Thankful and Thoroughly Poetic Thursday


Twice The Fun Thursday!

Thankful Thursday with Brian and Thoroughly Poetic with Angel Sam

First to talk about how thankful we are today.   I’m thankful that the fireworks were rained out on July 4th because for once our neighborhood was QUIET that night!   I’m sure everyone will make up for that as soon as we have a decent, non-rainy evening but that’s not in the forecast for a while so maybe everyone will FORGET???   Anyway, we all were thankful that we live in “the land of the free and the home of the brave” to celebrate Independence Day.    If you’d like to join up on the BLOG HOP to tell what you’re thankful for, just click on Brian’s badge above and go to Brians’ blog, use the LINKY TOOL and hook up to share your “THANKFULNESS” !!

Part two of our blog today consists of the poem that my Angel brother Sammy emailed to me from the Rainbow Bridge last night.    He’s so busy at the Bridge I’m glad he still is able to find time not only to visit me once in a while but to also transmit his Thoroughly Poetic Thursday poem to me to share with you every Thursday.    He says he wouldn’t miss it for the world………I’m glad.

This week we celebrate the letter “D” and it was YOUR choice to either write a poem about ANYTHING starting with the letter “D” or to use one of Angel Sammy’s prompt words for “D” which were:

(1)  DANGER  (2)  DANDELION  (3)  DARK  (4)  DINNER

What follows below is what Angel Sammy sent to me last night!

Hello my friends!   I hope Poetic Thursday finds all of you happy and healthy……………………..I sure enjoyed peeking down at all of you last night to see all the July 4th fireworks – imagine how gorgeous that is from the sky on a cloud!    Amazing.    Today we are celebrating the letter “D” in the alphabet.    Here’s what I wrote for “D” !



By Angel Sammy Kimmell, 7/6/17

When I was just a wee, little kitten

With walks in the darkness I was smitten

I loved early mornings with Mom in the DARK

Before anyone’s dogs were out to bark….

I’d wear my harness for safety’s sake

Along the treeline out back – not a noise we’d make!

I’d touch Mom’s knee asking “please pick up me!”

And from her shoulder I’d peek in each tree!

The nesting birds I could hear sleeping

As long the treeline Mom and I were creeping

They slept away and didn’t know

Two spies were near to watch the show!

The DARK was private and special for us

Mom’s shoulder was my own “tour bus” !!

We did that every single day

Unless the snow kept us away…………

The years they passed and I got old………

I no longer like the heat or cold………..

Mom and I both have special memories

Of our mornings in the DARK visiting all those trees……


I hope you liked my poem this week………..Mom and I really LOVED our special mornings together………!     I hope that you have written a poem this week – if you did, please put your blog link in my comments section here so we can all visit and read your poem – OR you can put your poem itself in my comments and we’ll read it here!   Remember, poetry doesn’t have to rhyme to be fun to read so give it a try – you’ll see what I mean – POETRY IS FUN!      Now here are your prompt words for the letter “E” which we will celebrate next Thursday…………..

(1)  Earth  (2)  Evil  (3)  Escape  (4)  Empty

See you next week!   

Your forever friend, Angel Sammy


Thank you big brother…………………I love your poem……………..maybe one of these days I’ll try to write a poem too!    I can’t wait to read what our friends write…………

Love, Teddy


About onespoiledcat

We are Angel Sammy and Teddy......! Two ginger cats - one left for the Rainbow Bridge in December of 2016 (but still keeps in touch...) and the other in the "here and now" having lots of fun. Join us as we try to bring smiles to everyone around us with our blog.

61 responses »

    • Yes memories are forever and I’m so happy that Mom and I had our “quiet time” together in the dark for all those years. Teddy doesn’t go out in the dark – YET!

      Love, Teddy


    • We usually do have a lot of NOISY fireworks – this year we had a BIG RAIN on our side – kept things quite nice (and wet!). Glad you like my poem this week!

      Love, Angel Sammy


    • What a SWEET thing to say……Mom says the minute she was out of bed in the morning Sammy would be waiting for her by the door to go out for “their” walks…..rain or even snow didn’t stop them until Sammy got too old to want to go out any more. I think Mom is hoping I develop a taste for DARK walks now! Who knows?! Maybe I will! We LOVE your “D” poem Madi!

      Love, Teddy


    • Thank you dear friends……………….and we send you the biggest of possible hugs this morning on your loss of sweet, beautiful Ellie…………

      Love, Pam, Teddy, and Angel Sammy


  1. Aww, Angel Sammy I remember how much you loved those early dark morning walks and snoops with your Mom. I am so happy you have those special memories and we enjoy hearing about them. I didn’t know about you touching her knee for a lift to the shoulder “tour bus”… ♥

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes – even though Mom knew WHY he wanted to go out in the dark he still would politely ask for a lift up by touching her knee. He’d sit on her shoulder when he was tiny but then he got bigger and she’d just hold him in her arms while he sniffed the trees…….. ❤


  2. Awesome poem, Angel S. I can picture you riding Mom’s “tour bus” shoulder! That is the place to be. You’re probably right there right now! Smart kitty.

