Weekend Wrap-Up


Whew!   Did Easter exhaust you as much as it did me?  Well, we were pretty busy around here and while it was all FUN and the Bunny brought treats, my parents were on the go and I didn’t get a lot of time with them.  I’m glad it’s Monday.  Time for some catching up.

First I have a few pix from my Mom’s trip to visit her sister – my Auntie Carol – last week and I wanted to show you my Cousins……Shih Tsus Mollye, and Toby.   Mollye only has one eye because when my Aunt rescued her, she’d been a puppy mill Mommy all her life and had no vet care…..she had glaucoma very bad in one eye and also never had dental care so Aunt Carol had her work cut out for her but Mollye is one great big sweetie love bug.   She has problems ambulating because she was kept in a cage all her life just having puppies so her little legs had quite an adjustment to make when she could run and walk like a normal pup!   Anyway, she’s doing just fine………and her big brother Toby takes good care of his sister!  They are great friends and very close.

MollyeApril2014 TobyApril2014

Then of course we had Easter!  This is me and my Easter basket the Bunny very kindly brought to me.  I know many of you wanted to know how my Dad did with the big Easter Bunny egg hunt………well, he found ALL the eggs thanks to my help and a bit of help from Mom.   Mom and I hid the eggs in the basement before Dad got up and I helped Mom pick some GREAT spots……it took my Dad about 45 minutes to find 11 eggs!!   HAHAHA

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So I hope your Easter was a goodie?  If you don’t celebrate Easter I hope you had a fabulous weekend anyway……………………don’t you DARE forget that tomorrow is Tuesday Teaser!!   You don’t want to forget that now do you?   The other thing about tomorrow is that I am going to be a guest on my good buddy and Cousin (haha) Bacon the pig’s blog tomorrow.  You know his regular column “Dear Bacon” where he gives advice to animals who have problems of all kinds???  Well, I’m doing a guest spot for him tomorrow.  Five distraught animals have sent letters to Cousin Bacon and I’m stepping in to answer their questions or solve their problems for them tomorrow!  Make sure and visit Bacon’s blog Tuesday to see how I’ve tried to help these five poor lost souls find their way………………… 😉

Guess that’s about it for me for a Monday………………..see you tomorrow???  The Teaser will be waiting for you………..and you know you don’t want to miss that!!



95 responses »

    • Today will be a “DAY OF NAPS”………I’m pooped, my Mom and Dad are pooped, and we think we deserve a break in the festivities!!! I hope you had a grand Easter too??!!! You’re right about Mollye AND Toby – they have the BEST possible home.

      Hugs, Sam


  1. We only barely celebrate Easter here, and only secularly… basically my human’s boyfriend gives her flowers and an Easter basket full of dark chocolate and we kitties get – NOTHING! At least we did not have to put on hats or anything.


    • Oh dearie me…..your human’s boyfriend certainly knows how to treat her – my Mom’s a “sucker” for dark chocolate and flowers…(HINT HINT FOR NEXT YEAR DAD!!!). I’m glad you didn’t have to suffer the indignity of a hat. Thankfully mine was photoshopped and not for real.

      Hugs, Sammy


  2. OMC Sammy what a Easter you’s had. 🙂 You’s got a basket and evewfin’, dat’s so cool. Meez wulda luved tu see you’s daddy seawchin’ fur hims eggs. Meez suwe dat you and you’s mommy hid dem well. Meowsy glad you’s had a Pawsum weekend and a wunnewful Easter. You’s cousins are adowable. Hav a Pawsum Munday!!

    Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses 😀



    • Hi Dezi! You did SO WELL on the Scouts Easter egg hunt! Good for you! I only found TWO…but Mom couldn’t help me much since they had to leave for next door. Anyway, it was fun! I hope you and your sister Lexi and your Mom had a nice Easter?? Did the Bunny visit you??

