin and Mom picks it up from my vet tomorrow so I’m going to give it a try. I’m glad that you’re able to eat it easily AND that you feel better…..nothing worse than achey-breakie joints!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Oh Cody Mom tried to get me to try a pill pocket and not only did I spit it out – I ran AWAY from it! HAHAHA But she’s going to get something figured out – you know how sneaky our Moms can be – I’m going to try to cooperate too!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  13. Sorry to hear that, Sammy, but it sounds typical and not too bad for an old guy like you. I’m sure Mom will put those pills inside something yummy and it won’t be so bad. But yes, you’d better be a good boy and take them!


  14. Pills!!! Mes HATES pills! EXCEPT when they is given with cream cheese. Mes really really likes the spreadable smoked salmon flavor!


    • Nellie my Mom made a note of that – she thinks she’ll have to come up with something incredibly nommy to hide my medication in and THAT sounds delish!!! THanks for the hint….maybe that will work?????

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


  15. Awww, poor baby, having to take all those medicines. But we have a couple friends who take hyperthyroid medicine and they are doing very well! Hang in there Sammy!


    • Since I began talking about it I’m finding that LOTS AND LOTS of kitties have thyroid problems. I think maybe I’ve just been super spoiled NOT having any medical issues my entire life until now. At age 14 I’ve been lucky and I’m going to take my pills like a MAN! HAHAHA

      Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

    • Well I know that I’m a very lucky guy to ONLY have that problem now that I’m a senior dude….some kitties have lots of medical issues and I only have thyroid problems so I’m gonna be BRAVE!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  16. Do nott panick over da meddycashun fer da thyroid Sammy! me 2 Cuss-inz Allura n Jetsia both take dem tabz crushed in dere wet food n no taste or anyfing! Seemz da thyroid prublem iz beecomin more preveelant in kittehz 😦
    Yer still gorgeeuss fer a mature n hansum kitteh n we all lubz ya oodlez!
    Yer furendz Nylablue n Sherriellen Mum x0x0x0


    • Thanks for the encouragement Nylablue…..Mom thinks I’ll eat the meds in my food and won’t even notice – – – that remains to be seen but I’m gonna give it a try!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


      • Trust me Sammy dere iz NO taste to da meddycashun ya haz to take. Ya will not nose ya iz eben takin it in yer food!! Me Cuss-inz haz bin on dat meddycashun fer almost 2 yeerz now n dey iz lookin guud n feelin fine 🙂
        We iz purrayin fer ya “Sunshine” Sammy 🙂
        Lub ❤ Nylablue ❤


  17. Sammy, Buddy! One of the Kitties Who Came Before took thyroid pills for years and years and did great on them. We think you will get used to it and probably feel much better!

    I read your post on how to behave at the vets, and I’m glad it works for you. But I have to tell you my method:

    Behave like a barely contained rabid wolverine.
    Get anesthesia.
    Everything is done while you are unconscious.
    Wake up.
    Go home.

    Punish the Human for *weeks* and *weeks*.

    Works for me.


    • Spitty I think your method is absolutely fabulous if it works for you. Most of the office staff at my vet are girlies and they just seem to like my “adorable/innocent/pitiful” look rather than the “tear it up/claw them to bits” thing although I did my fair share of that in my youth!!! Thanks for telling me about the kitty who came before taking thyroid stuff – Mom thinks she can sprinkle it on my food and I won’t even notice….HA!

      Hugs, Sammy


        • Don’t think she hasn’t thought of that……….but I actually don’t eat THAT much bacon… least not enough to get the whole pill’s worth on it! We’re thinking yogurt might be the answer – I’m a sucker for raspberry yogurt……it might work!

          Hugs, Sam


    • Thanks Dezi……Mom’s having a time getting me to eat the thyroid medicine – even all ground up and smushed up in yogurt or butter (my favorite treats) – I can tell something’s “up” and won’t eat it. Mom’s going to have to look into having it compounded into a cream that she can rub inside my ear….then I’ll just absorb the medication instead of having to eat it. That might work!

      Hugs, Sammy


      • Aaaaaw Sammy sowwy yous tuwnin’ up yous nose at da medicine. Has yous mommy twied a pill pusher yet? Meez hates them, but is da only way meez will take a pill. MOL But meez glad yous can always get it in a cweam.

        Luv ya’



        • Mom thought about that pill pusher thing but this morning she tried the yogurt trick and it worked so we’ll see how long that DOES work before we consider alternatives. I told her this morning (haha) that I’d cooperate from now on if she did NOT get a pill pusher!!!!!

          Hugs, Sammy


          • MOL Glad yous coopurratin’ Sammy. Meez gotta tell yous da pill pushew not be yous furiend. And meez knows this first hand. MOL Mommy twies tu always get meez medicine (ifin meez has tu take any) in a liquid form cuz meez not good ’bout takin’ pills. Mommy dusn’t even twy anymowe. Hers just goes fur da pill pushew fwum da stawt. MOL

            Luv ya’



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