Blog Hop Around the World


Hi World!  Bet you thought this was Sam’s blog right?  Well, it normally is but today we’re having TWO blogs – “his” and “hers”………why?  Because I’m involved in a Blog Hop thanks to my friend Dianna of These Days of Mine who invited me to participate.   Dianna and I have been friends for a while – she lives in southern Virginia and we don’t get to see each other often but I feel like I’m in her world every day through her blog.  She posts spectacular photos of sunsets and sunrises on the water – she lives right on the water and the views are gorgeous and different every single day.

So the Blog Hop invites bloggers to answer four questions then nominate/ask three other blog friends to answer the same four questions the following Monday (a week from today).   No special links or widgets to install – just answer the questions and ask three of your friends to do the same the following week.  Easy?  You betcha!

1.How does my creative process work?     If I’d answered this question back when I was writing books my answer would be slightly different than it is as a blogger.  Writing a novel for me took a bit more planning and research and attention to detail, but writing Sammy’s blog for him is totally “by the seat of my pants”……whatever comes to me at the moment I start his blog for the next day, is what I write about.  I put myself in Sam’s place (which, after 14 years with him I seem to be able to do!) and whatever I imagine to be on HIS mind, is what we talk about.   If you follow him you know there are three “givens” in a week of Sam’s blogs…….Tuesday is the Tuesday Teaser with photos of far away (or near) places and everyone has to guess WHERE.  Then Saturday we talk about bacon – endlessly – Sam’s Saturday morning treat is bacon and the whole world knows that by now.  On Sunday we take a bit of a break for a Silent Sunday where we generally post a fun photo with no “verbage” required!   Anyway, my creative process works THROUGH Sam’s eyes – it’s the world through Sam and I enjoy doing that.

2. How does my work differ from others of its’ genre?  We read a LOT of pet blogs and for the most part, they are written “by” the pet – from the pet’s perspective – life through their eyes.  There are some that have the pet owner blogging about things the pet has done or places they’ve gone with their pet but when I started Sam’s blog, I purposely did it so it was as if HE was writing it.   Only with time visiting other blogs did I realize that a lot of other pet bloggers did the same thing.  So I’m not sure my work differs much from other pet blogs.   When I wrote novels and childrens books, I know that the way I worked on those was different from most other writers I knew………..I wrote without an outline – I allowed my characters to take me where THEY wanted to go.  Whatever seemed fun, logical, or interesting was where the action went……I put myself IN the story and wrote from INSIDE looking out.   I thought it might appeal to a reader to have that kind of perspective – it made it fun to write too.

3. What am I working on?  As an “every day” blogger, I am always working on something – getting ready for Tuesday Teaser or the next day’s blog or next week’s project – and Sam is now a Cat Scout and member of the Tabby Cat Club and both of those are fun organizations who do a lot of fun things.  Sam’s “knee-deep” in Scouts for instance.  He organizes activities for his Troop and tries to be supportive of his fellow Scouts……this takes TIME.  So I’m almost always working on something “for Sam” – you might say it’s a labor of love…..because it is!    I’ve thought about doing another childrens book……and have a sequel to my mystery partly finished and getting dusty on the shelf when I quit writing a few years ago……….but for now – Sam keeps me plenty busy.

4. Why do I create what I do?  That’s an easy one……..and will be the shortest response of the four questions.  I do what I do because I love it.  Blogging is wonderful – it’s my window to the world of pet blogging and the MANY friends I have as a result.  I wouldn’t trade that for anything.

Now I must confess that while I extended the invitation to join in the fun and be one of my three bloggers to answer the questions next Monday on their own blog, I heard back from only two of my friends who were totally “on board” to participate NEXT Monday.  Julia, who writes a totally wonderful blog about her blind cat Oscar and Sam and I enjoy “seeing” Oscar’s world through HER eyes is one of those.   Their blog is Lessons With Oscar and if you aren’t familiar with it, you should be!!   The other is my very creative friend Kelly whose blog Boomdeeadda is a total delight full of crafty wonderfulness.  She has an eye for art, and a magical slant on everything else in her life.  Since the idea is to have three friends respond and I only have two,  if any of you WOULD like to answer the questions next Monday on your blog and pass it on to three of your “willing” friends – please do so!!

You’ll get a separate blog from Sammy today – I know you don’t want to miss that!   Thanks for bearing with me through this one……….I don’t normally toot my own horn but Sam was very generous and allowed me to use his WordPress blog.  He’s such a good boy!!

Hugs, Pam (Mom of Sam)

Me and Baby Sam

Me and Baby Sam



86 responses »

  1. I like your answers and I learnt something: to be In the story and to be a part of it is probably the secret to get an interesting story. It’s a good way to experience the things you would like to experience in “real life” :o)


    • I enjoyed becoming my main character….made it super easy to create situations for her – I just wrote what I would do or say or feel and it seemed to work out. Not everyone does that – some writers want to create characters totally unlike themselves but for me with Bailey, she was PART of me the entire time I was telling the story.