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


      • Fank you’s Sammy mommy’s eyes wus cwossin’ afur it wus ovew. Meez bet you’s wulda found ’em all ifin you’s kulda stayed. 🙂 It wus gway and wainy here all day, but da fundew stowms didn’t stawt til last nite so we’s cuddled wiff mommy most of da day. It wus purrfect!! But no da bunny didn’t come here. We’s nevew seen a Easter wiff all those baskets and toys and tweats and stuff. but is okay, you’s can’t miss what you’s nevew had. 🙂 Hope you’s hav a Pawsum Day!!

        Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses 😀



    • Hi Cupcake! I’ve never laid eyes on the pups because when Auntie Carol visits she has a dogsitter take care of them at their house. They travel alright in a car but two hours is a bit too long for them. They’re close to my size though so I think we’d be alright playing together…..!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  3. What a busy few days at your house, Sammy! So wonderful that your auntie Carol rescued sweet little Mollye and gave her a good home with lots of love.
    Cute Easter basket. Glad you helped your pawrents with the egg hunt!
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae! Yes, Dad couldn’t handle the egg hunt without me giving him hints. I can’t help myself. I watch where Mom hides them then show Dad where they are….HAHAHA….we’re quite a team! I hope you had a wonderful Easter too!

      Love, Sam


  4. 45 minutes for 11 eggs, wow that were teaser-eggs hahahaha. I’m glad the small bunny landed at your house and has a chance to survive… :o) I’m ready for tomorrow, my catalogues are prepared :o)


    • Hi Easy! You sure did a number on those stuffies you had in your Easter basket – in fact you almost ate your entire basket didn’t you? HAHAHA Hopefully you didn’t have any “reaction” to eating cardboard like you get with green beans and cheesecake….DANGER DANGER…..see you in the morning with your catalogs!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  5. Mollye and Toby are lovely!
    I’m glad you’ve been having fun.
    I’ll remember to check out your guest post as well as your Teaser tomorrow – you are a busy boy, Sammy!


  6. God bless your Auntie Carol for rescuing Mollye from that horrid puppy mill. Mollye and Toby look like real sweeties! And how thoughtful of your peeps to get you an Easter basket, Sammy! Sounds like you came out a winner this weekend! You’re always a winner in our book! Love from Simone the collie and Eddie & Lucy the JRs.


    • Hi Gang! I had a super fun Easter and I hope you all did too….the Bunny found his way to my house again this year and I’m glad considering all the foxes that live in our woods – he has to keep hopping VERY FAST!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  7. Puppy mills are horrible places and should be banned. We’re glad Mollye was rescued and has a wonderful forever home now.

    We had a nice Easter…..glad you enjoyed the Egg Hunt at Scouts!! We’re looking forward to the Tuesday Teaser!!!

    The Florida Furkids


  8. Awesome Cousin!! I love your basket that the Easter bun bun left. I got mine too and I was OVERJOYED with all of that goodness. Love your other cousins! Can’t wait for your post tomorrow! XOXO – Bacon


    • Hi Bacon! I’m sending everybody to YOUR blog tomorrow – I hope they enjoy my “guest appearance” there!!!! You sure did get some good stuff in your basket – I guess we all did. GROOVY!

      Hugs, Sam


  9. dood…at leest yur dad finded all de eggs….stooooooooooooopid things that they R…. did ya get any bacon in yur baskit? we dinna see any N thinked may bee ewe had eated it all reddy !!! happee bee lated easturr….see ewe two morrow in….scotland !!!! ♥


    • That’s right guys – no bacon in those shots because I did away with that FAST!! So you think tomorrow’s Teaser might be Scotland huh? Well, I can tell you this (and it’s not cheating!!!) it is NOT Scotland!

      Hugs, Sam


    • Hi Miss Layla……Mollye was such a sad little girl when my Aunt got her…she didn’t move, could barely walk, and would gather all the “little things” she could into her bed like they were her puppies to take care of them (toys, etc.) because that’s all she knew how to do. My Aunt worked with her for a very long time to reassure her and get her out of her shell and she’s absolutely the most delightful and happy little dog EVER. Sadly more puppy mill dogs have no happy ending like Mollye.

