SPARK on Monday


Monday again?    Yes it is and I can’t believe it.    I think more and more about time lately.   Maybe because I have less of it than I’ve ever had in my life before now.   SO – first of all what is SPARKS on Monday?  “SPARKS” was started by Annie McGuffy of McGuffy’s Reader but ended when her blog was hacked some time ago.  It was meant to be a way to start out each week with with a meaningful thought – something that spoke to each of us and hopefully everyone else who read it.    Sometimes we need a little “spark” in our lives and these posts were meant to at least be a PART of that effort.   Please feel free to post a SPARK of your own on your blog and let everyone know you have…….we get energy from each other that way!

You probably have noticed that I’ve been focusing on aging with my SPARKS…………..I can’t help it.    Seems I am constantly reminded by my mirror and my body that I’m “getting on”.    The mirror shows bags, wrinkles, lines, scars, a growing waistline, and some other stuff I won’t get into (hahaha).     But I also know I like THIS better than the alternative!   I also like this quote……….

So instead of staring in the mirror at what I have become, I’m going to focus on making the rest of my life as INTERESTING as it’s been up to now.    Can’t get the time back but I can make the rest memorable – give me something to think about when I’m flying around heaven with my new wings!

Hugs, Pam

About onespoiledcat

We are Angel Sammy and Teddy......! Two ginger cats - one left for the Rainbow Bridge in December of 2016 (but still keeps in touch...) and the other in the "here and now" having lots of fun. Join us as we try to bring smiles to everyone around us with our blog.

47 responses »

  1. Please don’t fly away anytime soon, Miss Pam, OK??!?

    I know what you mean about ‘getting on’…but so far only some of my joints are feeling it…I have had other scares, too, but i don’t think age had much to do with them…

    Nobody believes me when they hear my age…because I try to keep my thoughts in the present and not in the past…(not too much anyways), and the future is for us to explore when we get there…which is each new day and moment.


  2. Well, Pam, we happen to know that you will NOT be flying around that other place any time soon, so yes, write your memoire, learn to play a kazoo (if mama can do it, so can you for sure, haha and kids love them), pick some wildflowers, FEED THE KITTY. Worthwhile things like that last one especially….Love from us here in hot, hot France.


    • Oh Suzanne and Loulou I really am not in a hurry to learn to fly with Angel wings believe me. I have a lot of living left to do and I believe the powers that be didn’t rescue me from my serious health scares just to throw me to the side! I used to play kazoo – I think Santa Claus put one in my stocking when I was a very little girl and my Mom wound up taking it away from me because I was driving her nuts playing it all the time! HAHAHA Thanks for your love……….and it may be HOT in France (like here) but you are the COOLEST friends ever!

      Love, Pam


  3. Mom says that she would like her life to be a bit less interesting right now. She’ll send you an e-mail with the latest news. We wish that news was that Sawyer is home, but it isn’t. Mom thinks often about the fact that most of her life is now in the past. She always likes what our dad says when someone asks him how he is. He replies, “Still looking down on the daisies!” We are all in this together, and Mom knows that makes it lots easier. Sending love and warm hugs from her. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy & Kizmet


    • I think your Mom’s life is not only TOO interesting it’s TOO frustrating right now with Sawyer on the loose. We pray every day that he will show up or be found and STILL think he’s close by. I love what your Dad says about daisies. He’s right – and as long as we have friends going through the same situation and “supporting” us – we are lucky and we will stay young at heart!!!!

      Love, Pam (and Teddy)


  4. I too am grateful; and more and more thankful for each day and the opportunities that arise. I want to be of use. That’s what we’re here for. There is, to me, no greater joy than being the difference in even one person’s heart or life. What a privilege.
    Katie Isabella and Mom


  5. I really really like your three things. They are true. I try to make sure I enjoy every day, most days it is the little things that touch me most and make life HAPPY. I just take it one day at a time.
    Good Morning, Virginieeeeeeeeeee and Teddy Boop!


    • Isn’t it funny how when we’re young it’s the BIG things that seem to matter but when we age the little things mean SO much more! 😉

      Hugs from the Booper and the Mom


  6. Bravo Pam and you are NOT alone in this journey, and I have my annual Physical this Friday so I am sorely area of the body changes and add to that the past year and a half life changing events. Seize the moment for it is fleeting.


  7. This is a great spark. Hope your having a good day. Hot again all week. I think it said rain some days but; not going to cool off. Did you see I saw crabby cat at another house who has cats. I think he just came outside with another cat there. Hoping they took him in as he used to live under that house next door. I was afraid to take him in cause that cat was so crabby and would lass out at you. Him and I came to an understanding after 2 years. Or her?


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