Sunday Selfies Blog Hop


Sunday!  Selfie time!   YAY!    If you have a selfie to share, you can click the badge above to enter it in The Cat On My Head’s blog hop.   Always fun catching up with what our friends are doing (like posing for selfies)…………..AND today I’m actually sharing a selfie that does NOT show me sleeping!

Mom and I have a tradition of early morning grooming by her chair in the living room.    Dad is usually still asleep upstairs and we’re starting our day together with a good brushing and tickle session with her in her chair and me by her on the floor.    I keep my favorite “things” there….and my brush is a favorite thing.  I roll over on my back and like for her to brush my tummy.    Just a little thing we do together every single day.

After a good brushing I head over to my food bowl where breakfast is waiting………I eat (slurp) one small can of cat food that Mom puts water in to make it “soupy” which is how I like it……so I have my breakfast soup (not all of it at one time of course) – then come back for more brushing.   Then I go back for seconds from the bowl.    I hardly ever eat ALL of it though so later on in the day I ask Mom for a few Friskies “Tastefuls” and get about 8-10 of those and that’s all I eat every day.    That’s how I maintain my svelte figure (hahahaha).

So you’re getting two selfies today and when it came to choosing one of those to make a puzzle of, Mom thought this one had more interesting items in it to make for a more challenging puzzle so here it is!

All you have to do is click this mini-me photo and GOOD LUCK with the puzzle!!

So Mom and I have things to do today – I’ll snoopervise whatever she’s doing and wait for an opportunity to ask her to take me outside for a yard cruise.   Hope your day is as interesting as mine will be – AND thanks to The Cat On My Head for hosting Selfies!

Hugs, Teddy

About onespoiledcat

We are Angel Sammy and Teddy......! Two ginger cats - one left for the Rainbow Bridge in December of 2016 (but still keeps in touch...) and the other in the "here and now" having lots of fun. Join us as we try to bring smiles to everyone around us with our blog.

48 responses »

  1. Oh, boy, that tock’s photo is really darling. We want so much to brush YOUR tummy, Mr Teddy. Mama would LOVE to do that…THEY are off to family in Italy tomorrow but I am holding the fort quite well, despite lot of water in my garden! I stay high and dry, haha.


  2. Teddy! I enjoyed seeing your day so far! I enjoy knowing and seeing too, what your routine is in the mornings. Or any time of day, really. I’ll make mom look for those Tastefuls today! I’ll bet I’ll like them. Your mom has a good way of serving your meal to you…other’s of us may want to follow suit. Me, I get plenty of water because of my two health problems but if I didn’t, your idea is a good one to try. 


    • My day just got better – Mom and I just came in from our first OUT of the day. It’s wet out there since it rained last night AND foggy but that makes it kind of QUIET so we enjoyed our walk around the house two times. I got wet so Mom had to wipe off my feeties and tummy before we came in and now I’m on the guest room bed getting ready for Nap #1 for the day. Friskies Tastefuls come in two flavors and I like Mom to alternate between the two (yes I’m picky sometimes). Hope you and your Mommy have a super day Katie!

      Love, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Teddy, Our Mummy also adds water to Our moist foods and makes it, if not completely soupy, at least more like mousse or something similar. Mousse sounds like Mouse, so We think that’s cool (mol).We are using her WordPress account again, because We can’t seem to comment using Our own Blogspot account.The J-Cats


    • Sorry about not being able to comment with your OWN account gang but so happy to hear from you again. Some of us do like mousse(mouse) or at least WETTER than WET food. As long as we eat well right?

      Hugs, Teddy


  4. Hey, Teddy, happy to see more of you today. Wish we could have see your sweet face. Not all of us like brushing, but Mom is happy the worst shedders, Coop and Lisbeth, love it. Thanks for the puzzle and thanks for hopping. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh


  5. It was wet here this morning, too….in fact it was pouring buckets!! With some sky grumblies to along with the rain. Right now it is very humid and the sun is out, to help brew up more srorms. We are thankful none were severe, and we feel so bad for all those affected by the tornadoes the past coupe of days.

    Loved seeing you in ‘awake mode’!

    We pups enjoy brushies, too, and ‘she’ gets half a Benji on the floor when he gets his brushies, LOL!


  6. That sounds like a really nice ritual Teddy. We have three cats who love a brush including Jack our ginger! Teddy the tuxedo can HEAR you pick up the brush and comes dashing in! Unbelievable.


    • I love my brush….right next to Mom’s chair always on the floor…..and sometimes when she’s in her chair watching TV I’ll come up and lie down with the brush between my paws and rub my OWN face on the brush – it makes Mom laugh and she almost always will pick up the brush and give me “the works” !! HAHAHA

      Hugs, Teddy


  7. That good eating and all that good brushing sure do make your furs look so good, Teddy. Sometime Mom has to put water in Timber’s food to entice him to eat when his tummy is just a bit off

    Happy Sunday.

    Woos – Misty and Timber


  8. That sounds nice Teddy. Garfield loves to be brushed and get some treats. He will try to bite the brush when he has had enough brushing. LOL.


  9. Sounds like a wonderful way to start the day! Mudpie eats much more than you do! She is definitely not svelte either.


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