      Hugs, Sammy


  10. Sounds like you had a nice Easter and a fun time helping your dad with his egg hunt. 45 minutes to find 11 eggs?!? You and your mom must have hid them really well. How about that Cat Scout egg hunt though, huh? That was a hard one too! Anyway, glad you had a nice day, and we can’t wait to see your guest post tomorrow!


    • The Scout egg hunt was – well – HARD!!!! I only found TWO…..I felt my age BIG TIME….all the youngsters whipping around the site finding them and I was “Mr. Slow”. Yes, on Dad’s egg hunt – Mom and I looked for really TOUGH spots to hide them – inside things, under things – our basement is full of “stuff” so there were a lot of spots to hide them!! Tee Hee….

      Hugs, Sam


  11. We had a busy day here too with all the family over for dinner. The grandbipeds took over our outdoor kingdom with soccer balls, and bubbles, and four square games, but we managed to run enough interference to keep them all on the run. By the end of the afternoon we were all readdy for a good nap. Phantom didn’t get to run, but he did enjoy some ham and turkey:)

    Woos – Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning


    • Hi Charlie! I saw you in the evening sun having a nice bit of beautiful green grass on your blog yesterday – it looked like a beautiful day. I’m glad you got to spend some time with your Mom enjoying the great outdoors!

      Hugs, Sam


    • I lucked out big time didn’t I? I’ve already worked my way through most of the goodies in my basket. I’ve left it out just in case the Bunny makes another run through my house…..

      Hugs, Sammy


  12. Sounds like you had a delightful Easter. Once again I didn’t get anything. I wouldn’t even eat the ham the peeps cooked. I hope those were chocolate eggs that your Dad was hunting for cos 45 minutes is a long time to keep real eggs out of the ‘frigerator.


  13. Wow Sammy! It looks like you had a really pawsome Easter. Temptations?! Cinco and Manna love those treats. You are a lucky kitty. Your cousin that made it out of the puppy mill alive is pretty lucky too. I hate it that people treat animals that way sometimes.


  14. Huh. Well you really lucked out in the Human Department cause I didn’t even *get* an Easter basket (oops, another blow to her Spring Break grades!). She *did* buy me a toy at PetSmart, but so far it’s been a pretty ho-hum plaything. It is a wand toy, which is my favorite kind of toy, but for some reason it doesn’t might my fire. Oh well, another C- in her future….


    • Well this week off thing wherein she was supposed to lavish extra attention upon your Kingly self to make up for the days, months, and years of neglect isn’t working out so well so far? Well, it’s only Tuesday…..she has some more time to work on things. A wand toy that leaves you wanding (oops I mean wanting) is an epic fail. I agree.

      Hugs, Sammy


  15. EEoww nice to see Toby again n to meet Mollye! Me understandz about beein a puppy mill Mum…almost 5 yeerz of dat buziness! Me losted all me teefiez n got da Feline Herpes Virus n da Chronick Cystitis…phankz to da puppy mill…eben me health probz now are reelated back to me earlee dayz 😦
    Da Hu’Manz who take us in n lub us deespite all our probz are da BERY BERY bestest Hu’manz in da werld!
    Hurrah fer gettin all yer fave eastur nommiez n me lubz yer blue neck cur-cheef!! Stylin as usual Sammy!
    Much lub Nylablue n Mum too xoxoxo


    • Hi Nylablue…..yes puppy mills are just AWFUL and so are kitty mills…..why people do that is – well – beyond me!!! Anyway, you AND Mollye found wonderful Moms and have wonderful lives now……YAY!

      Hugs, Sammy


  16. Sammy, mommy and me never really know about puppy and even kitty mills until we got into the CB. There is, just as in here today, excellent information. And tragic information too. You wish those places were all wiped off the face of the earth. They are a scourge.


    • You’re SO right Katie…..but the more we do talk about them the more attention they will get and the HARDER it will be for them to stay in business!! Mollye and Toby were two of the lucky ones….

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


  17. Awwww, how nice to have your very own basket from Mr Bunny, he hopped by my house and just kept going. At least I got lunch at Starbucks. Loved your slide show too cause it’s fun to see all your lovely orange stripes and widdle ears from way up there. xoxK


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