Tuesday Teaser Time


“All is well on campus – wave to Officer Kitty then let’s go inside and eat!!”

Here we are again for another geography class!   Remember to COMMENT!

We have a great Teaser for you today – and it’s a GUEST TEASER photo too.    We’ll be sharing that with you in a minute BUT first we need to remind you of our rules for playing along with guessing the Teaser AND show you the “summer” crop of badges that you might win.

“I’m ready – I have my Sherlock Holmes outfit on – it inspires me to figure Teasers out!”

Here are the rules and badges:


OK class…………..let’s bring our Teaser Photo Security Guard in and get this party started………….

“Teaser Photo Security report to class ASAP!”

“Here’s today’s photo Professors!”

Where Was This Photo Taken??

Well students – you need to study this one hard and figure it out before the rest of your classmates do so you can get a FIRST RIGHT GUESSER badge.   You know you want one – especially if you’ve never received one before!

“Gosh….that’s a toughie!”

Well you wouldn’t want it to be too easy right?    Right!   Now let’s get the Cheer Team to come in and give you all some inspiration……………………..

We’re coming to you on ZOOM today cuz we’re partying at the Pub
We’re cheering you on so you might win and join the FIRSTIES club!
Study the photo closely and you might see some clues
If you forgot your glasses today you might just sing the blues!
We’ll be back tomorrow to cheer for all our winners
Then we’ll head for the cafeteria so we all can eat our dinners!

Thanks girls………………..you may now take over your barstools and enjoy your time the Grumpy Cat.    See you tomorrow for the Tell All.

“Leroy you don’t look very happy – – – would going to the cafeteria cheer you up??”

Let’s go have our meal in the cafeteria everyone……………………for everybody’s sake including Leroy……………

Hello Students and Teachers – time for you to have something to eat!

Today’s Menu Items:

Good Luck Students!  See you for the TELL ALL tomorrow!

Professor Angel Sammy and Professor Teddy

About onespoiledcat

We are Angel Sammy and Teddy......! Two ginger cats - one left for the Rainbow Bridge in December of 2016 (but still keeps in touch...) and the other in the "here and now" having lots of fun. Join us as we try to bring smiles to everyone around us with our blog.

88 responses »

  1. The canal and the lock gates do look very English. Have to get lunch now but will have a good look later. We have walked a lot of canals but those canal gates look quite close together so thinking they are more north of England, possibly Liverpool canal but will be back!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Morning troops. Well, well, well…I see you have another tough one for us. I’m going to suggest this is the Five Rise Bingley section, of the Leeds to Liverpool canal in England. A nice slice of key lime pie sounds tasty for starters. Hey life is short, eat dessert first-LOL.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. That is a very privileged school that has its very own man-eating otter petting zoo! You won’t find any overcrowded classrooms in that facility. Ding Dong School uses a somewhat similar philosophy to keep the student to teacher ratio down with the high rate of food poisoning cases from eating in the cafeteria. You know what, I’ll bet Miss Dingleberry’s deep freeze could be made into a petting zoo…

    Liked by 2 people

    • Well it already is a petting zoo – all the students who complain about the food get to “spend time” there with Miss Dingleberry’s pet man-eating otters……every student for himself! Ayyyyiiiiiiii!


  4. Good Morning ☀️ We had trouble seeing the photo but then I cleaned my readers. We’ll go with NARROW BOATS ON THE LIVERPOOL LEEDS CANAL, NEGOTIATING THE FIVE LOCK LADDER AT BINGLEY, YORKSHIRE, ENGLAND. I’ll have a mimosa please.

    Liked by 1 person

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