Thoroughly Poetic Thursday and Thanks


Time for our “double post” day!

Thankful Thursday with Brian and my Thoroughly Poetic Thursday post – we thought we’d combine them today!

thankfulthursdaybadge POETRYSAMBADGE

The blogosphere is still in shock at the loss of our dear friend Easy but losses like this remind me of just how very THANKFUL I am for each and every one of my friends.   So I am being THANKFUL as I post my poem for today which is honoring the letter “Y”.

“Y” is for WHY

by Sammy Kimmell 11/31/16

Y is there sadness in the world

Y do we have hearts that ache

Because a friend from life was hurled

Which caused our hearts to break.

Y can’t we just simply live forever

Y does it all  have to end.

It doesn’t end we will be together

We’ll all become RAINBOW FRIENDS.


(this is for Easy and ALL of you)

I hope to see lots of you tomorrow on the wonderful day that Madi and Easy planned for me – “Come Fly With Me”…… will honor our friend Easy to continue with the Hop as planned………..and I can’t WAIT to see where all of you on the Hop take me as I fly up and up and away in my balloon!




Oui Monsieur!  I am zee excited pussy cat for tomorrow!

Love, Sammy the Poet


About onespoiledcat

We are Angel Sammy and Teddy......! Two ginger cats - one left for the Rainbow Bridge in December of 2016 (but still keeps in touch...) and the other in the "here and now" having lots of fun. Join us as we try to bring smiles to everyone around us with our blog.

82 responses »

  1. Sammy, your poem is so very special. We wrote one today, too! Even tho we are sad to have said goodbye to Easy we’d like to think he’s hopping about, reading poems today … mostly now we’re purring and gently woofing for his Mum ‘n’ Dad who are missing him terribly.
    We’ll see you tomorrow when we take you on a tour of “our town”.


    • Miss Ann I am so happy that I will get to see your town tomorrow and so many other places where my friends around the world are….places I’ve never seen but will be happy to visit. I was sad to say goodbye to my friend Easy but the Hop was his idea so it’s a real honor to carry through with it – he will be in my heart as I journey in my beautiful balloon! Thanks for pawticipating in Poetic Thursday too… are a sweetheart.

      Love, Sammy


  2. Special poem, thank you. And a big special thanks to you and your Mum for letting us now about Easy and all the time you both took to carefully answer all comments. I know you both must have been really tired by last night. I’m looking forward to tomorrow too. Thank you again.


  3. Oh Sammy *sigh*…we will join this wonderful hoppy..i have made sure i will not miss out my friend..a wonderful poem..our hearts are starting to feel battle weary..much loves Fozziemum xx


    • I know you are certainly tired of dealing with loss – you’ve had more than your share….even in the midst of all the wedding wonderfulness for you to pawticipate in my Hop (which was Easy’s idea!) tomorrow, makes my heart full. Thank you……for being such wonderful friends always.

      Love, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

      • Sammy we would not miss it! The wedding is done a perfect day too! In fact did i see YOU there…hmmmm…Easy and Madi had a great idea and i know that Easy and Forrest most likely will have a few greenies and some milk and watch the bloggie hop! Love and hugs Fozziemum xx

        Liked by 1 person

        • Oh I’d lost track of the days and wasn’t sure precisely when the wedding was but I’m SO happy it was perfect -I knew it would be with you planning it!!! I like thinking about Forrest and Easy parked on a big comfy sofa snacking and watching tomorrow as I travel about. Love you!

          Sammy and Mom

          Liked by 2 people

    • Hi Austin! Yes it’s always hard to lose a good friend and blogville is in mourning for sure. His Mom wanted the Hop to go on for tomorrow anyway – it was Easy’s idea and to honor him, I’ll be flying round the world seeing all the places I’ve always wanted to see – – – where my friends live!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • I can’t wait for all the wonderful adventures I will have tomorrow………..I’m so excited…..instead of TEASING I’ll be TEASED! HAHAHA Easy has left an incredibly large hole in the blogosphere which will take a long time to fill…………..he was a friend to ALL.

      Love, Sammy


  4. Sammy darling what a heartfelt and loving and true poem….WHY indeed…You and your mom have written the most amazing poems. I think she needs to put them in a book for all to read.
    Once again TOGM managed to write a Y poem….after I made the suggestion on what to write.

    MOM AND I ARE SO EXCITED ABOUT TOMORROW. OMCs we know some of the locations you are going and let me just say buddy fasten your seatbelt you are in for one fine day of love and adventure and a tad of craziness
    hugs madi your bffffffffffffffffff wish I could find an infinity mark on my keyboard


    • Madi you are such a dear and sweet friend and I owe you and your Mom a HUGE HUG for the Hop – I know it was Easy’s idea but YOU are making sure the world knows about it and I am going to have one heck of a day. Thanks for pawticipating in my poetry day in the middle of all the hard work you’re doing…….you’re a SWEETIE!

      Love, Sammy


  5. So sad about Easy but Sammy your post helps me to feel a bit better. My heart goes out to Katty and Mark. Such good, kind people… I know Easy is looking after them. I will see you tomorrow Sammy when I bring you to the Tiny Ten! I had some help from Madi’s Mom… she has some crazy good editing skills… 😀 Hugs Sammy!


    • Miss Cecilia is a sweetheart and a wonderful Mom to Madi!! She helps EVERYONE who needs it – including and my Mom! Katty and Mark have a huge load of SAD now and we hope that slowly the sad will melt and the happy times will warm their hearts again. Can’t wait to see the Tiny Ten!

