Thankful Thursday and Poems With Angel Sam


Happy Thursday before Easter everybody.    Thanks to our hosts for giving us a venue where we can share what we’re thankful for.   We are thankful that Easter is almost here – a special day for church celebration and of course kids and the Easter Bunny’s visits.     We expect the Bunny to stop by our house and hide eggs for our Dad.    The guy is almost 80 but still hunts Easter eggs – GOTTA LOVE IT!   Well I love him and so does Mom so that’s that!     We’re also thankful that even though we’ve had rain rain rain and cold cold cold Easter Sunday is supposed to be sunny and 70!   That’s worth celebrating too.

If you’d like to share with the blogging world what you’re thankful for – stop by Angel Brian’s and leave your link – you can get there by clicking the logo above!    I wish you all a VERY HAPPY EASTER and “MAY THE BUN BE WITH YOU!”

Now for some poetic fun with Angel Sammy…………..


Happy Thursday/Almost Easter!

Here we are – another Poetic Thursday rolls around and I am hoping you all had a chance to write a poem for the photo this week.   Even if you’ve never written a poem in your life – I have faith that you CAN WRITE ONE!!!   Give it a try – then tell us in comments here if you wrote one and give us your link – we want to read it and enjoy it.

Here’s the photo I gave you as inspiration for this week’s poem AND my poem follows:

“Holidays Are Exhausting!”

Poem by Angel Sammy Kimmell    ©March 27, 2024


Fixing Easter baskets, and coloring those eggs

Exhaustion arrives and for a nap parents will beg

Oh the kids will be fine – we’ll just take a quick snooze

I sure hope that stuff the boy is drinking isn’t Mom’s booze!

Baby Sara can’t walk yet so she’s out of trouble

Unless of course her little hand finds danger in the rubble

Mom and Dad thought that post-nap they’d be rested

But little do they know that their patience is about to be tested!


Well, what’s an occasion without a little mess……..hopefully this wasn’t a long nap and not much damage was done – but I bet they will not take simultaneous naps again when the kids are awake!   LOL

SO – here’s your photo for NEXT week’s fun:

Even though Easter will have been over for several days when we next meet – this one was too tempting to use for next Thursday as our “subject” !!    

Have fun writing a poem for this one and we’ll share what we’ve come up with NEXT THURSDAY when we gather together for some fun and giggles and poetry too.

Until Then – be Happy, Healthy, and Kind (and have a fun Easter)

I am the Angel Poet in the green beret…..and I hope you join me for POETIC FUN each week!

Hugs, Angel Sammy

About onespoiledcat

We are Angel Sammy and Teddy......! Two ginger cats - one left for the Rainbow Bridge in December of 2016 (but still keeps in touch...) and the other in the "here and now" having lots of fun. Join us as we try to bring smiles to everyone around us with our blog.

49 responses »

  1. That is a great poem….being the parents of two boys close together in age, (22months), we never dared nap simultaneously….unless they were in their own beds…in our case the younger was the more mischief maker….and was for many years. Thankfully he has settled down, LOL! Older one too…

    Here is my attempt at capturimg the picture in poetry:

    Where was the supervision??

    After such a long day 

    they set their kids down to play.

    And fell into a heap;

    Soon they were fast asleep!

    Mary found the knitting 

    Had fun pulling

    It all apart!

    Tommy got a snack,

    From the goldfish pack.

    Then he began to think

    That he needed a drink.

    He opened the fridge a crack;

    And found the bottle of juice…

    He poured it into a glass

    But alas

    Some of it spilled.

    However his thirst was assuaged

    By that drink from a goblet

    Such class!

    That room was a mess!

    Who wants to guess

    What level of distress

    Will happen after that disaster excess?

    For sure it will not be a caress!

    Next week’s picture reminded me of Hiumpty Dumpty! LOL!

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Pingback: Poetic Thursday: Staged | these days of mine

  3. They are going to have a big shock when they wake up. Ivor looked out the window before we went to bed and said there is about 2 inches of snow outside. I told him it was not April Fools Day until Monday, but he told me to look. Sure enough everything was white outside and it wasn’t even forecast! There was heavy rain through the night and a lot had gone by this morning. We had to get some things later in the morning and then go for lunch at a café we like. To get to it we had to drive across Dartmoor and there was about 6 inches of snow there!


    • WOW! Snow – and a LOT of it…..well if one thing is CERTAIN about the weather this year it’s definitely the UNCERTAINTY of the weather! It’s just strange and I guess a reminder that we need to have no “expectations” of what Spring should be like because it just isn’t like that anymore! LOL

      Hugs, Pam


  4. Those are good thankfuls Teddy and I hope you don’t tell your Dad where the eggs are hidden. Darn good poem too! Thanks for joining Angel Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


    • That poem is PERFECT for the photo this week……I just wrote on your blog that I’d rather NOT be the one to “make things neat” – I’m thinking that’s an almost constant struggle!!!

      Hugs, Pam


    • We sure loved your poem this week Boys and Granny……and we also loved seeing your beautiful Spring garden too – how lucky you are to have such a beautiful place to play boys!!!!

      Huggies and Kisses, Teddy


  5. Sammy, your poem is total purrfection! Mom wasn’t really happy with hers. Next week’s photo should be fun to write about. Teddy, you look like a cat-skin rug in your photo. MOL! XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh


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