Camping Anyone??



I know that I’ve kind of been teasing around a bit mentioning this possible camping trip I was thinking of organizing.  Well today I thought I’d borrow that private jet I have access to and check out a few possible locations for a camping adventure.

I’m thinking we won’t be actually DOING the camping trip for several more weeks – give the weather a chance to improve and a lot of the other activities that are going on in the blogosphere to calm down (if there is such a thing as CALM in the blogging world….HAHAHA). 

How about doing me a favor and checking out the spots I visited and let me know which would be your chosen location for a camp out.  OK?

OPTION #1 – Deep Woods Camping Adventure (complete with bugs, and assorted wildlife)

Bring the bug spray.....

Bring the bug spray…..

OPTION #2 – The Hills Are Alive With The Sound of Camping

Wide open spaces!  No air pollution!

Wide open spaces! No air pollution!

OPTION #3 – Beach Blanket PAR-TAY Camping

Beach PAR-TAY....!

Beach PAR-TAY….!

Obviously a wide range of venues – but I’d like to know how you feel about where we pitch our tents.  I’m thinking of a few activities to have during our camping trip – like for instance a campfire scary story telling contest.  

So, let me know if you’re interested in a camping trip AND if so, WHERE would you like to go camping?????  Option 1, 2 or 3???????

Happy FRIDAY Kids!

Kitty Hugs, Sammy the Camp Counselor

54 responses »

    • Hi Mollie! So you prefer the woods and bugs and shade huh? Well, you live close to a beach so I can see why you might like to be in the shade of the big old trees for a “break” !

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  1. The beach fur shore!!! No itchy bugs for me, thank you very much. But the hills are kinda nice too: that would be my second choice.
    This sounds like fun – can you and I pitch our tents beside each other, huh???
    Love, Sundae


  2. Hmm, Cocco is worse than a scaredy cat. He’s a scaredy pig! He thinks the open space would be safer though he’d prefer the buggy scene if someone vows to protect him. His piggy scent sure is appealing to bears, mountain lions and wolves! He might even be willing to take the risk since he imagines there will be lots and lots of fruits and wild vegetables to eat 🙂

    Oink oink,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig


    • Well you can tell Cocco that ALL of us would keep an eye out for him on the camping trip. I bet he’d love turning over rocks and old wood looking for “stuff” to munch on….he’d make a good “supplies” collector – finding fruit and veggies for us to have for snacks. Cocco would have lots of guardians if he wants to come along – trust me on that!!

      Kitty hugs, Sammy


  3. I like deep woods…imagine a camp fire, mousemallows and scary stories in a deep wood where the trees are looking like monsters by night. But finally every place is right if you are with your friends ;o)


    • Oh Easy I like the way you think! Mousemallows huh? Gosh that sounds good – roasting them on a stick over the bonfire….scary stories….EEEEEK! However you are totally right – any place is perfect when you’re surrounded by your buddies. I’ll give folks a little more time to decide about their favorite location then we can start planning!!

      Kitty Hugs and concats on the Leibster!


    • Goose! You and Nellie have both said you would be good at helping to get the campfire/bonfire going…..even if we wind up on the beach, you two would make quite a good fire collection team!

      Kitty hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Savvy! It’s pretty close on what people prefer in the way of a campsite location between the woods and the beach. I like your idea of en suite litterboxes though. Very classy.

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  4. The beach fur me Sammy! Lots of funky fishy smells there and campfires on the beach are the best…I can see efurryone dancing around the fire in the moonlight


    • Hi Gizmo! I like your “vision” of the beach as a camping spot…..looks like it’s pretty close between Option 1 (woods) and Optioon 3 (beach)……stay tuned!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Misaki……oh wow – three of you are expert stick finders so that would be wonderful help for the campfire! I’m not sure HOW this is going to turn out but it’s looking like we need a woods that has a beach nearby…… 😀 😀 😀

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  5. Dearest Sammy
    Mes goes for real camping all the time (well not much in the last 3 years- Mommy and Daddy has been doing the farm market in the summer) and my pursonal favorite is the beach! All that sand to dig! Fishes, crabs to chase, birds, tidal pools! Cabana boys!
    Me is voting for the BEACH!!!!


    • Hi Texas! Those beautiful woods do look very inviting don’t they…..I’m sure there’s plenty of wildlife to chase too. Maybe there’s a nice stream around there we can catch some fresh fishies in too!!??