      Love, Sammy


    • I loved your hop trip – I had a blast with Cody watching those HUGE birds! It was a ton of fun and I thank you SO MUCH for being part of my big trip. It would not have been RIGHT without you!

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


  6. Dear Sammy, your poem beautifully articulates what has been on my (and probably many other’s) mind lately…but it is also full of hope. Thank you for sharing it. I hope you are feeling okay today and that mom is staying strong. Warm hugs to you both. -phoebe


    • Dear puppydoc…..I wish you could put your healing hands on my tired old self but alas even my Mom and Dad’s love can’t reach me where I am now other than to make me feel WARM inside knowing that I am loved. I’m glad you liked my poem – I am saying “why” a lot these last days.

      Love, Sammy


    • The answer to “Y” is because the end of things really is part of the start of things…….there’s a beginning so there must be an end. Knowing our friends really ARE with us forever because they live on in our hearts helps deal with the loss.

      Love, Sammy


  7. Why indeed, dear Sammy? If we didn’t love deeply, our lives would be miserable and meaningless, so we must endure this pain of loss. Wow, doesn’t that sound profound as Mom types through tears for us. Some have such huge personalities (like you and Easy) and touch so many that saying “goodbye” is impossible. So we don’t. We carry you in our hearts for ever and ever. Fiona wants to know if she can jump in your balloon with you and visit all the beautiful places tomorrow’s journey will take you. We know Easy will be watching over you and keeping your balloon safe. What fun you are going to have. We imagine you saying “wheeee” as you float above all these great places, green beret in place and a huge smile on your face. We love you to the moon and back and all the way around the earth. You are our dearest friend. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Mom Janet 💖🚏(We think that’s a hot air balloon emoji!)


    • Fiona would be more than welcome in the balloon with me……..up up and away…..visiting good friends all along the way……what BETTER way to spend a day like tomorrow. I am still sending your girl a ton of POTP – she’s brave beyond reason and I know she is so tired. SO tired. I’m excited about the Hop…….it’s my FOCUS now.

      Love you so much……….and always will, Sammy and Mom Pam


  8. What a powerfull poe-em Unccle Sammy!! Mee was goin to rite a poe-em titled “Y?” all so…..Easy’ss leevin reelly hitted ALL of us so-o hard…….
    OK mee goin to rite thee poe-em anyway as grate minds fink alike rite Unccle??


    “Y did you have to leeve mee furend?
    Mee thott yur life could nevurr end!!
    Y did you run away?
    When mee wanted you to stay an play?
    Y do luvved oness have to go???
    when their leevin hertss us so……
    Y do wee have to say “Goodbye”?
    I guess because it was their time to ‘fly’…
    Fly up high to a place so Pure,
    Fur efurry illness there iss a cure.
    So deer Easy an Jade an Pappa King George an Nylablue,
    Rememburr wee nevurr furget an will all ways LUV you.”

    bye Siddhartha Henry
    Decemburr 1st, 2016

    Liked by 2 people

  9. dood…Yur Y poem rocks….while we dinna haz de honor oh knowin EasY, we can see frum commintz left everY wear, him leeved a mark that will never bee erased ~~~~ ♥♥♥♥♥ just like ewe
    dood ~~~~

    with that said heerz R Y

    de buff a loe sorta kinda…. lookz like a YAK
    with lotz oh rhyming werdz…… startin off with AACK
    houz pantherz troo lee rock….. they bee all black
    hop scotch jump twice….. don’t step on de crack

    vampirez mom N dad ….called ther son drac
    hay doez any one reel noe…. frick ore frack
    funnee cartoonz werdz ….all wayz rited az GAK
    hairballz coff em up …..hack hack hack

    de food servizz gurlz unklez ……name bee jack
    change de eye in kick …..N now ewe haz kack
    if ya due knot haza lot….. itz sum timez called lack
    bulldogz on sem eyez….. ther namez be mack

    cheetin on de N …..with nik and nak { knack }
    a boat load oh goatz ….iz called a pack
    NOE WE WILLNA USE DE Q WERD..burd sound ~~~
    go two de grocereez store…. foodz inna sack

    hole lee mackerull…. don’t stepz ona tack
    sweeper monsturr shortz name….. iz called a vac
    catz like ta whap each otherz…. whap whack whack
    a bulldog lived in trout towne…… himz name waz zack


    Liked by 1 person

    • You guys ALWAYS – ALWAYS make me giggle……favorite line in your pawsome poem was about hairballs and coffing them up with a hack hack hack. Thank you for making me smile…….you are SO good at that!!!!!

      Love and Hugs forever, Sammy


    • We understand dear Miss Layla…..sending POTP to Nou Nou and Clyde……and hugs to you! We may be a bit scarce too after tomorrow but we will always be “in the air” – just a soft whisper in your ear maybe……thank you for your wonderful friendship – always……..

      Love, Sammy and Mom Pam


  10. I’m not a cat blogger so I don’t know how to link to your trip tomorrow but if I could I would take you with me back to the farm in NE Ohio where I was a little girl, Just for awhile we would both be young and hale again. So many prayers and hugs fr you and your folks, my dear friend !


    • I’m glad you liked my poem………….sadly I left for the Bridge shortly after writing this one…… I’ll write my poetry at the Bridge! Thank you for writing……I will continue to blog so please stop by any time!

      Love, Angel Sammy


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