Cabin For Rent


Hi Peeps!  Happy Caturday!

You know, today when my Mom was doing the housecleaning and she was dusting the “stuff” on the tables in the living room, she picked up what really is my FAVORITE “thing” to give it a dust.  When it landed back on the table I sat there looking at it closely – realizing that my Daddy is really VERY talented!

Why?  Well, he made this little cabin for my Mom.  Mom used it last Christmas as part of her Christmas decorations so that’s why the little fake trees are around it BUT, just look at the cabin itself.  How cool is this anyway? 

Well if I was one inch tall I’d live here for sure!

He sat in the back yard for months whittling little sticks to little square, log-shaped lengths, found wood for the roof, made the door, outlined the windows…..put a stack of wood on the front porch… was a LOT of work!   Once he got all the parts ready, he built the cabin – my Mom made the little faded orange pumpkin out of a tiny acorn and sat it on the front porch as a decoration. 

Yep – this is totally livable (for a leprechaun)…..

The little cabin is Mom’ favorite thing too………back when my Mom had finished her first kids book “Rainbow Forest Fables”, she had thought about using the little cabin for the cover of the book as the home for the Guardian Angel of the Rainbow Forest (a forest fairy).  She did something else for the cover ultimately BUT I thought the cabin was so “livable” that ANYONE would love to live in it. 

I just bet there’s a leprechaun or forest fairy somewhere who would be mighty happy to set up housekeeping in such a nice little house, don’t you?  Perhaps I’ll take it out to the woods and put a “FOR RENT” sign on it……maybe I can make a buck or two??????

Happy Caturday!

Kitty Hugs, Sammy 😀 😀

36 responses »

    • Oh boys, I think it would perfectly piggy-sized! You could have a holiday home in the woods of Virginia. There are a lot of chipmunks wandering in the woods and you could make friends with them – have them over for drinks and snacks – what fun!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Alfie…..I can totally imagine the piggies renting the place. There may be a few grumbles from the local chipmunk population BUT I think the piggies and chippies would make good neighbors, don’t you???

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Miss Pix! My Mom has a teeeeeeeny sized pig that fits right on the front porch too! I think a bear would be happier there than a pig though don’t you?? The stacked wood and pumpkin/acorn were Mom’s ideas. Cool huh?!

      Kitty Hugs and Happy Saturday


  1. It is a sweet little cabin! He is truly talented…you are so lucky, Sammy – both of your parents are gifted people! (I am being a slacker about commenting these days – I have been having trouble keeping up!)
    Hugs, Linda


    • Hi Miss Linda! Don’t feel bad about not keeping up – how do you think me and Mom feel when we can READ your blog but can’t COMMENT on it!!!!! We do love your photos and stories though….and we know you read us when you can.

      The little cabin is way cool isn’t it? Mommy wants a matching outhouse now. 😀 😀 😀

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  2. What a clever little entrepreneur you are Sammy. Renting out that delightful cabin seems like a brilliant idea to me. My word, you Dad really is talented. I also had no idea that your Mom is a published author – well done and so talented as well. You are one lucky cat, living with such remarkable parents!


    • Now don’t say such nice things and make my parents’ heads explode! HAHA Dad never carved a thing in his life before Mom saw him whittling in the backyard with his old boy scout knife…my Mom has been writing for years. She’s writing a little kids book now about a colony of feral cats that lives in the woods!!! Guess who’s helping with THAT one too??!!!

      As for renting out the cabin………no takers yet…….I thought I had a chipmunk ready to move in but he said he needed a garage for his Chipmobile. Oh well – I’m sure I’ll find someone else!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hmm…well, it’s a mighty small cabin – in fact, I’m not entirely sure a big fat chipmunk could get through the door! It may be more suited to a field mouse (gee…come to think of it those little things are mighty tasty!).

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Caren….glad you like David’s little cabin project – it took him several months to whittle the little logs – you can tell he really worked hard to make it a “perfect” little cabin. I’m after him now to make me an outhouse to go with it (tee hee). Glad you enjoyed the “regular” post – Sam’s knee-deep in Mollie’s Kidnapping so I’m answering this for him. WINK

      Happy Saturday!
      Hugs, Pam


    • Sparkle, if you were going to be my renter, I’d put fluffy curtains in the windows and install wall-to-wall (litter or carpet – your choice of course). It is lovely though isn’t it????

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Misaki! Heck, if it was bigger I’d live in it myself! 😉 It looks quite comfortable doesn’t it?! No indoor plumbing though – on the other hand, you and I don’t need that do we? We’re used to the great outdoors when it comes to some “necessaries” !!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • My Dad had a hidden talent with the whittling thing….I’m glad he put it to good use and made the tiny cabin. Looks like I have a lot of possible renters lining up for a chance to occupy!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy 😀


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