Sunday Selfie Hop


Sunday Selfie Hop for Halloween

It’s the Sunday before Halloween and we added a bit of “SCARY” to our selfies today.   Yep – more than one in fact…………….Dad and I were out for a stroll yesterday and Mom snapped a photo of us so she “jazzed” it up on Pizap with a “ween” frame and VOILA – it’s not a selfie but an “USSIE” since it’s two of us.

Then – just for the heck of it – I’m adding a selfie JUST OF ME for Halloween………………

Our thanks to our pals at Kitties Blue/The Cat On My Head for hosting this totally fun event every single Sunday.    You should hook up and show your best side in a selfie on Sundays with the rest of us!   If you’re READY to do that, click on their badge at the top of this page and VISIT – fill out the LINKY form and that’s all you have to do!    Join the PARADE every week.   You’ll be glad you did!

Hugs, Teddy

Pee Ess

We are finally seeing some “Fall” here!   This is my backyard:

About onespoiledcat

We are Angel Sammy and Teddy......! Two ginger cats - one left for the Rainbow Bridge in December of 2016 (but still keeps in touch...) and the other in the "here and now" having lots of fun. Join us as we try to bring smiles to everyone around us with our blog.

68 responses »

    • Hi ERin! It is getting Fallish and Ghoulish around here! We’re hoping to have lots of trick or treaters this year. Last year Mom says they had FOUR! In other years there were dozens! Anyway, this is my first one and I’m quite excited……….have a SUPER SUNDAY!

      Love, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Aw, we love those photos! And my pawrents hope to see the foliage in your yard SOON! (And visit with your pawrents and meet you, Teddy! Sure wish I could tag along…..)


    • Hi Sundae……..glad you like the photos…….we think when the wind blows through we may lose some more leaves but we have TONS left that haven’t even TURNED COLOR yet!

      Happy Sunday…….
      Love, Teddy


  2. Oh Teddy, that a Love halloween picture with you and your Dad! I love seeing that and I am so glad your mom thought to take the picture and share with us. xx


    • Awwwww…………she does like to mess around with those photo editing thingies but Dad and I think we are spectacular without any help. HAHAHAHA Wait until you see Bobby, Miss Dingleberry, Sarge and some of the others in their TEASERWEEN costumes on Tuesday……WHOA!

      Hugs, Teddy


    • Dearest Annie you are far and away more talented than I am – with your poetry, books, wonderful posts – but thanks for saying that anyway!!!! I love fooling around with Lunapic – it lets me continue to “paint” even though I hung up my oils and easel years ago. LOL Have a cozy Sunday my friend!

      Hugs, Pam


  3. That is a cool selfie Teddy! I think you look flaming wonderful! And the autumn color shots….WOW!!!
    I am hoping Mommy will take me out on my leash today. This morning I have been out in my catio watching the birdies demolish their seed bell!
    I can’t wait for the costume parade on Tuesday!



  4. An ‘USSIE’ !! LOL, that’s awesome! I’ve been thinking of taking Blossum out for walks too because she’s gotten a widdle pudgy. Where did you shop for your harness and leash?! Your yard is so so beautiful ❤ xo Boomdee


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