    Love and licks,


  3. Sammy, that was such a touching and sweet poem. What wonderful memories you and your mom have of all those mornings on patrol in the dark. We are very sad today after finding out that another friend, Ellie, has joined the RB gang. We hope you were there to welcome her with open paws. Mom wrote about another of our angels today. Here’s the link to our poem:
    Sending lots of love and warm hugs. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


    • We loved learning about your beautiful Angel cat Daphne…..your poem was a lovely tribute to her. We are very sad about Ellie going to the bridge but we ALSO know that Angel Sammy and Angel Fiona and SO many other friends and members of Ellie’s furfamily were there to hug her when she arrived. We know she no longer struggles to STAY here and is feeling like a kitten again. Hearts here are breaking but time helps as we all know.

      Love and Hugs, Teddy and Mom


  4. We had rain too but some of those boomers were going on even in the rain. We hope it gets quiet around here like at your place very soon sweet Teddy. We hope it stays quiet for you. What a nice poem from sweet Angel Sammy. Hugs and nose kisses


    • HAHA….Well for years when my Mom worked she had to get up super duper early anyway and she just kept that habit when she retired. Glad you liked the poem – I’ll tell Angel Sammy you did – that will make him smile.

      Love, Teddy


  5. We still had fireworks in our neighborhood, but Mom thinks there were a lot less than usual. Neither of us minded them at all.

    We did enjoy that poem from Angel Sammy. We bet it would be fun to walk in the dark, but Mom says she doesn’t like to because she can’t see all the night creatures that come out at night AND she doesn’t want to trip on the cracks in the sidewalk and fall:(

    We keep hoping the muse will inspire us again to join in your Thoroughly Poetic fun.

    Woos – Lightning and Misty


    • I’m pretty sure that I wouldn’t have minded the noise if we’d had fireworks…..I’m kind of a “cool” guy and I pretty much go with the flow. Angel Sammy and Mom had the BEST time on their “dark walks” but I’ve not really shown any interest in going out in the dark – at least YET! We do have some critters around – Mom and Sam would often see deer and the occasional skunk – but everybody left everybody else alone (thankfully) and they were all “friends in the dark”. I bet one of these days you will write another poem on Thursdays – Sammy hopes so anyway and so do I!

      Love, Teddy


  6. Pawsum poe-em Angel Unccle Sammy!!!
    Mee has not been ritin poe-emss latelee. Mee sorta lost mee ‘moe-joe’ after brakin thee lamp….
    ***air kissesss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


    • Don’t you worry about that – one day you will feel inspired again but until then, just take care of Ladymum and yourself – THAT is what’s important!

      Love, Teddy and Angel Sammy too


  7. What a great poem and a sweet tribute too. Angel-Sammy sure was evfur so spawsial:)

    Dandelions can be dinner.
    Some peeps think they are a winner!
    When their green is nice and dark;
    As you may find them in a quiet park,
    There will not be any danger,
    Shouldn’t make anyone feel anger,
    If you pick them for your dinner!



  8. dood….we noe ewe N joyed yur walkz with mom; we noe if ted oh natorz out walkin; ewe is STLL walkin with him and mom two….N ya all wayz will bee ♥♥♥


    3:17 aye am

    ringz a Ding Dong bell
    loud lee at dark o clox time
    de peepulz love it



    • Hey Tabbies of TT!! Angel Sammy has told the tale of the walks in the dark with Mom up at the Bridge around the campfire…it’s a favorite memory of Mom’s. Maybe I will get to try the dark walks out eventually but so far my dark mornings are INSIDE with Mom playing “chase/fetch” in the family room with a crocheted ball – while Dad is upstairs snoozing. Not as much fun as sniffing birdie nests but who knows – maybe one day I’ll give it a whirl! We love your HAIKU for “D” but I can tell you my Mom and Dad would have a FIT if someone did the ding dong bell at the door OR the phone at that hour! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!

      Love, Teddy


  9. Oooh, I think I know which word I hope next week’s poem is about! Not that someone named Evil Squirrel would be biased or anything (And hey, it will be my birthday next Thursday as well!)


    • Well I should think there will be at least one weirdo fan of yours who will think EVIL when they have to write their “E” poem! Especially when it’s your BIRTHDAY. Right? Right!

      Hugs, Teddy (and Mom too)


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