Friendly Fill-Ins!


Here we are at Friday again!   Another week FLYING by.    This is a favorite Hop of ours – we love reading what other people fill in the blanks with – why?  Because we learn a lot of things about each other that way………..this week’s sentences (two sentences from each of our co-hosts) are below.    Our hosts are Annie at McGuffy’s Reader (link above) and Ellen of 15andMeowing.   They each give us TWO sentences with blanks.    Want to join in the fun?   Click Annie’s link and fill out the LINKY form – EASY PEASY!

I decided that my Mom and I will BOTH fill out this week’s blanks.   My words are in BLUE and Mom’s are in RED !


1. Being outside  Plum wine                      is one of my  favorite things   favorite drinks when we eat at a Chinese restaurant     .

2. I  love  enjoy going    to nap in sunpuddles    the grocery store!                     .

3. I have a hard time  obeying Mom when she says “time to go back inside!”  keeping up with the laundry which is weird since it’s just TWO OF US!!       .

4.  Begging Giving people hugs      is easy for me.


There you have it – TRUE CONFESSIONS from me and my Mom too!!   Probably a little hard to follow but the different colors probably help.     I cannot believe that we have SNOW in our forecast this weekend AND next week too.   I am going to pretend that it was a hallucination when we saw that on TV this morning.   Yep – that’s it – we just THOUGHT they said snow……..right?


Love, Teddy Bean

A flashback photo of me – this time last year we had the annual Cat Scouts Cardwood Derby and my milk truck won one of the “most creative” prizes! WHEE!

About onespoiledcat

We are Angel Sammy and Teddy......! Two ginger cats - one left for the Rainbow Bridge in December of 2016 (but still keeps in touch...) and the other in the "here and now" having lots of fun. Join us as we try to bring smiles to everyone around us with our blog.

47 responses »

  1. your nilk truck is fabulous… and I bet no one will say “no milk today”… apart from that herman’s hermits who probably prefer plum wine too ;O))))))
    btw: we have this laundry phenomenon too… two people one dog and a mount laundry as high as the mount everest…


    • That was a fun memory…..driving a milk truck was perfect for a little kid like me a year ago. HAHA The laundry phenomenon is strange but Mom says it gets LESS bothersome in the summer because she and my Dad don’t wear a lot of heavy clothes and big sweaters, etc. I guess if they lived in a nudist colony laundry would be a “NO PROBLEM” thing huh? HAHAHAHAHA

      Love, Teddy


  2. Your human enjoys going to the grocery store? I wish mine did! Maybe she would bring home more tasty treats from the meat section. She thinks grocery shopping is just meh… she would much rather shop at Sephora or the Apple Store (which, as you might gather, have no tasty meat treats).


    • I think my Mom is crazy to enjoy the grocery store but she does….she goes super early in the morning when nobody else is there and all the shelves are newly stocked and the veggies and meats are just out and looking at their best. She has the place to herself and probably goes a little “nuts” but she and my Dad (and me!) eat well AND she loves to cook so it’s a WIN/WIN!!!!! Mom says she’d probably RATHER shop elsewhere (Sephora for instance!)!!

      Love, Teddy


  3. We had a lovely day yesterday, but it’s cloudy today. I looked at the weather forecast and it says rain, rain and more rain for the next week! Maybe they’re wrong about that and your snow! Enjoy the weekend!


  4. Teddy, you are responsible for getting my morning and Mom’s off to a super good start with that photo of you in your truck! You did such a great job and you look so pro in it…I would love to be on your daily delivery route!


    • Coming right up! That was a fun thing we did at Cat Scouts – We still have my milk truck in the basement – after all it’s a big box and what kitty doesn’t like that?!?!?!

      Love, Teddy


    • I loved that truck too – in fact I loved ALL the Derby cars that Scouts made…….Mom wishes she’d saved Angel Sammy’s racecar. Too late now Mom….but my milk truck is still in the basement!!

      Love, Teddy


  5. Thank you both for these great fill-ins answers. I will have to have my hubby make some plum wine for you, that is one of the few fruits he hasn’t tried to make wine out of yet. And Teddy, I know you like your outdoor time so I can see why it is tough to listen to your mom. I love that milk truck, I had a box ready for this year, but it doesn’t sound like there is a derby this year. Have a great weekend! XO


    • Haven’t heard a thing about a Cardwood Derby Race this year at Scouts – I think Denmaster is busy with a lot of other things. I still have my milk truck in the basement (tee hee). Plum wine is delicious and especially tasty with Chinese food for some reason!

      Love, Teddy


  6. We love being outside too, Teddy. It is on the colder side today, so we love it even more. Mom likes Chinese food, she is going to have to try it with plum wine . We hope she brings us some tidbits of that food.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber


    • Oh my Mom and Dad love Chinese food too – Mom always gets plum wine and Dad gets a Japanese Kirin beer. Just one of their traditions. Plum wine is sweet and goes with everything.

      Love and Hugs, Teddy


  7. Plum wine… how interesting! Teddy, being outside in good weather is the best. You and your MOm’s #2… I hadn’t even read your Fill-ins and I answered over at Ellen’s and hit on those two things! Yes to laundry for two… what’s up with that? Hugs are nice… 🙂 Love your little face in your milk truck!


    • Plum wine IS interesting…..and it’s always on the menu at most Chinese restaurants so I guess Mom isn’t the only one who likes it! In fact she has a bottle of it in the refrigerator NOW! Tee Hee

      Love and Hugs, The Milk Truck Guy


  8. Your Milk truck is really pawsome! My Mom remembers it, purrhaps I could convince my Mom to make me a vehicle. and I must say, we too love the Friday Fillins. We don’t play often enough.
    Marv and Mom


    • That milk truck was fun to ride in – my Mom and Dad had fun making it – it definitely was an “all around win” Marv! I bet your Mom could make you a VERY cool vehicle for you – maybe a tank? HAHAHA

      Love and Hugs, Teddy


  9. Teddy, outcome cannot believe Mom Pam enjoys going grocery shopping Our mom hates it. Mom had plum wine with dinner tonight. She likes to give hugs too. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • Yep – my Mom loves going to the grocery store but I think part of that is because when she goes (pre-dawn) nobody is in there but HER and she can take her time and get the BEST of the freshly refreshed shelves!!!!! Plum wine – I think it must be pretty good if our Moms like it so much right?

      Love, Teddy


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