Tag Archives: dog dispute



Well, I must admit I didn’t think I’d EVER do more than one blog post a day but things seem to have gone from bad to worse with my friend Mollie! 

Some of you know that Mollie and Doggy have been involved in a dispute over “The Great Paw Token” issue – and in fact, yours truly was called to be the Judge in the dispute which was ultimately settled by Lady Litchie, Mediator to the stars. 

Well, in a gesture of goodwill, Doggy invited Mollie to have dinner with him in his castle.  They apparently dined and shook paws and settled their differences over cocktails – Doggy says Mollie left to head home BUT, dear friends – SHE NEVER ARRIVED HOME!  You can read the report by her housemate Alfie HERE !

Mollie in her Cleopatra outfit preparing for dinner with Doggy in his castle!

The guinea pig reporters from Hutch A Good Life infiltrated the castle grounds through the sewer system and have not located Mollie so we believe she is missing and/or kidnapped! 

Several of Mollie’s friends including Misaki, Lady Litchie, and Jet have started a search effort and I’ve decided to join in – after all I like to keep my FBI skills up to date.  I am currently patrolling the skies above Doggy’s castle grounds and the immediate vicinity looking for anything suspicious.

Sammy's new hobby - hang gliding!

Looking for Mollie!

No doubt as this story unfolds, there will be more information but I wanted you to know that I, Samuel Kimmell, have heard the calling to assist a Damsel In Distress……….Good Golly Miss Mollie!