      Kitty hugs, Sammy


    • Feeling “Beachie” are you??? Well, seems like a lot of folks are thinking that same way although the woods is popular too. I suppose if it’s a tie we could make it a couple of days in the woods and finish up on the beach!

      Kitty hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Miss Dianda! I’m glad you think Hiro and Suki would like to come camping with us……’s a close call between the beach and the woods….I’m going to let people decide over the next day or two then let everybody know what location is the “WINNER” for “Camp Sammy” !

      Kitty hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Miss Layla! Oh I’m so glad Odin would like to join in on the camping fun. I’m still searching locations for “Camp Sammy” AND we found out this morning that another blog friend (Ranger) is having a beach party on the 15th – so our camping trip might be the end of the month. STAY TUNED!!!!!

      Happy Caturday!
      Hugs, Sammy


  6. Meower-Howdy Sammy I would chose either the beach partay or the wide open spaces…the RV thing or camping thing sounds nice as Mom has mentioned it to me too but….there are flies and bugs and it totally freaks me out when Mom decided to swat at them as she is not good at getting them…totally freaks me out…geez I am trying to relax and psycho Mom goes swatting and missing bugs! It is not relaxing at all! But at the beach she relaxes and I can lay around and look at the waves with her and all is nice and cozy….and wide open spaces….well if you have to camp out in the wide open, there is the sticker issue and also bugs too. I know since we live out there…but I don’t go outside here as there are also coyotes so Mom and Dad keep me in my house.
    I like all your hats…you are such a super star:) Big Kitty loves and Mom says Hi too and send hugs and luvs…she does that really good:) Luv, Minnie


    • Hi Minnie……I’m thinking we might have to find a spot where there’s woods AND a beach nearby. Right now everybody’s kind of torn between the two as a location for “Camp Sammy” !!

      Stay tuned Minnie!
      Kitty Hugs to you and your Mom, Sam


    • Hi Princess Zena! I imagine it’s a chore getting sand out of your coat…..I hadn’t even THOUGHT of that problem with a beach pawty. Actually right now, it seems most of our furriends would prefer the woods anyway. Stay tuned though, I’ll keep everybody posted!!

      Kitty Hugs and Happy Saturday!


    • Well, thanks for letting me know you’d prefer a beach pawty! The beach and the woods are the “top contenders” right now for location – now I’m thinking I may try to combine the two!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  7. Hi Minnie! Long time no see! I bet you’ve been busy being a helpful nurse along with your Mom taking care of your Dad. Now that Spring is finally getting here (slowly) I guess we’ll all be thinking about spending time doing FUN stuff again like this camping trip. I’ll keep you informed about where we’re planning to have “Camp Sammy” – maybe you’ll feel like joining us for a bit of a break from home??

    Hugs to your Mom from me and my Mom….!! 😀 😀 😀


  8. Yow sammy!! Campin fer real?? Pawsum!!!!!! Me iz doing a *happy dance*
    Mum read da 3 choicez to me n me haz to say Pawz down da beach blankie pawty wuud be purrfect!!! Me 2nd choice iz da open air campin. Not eggcited bout deep wuudz; me scared!!
    Let’z go pawty on da beach n get sand tween our toez-zeez!!!!!!
    Lub Nylablue!!!!


  9. I think the beach could be fun. Never seen one in real life. Peeps have, of course, by oh no…. do they ever take me? Of course, I really do hate goin’ in the car… Anywho… beaches have FISH. Gotta love that!



    • Hi Nissy…..I’ve never been to the beach either but the possibility of visiting the biggest litterbox EVER is one I find rather intriguing….then there’s the fish as you say too!

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


  10. We are a bit late to the campground but think the deep wood wood be good.
    Lots of stories are available like The Lost Children of the Ozarks! Dad heard that one on a motorcycle trip here in W PA.


    • Oh my Mom knows about that story! We think campfire ghost stories are absolutely NECESSARY on a campout don’t you? So far on the voting on where to have our camping trip, woods and beach are tied! Stay tuned – we’ll be finalizing locations soon.

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  11. Just adding my advice – beach says party like nothing else. It is normally a little easier to sneak away or catch up if you are leaving early or arriving to the party late – easier compared to deep woods camping I mean.


    • Hi Miss Erica….thanks for the advice – it looks like most everybody likes BOTH ideas so I’m working on a “combo” camping trip! It’s fun to try and find the purrrrfect spot for “Camp Sammy”…….. 😀

      Kitty hugs, Sammy


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