Countdown to Dad


Howdy!   Are you aware that TEN days from today, is Father’s Day?   Yep – Sunday, June 21st is not only the very first official day of Summer, but it’s also Father’s Day………….so you’d better start thinking about what to get for your Dad – it’s tough to shop when you’re an animal.   We’re usually too short to reach the countertops and people trip over us as we walk down the aisle….nobody EVER looks down while they’re shopping – they’re looking at price tags UP THERE!

Recognizing this is a problem – AND recognizing that I’m also not as agile or mobile as I was in my youth (ah yes…..sweet youth), I have enlisted the help of my Mom in the shopping end of things.  Now I just have to come up with some ideas!    What do you get the guy who has it all?  He’s got ME and he’s got MOM so what more does he need??????    I did a bit of searching online for ideas…………it’s amazing what we can find out there……….

Emergency Underpants Supply   (I somehow think my Dad wouldn’t appreciate this one but maybe yours would???)

Potty Golfing

Potty Golfing   (Gosh I really wish my Dad played golf – as much time as he spends in the bathroom I think this would be perfect for him!)

Road Rage Megaphone

Road Rage Megaphone   (THANKFULLY my Dad’s not into roadrage…..but this should be in his glove compartment anyway……just in case he finds himself behind my Mom out on the road one

Lazy Housekeeper Mop Slippers   (I may get a pair of these for Mom too……this could be the answer to making cleaning the floors a whole lot more fun!

Just a few ideas……………………………I got them from HERE in case you’re interested……………… I said – there’s a lotta weird stuff available online (wink wink) but don’t wait until the last minute……….this stuff is so good (tee hee) they’re liable to be in short supply – better order while you can!

Happy Shopping!

Hugs, Sammy


76 responses »

    • Hi Austin!! Silly stuff isn’t it? Humans are a very interesting bunch…..I told Mom that she should get the bacon air freshener – I might even ENJOY going to the vet if she sprayed the inside of the car with that first! HAHA

      Love, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I think your dad would enjoy any of these, S. And I think your mom would mostly enjoy if he got the mop slippers. That’s less time for the vacuum monster to rear its ugly head.

    Love and licks,

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Awesome idea cousin. Can you believe that Father’s Day is so close? I have absolutely no idea what to get my big man. I do find those slippers fascinating though. It could be kind of neat watching him slide all over the hard woods in the crib – snorts. XOXO – Bacon

    Liked by 1 person

  3. MOL…very good ideas Sammy! I have been at a stalemate….what do you get this guy? I especially liked the mop slippers…we could give them for mother and fathers day. Dad’s not into golfing so the Potty Golf is out. He does take his Android into the bathroom for a rousing puzzle game. I guess we could chop something up and give it as a puzzle. Peeps are hard to buy for.



    • I agree……peeps are tough to buy for because they have this annoying habit of BUYING stuff for themselves when they need it – – – so when the time comes to buy something for them, there isn’t anything. I think that’s why people like this company are popular – silly presents for those who have EVERYTHING already!

      Hugs, Sammy


  4. OMC Sammy those unnewpants awe so funny. Weez not have a daddy, just mommy who has to play boff, so weez’ll be tweatin’ her to sum extwa luvvin’ and cuddles of course. Can’t wait to see what you come up wiff. MOL

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi


  5. Mew mew mew ‘Grab an Go’ undiess iss so funny Unccle Sammy!
    Our fave iss ‘Mop Slippurrss’……mee wood like to get LadyMum sum 😉
    Then maybe less vacuumin wood happen mew mew mew…..
    Wee iss goin go check out thee linky now…
    ***nose bumpss*** neffkitty Siddhrtha Henry xxxxxxxx


      • Mew mew mew LadyMum agrees with Lady Pam!!!!
        Those giftss sure are funny an so are Hu’manss!!! 😉
        Iss rainin katss an doggiess here today 😦
        ***paw patss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


          • Considur thee ((hugs)) an ~~head rubss~~ dun Unccle Sammy!! 😉
            LadyMum had a hot Epsum Salt soak inn thee tub an shee iss feelin a bit bettur. Wee iss werkin on mee new bloggie so thiss will cheer us both up as thee rain pourss down!!!
            Enjoy thee Sun an warmth there Unccle!
            Yur neffkitty Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=


  6. dood…thiz post iz hill larry uz !!!!! 🙂 de food serviss gurls dad wood get a kick outta thiz !!! we think ewe shuld get yur dad sum bacon; ruff lee 7 cargo loads that way him HAS ta share with ewe….ya noe !!! ♥♥♥


  7. Those will surely make for some interesting gifts for your Dad:) Ours is easy – he loves to go to the movie theater – so all he wants is a movie gift card:)

    Woos – Ciara and Lightning


  8. funny and quite good ideas! I have always been good at multitasking as I worked as a Nurse Manager for years. Those slippers would have come in handy. We (seriously) used to spot mop floors with our feet whilst giving out medications, treatments and cups of tea! LOL! No wonder we had such dear little waists! (at that time) 😀


  9. O…M…D our Dada would LOVE that Road Rage Megaphone…mom…not so much BOL!
    Those are some pawsome gift ideas Sammie. We’ve given mom our list so she can go do the shopping for us too.
    Have a purrrrrfect weekend,
    Wally & Sammy


  10. Mom was so glad to see your post! She thought Father’s Day was this Sunday and hasn’t done a thing yet. She finally got cards today and has been trying to think of a gift, but I don’t think any of your ideas are right for him.


  11. Mee sat bye thee tub while LadyMum soaked an once she was out an dressed wee snuggled an then mee decided mee could go nappy 😉
    Mee had xplained what mee wanted dun on mee bloggie an ladyMum has dun a grate job mee seess!
    Soon it will bee suppurr time….mmmmm…
    **paw patss** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


  12. Sammy, you are such a joker. We’ll be anxious to see what you actually get your dad. We found something we wanted to detour dad, but it was $1,300. so Mom said, “NO!” She must not love him as much as we do. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid and Calista Jo


    • Our Dads will be happy if we just give them a head butt or a face bonk or even a “look” – they love us as much as we love them !! Mom found some little things Dad might like but he always says ” don’t get me anything!!!! “……we usually ignore him!

      Hugs, Sammy


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