      Love, Pam


      • I think to “be” your character is much better than to create a strange person, even when it is a character you would like to be. We had to read a book once in school called an “autobiography”. But even with my 15 or 16 years I smelled the rat, it was far away to be autobiographic, it was 100% wishful dreams of the writer. Because the author never was the guy he described in his book. I discovered the secret and wrote about the real identity of this guy…and got a big fat F. Two years ago a literary critic wrote exactly the same what I thought 30 years ago. He got no F, he got a prize. Shall I sue my school? :o)


  2. What a lovely boy Sammy is to share his blog with you 🙂 and I agree with Easy also..indeed to have a story is one thing to be able to bring it to a life of it’s own is incredibly hard and I think all bloggers like to try and impart a story to fellow bloggers some hit and some miss..but the fact we all share is really great 🙂 we hope you dust off the old friend and give it some work…if of course Sammy leaves you any time 🙂 hugs and loves Fozziemum xx


    • Time? What’s that…..if anyone knows the issue of not having it, it’s YOU there on your busy homestead. Never a dull moment with you Bev – but with me, I COULD have dull moments but seem to fill them right up with “stuff” every day. Scouts is HUGE and takes a ton of time but it’s fun……as long as writing blogs is fun, I’m “in” !!!

      Hugs and love, Pam


      • Hahahaah and you fill up the blogospehere with great joy my friend 🙂 yes I I think we all could do with some extra time! but then we would just keep filling it hahaha 🙂 I haven’t got the girls in scouts as I fall behind with TCC all the time as it is ..grrrrr..but I agree blogging is a really fulfilling and interesting thing to do…I have learnt so much and I think we all have made a great group of friends 🙂 we rock!! Hugs and love Bev xx


  3. I loved this post, Pam!! It was nice to read about “how” and “why” you write — (oops, I mean, Sammy, writes) One Spoiled Cat. And the references to writing your mystery and childrens’ books. And your loyal fans are still waiting on the sequel to David’s Bridge! But we understand how busy you are with Sam’s blog, too.
    Thanks so much for participating; I’m going to check out Oscar and Boomdeeadda’s blogs!


    • It was fun Dianna and thanks for including me………Oscar and Boomdee’s blogs are wonderful – each in a different way – and everyone who has a creative bone in their body enjoys talking about “why/what/how” when it comes to writing!!

      Love, Pam


    • Thanks Sushi and thanks for reading MY blog on Sam’s blog today….hahaha….Never a dull moment around here with Sam that’s for sure. He will miss you so much at Scouts – everyone is sad to see you go – but promise to visit once in a while OK? We love you tons……

      Pam and Sam


  4. My mom have kidnapped my blog too today , but all she do is showing lots of old cars and flowers and only ONE cat *sigh*
    My mom-person did have a photoblog before and then came me and Oops I got a blog and now my mom-perosn have NO time what so ever with her photoblog 🙂



    • Hi Charlie! Well, we take priority don’t we!!!! My Mom had a writing blog for a while then I began taking up all her time so she quit it…….HAHAHA…….I’m a “full-time job” it seems!!! 😉

      Hugs, Sammy


  5. What a great post! It’s so interesting to get to read about the work that goes into different people’s blogs and their reasons for doing what they do. And thank you for thinking of me. I love your blog and so it means a lot to me to be nominated by you 🙂 Big hugs Julia & Oscar


  6. Mom is always in awe of folks who can write!!! She can’t imagine having her thoughts organized enough to actually write a whole book….blog posts are more than enough for her 🙂

    Thanks for sharing!

    The Florida Furkids and Mom Sharon


    • WAIT! Your Mom DOES write……..she does a wonderful job with your blog (and her emails!)……….it takes organized thoughts to just keep up with a blog but she does SO MUCH MORE than that!

      Hugs, Sammy


  7. Thank heavens you enjoy it Pam and Sam! And interesting on your creative process.. fly by the seat of your pants! Me too.. when I am not PROcrastinating! I enjoy all the busy things going on here and love to see what Sammy is up to and all the comments on Teaser days!!!!


  8. Pam, your process is very interesting and something like mom’s…”fly by the seat of your pants”. hehehe We always enjoy Sammy’s blog. We are also waiting with baited breath for the sequel to your book. I guess we might as well relax as the book may never be finished. Your book is the next one on the agenda for Storytime. Woohoo! It’s sitting in mom’s kindle waiting…



    • I’m glad you have it waiting to read – and I’d love to hear what you think after you have read it!!! I wish I’d feel inspired to finish the sequel but so far it’s just not happening………LOL

      Hugs, Pam


  9. Thanks for sharing Miss Pam! I learned how to blog as Nylablue from my friend Laura on Bunspace. She at one point blogged as her 7 different rabbits! She captured each personality so well. I had been blogging since ’05 but as myself & felt I was not communciating all that well. So I started to really study Nylablue & watch her reactions to daily happenings. Funny what we can learn when we watch our 4 leggeds….
    So once I joined here I was able to blog as Nylablue no problem. Now she gets FAR MORE comments than I do to our blogs….apparently she is just funnier than I am, hahahaha!
    Love what you do!
    Sherri-Ellen & Nylablue ❤ ❤


    • Thanks so much Sherri-Ellen………I love helping Sam communicate with all his friends and it’s been a good way for me to continue being creative since I quit oil-painting and writing books. Cats are so interesting anyway and giving them “voice” is tons of fun!

      Hugs, Pam


      • I hear you Pam. I have had “writer’s block’ for years now with only the occasional poem being written. Weh I started blogging it was to find ‘my’ voice…in the end I found Nylablue’s voice & the combo has worked so well.
        Plus having all of you as friends here & on other blogs I have developed my blogging skills more. I also feel that blogging as Nylablue has brought us closer. I see things from her point of view more & more.
        It is a win-win situation 😉
        Now blogging is important to me; one of my passions!
        I love reading Sammy’s blogs….he is such a character too..
        Love Sherri-Ellen & Nylablue ❤ ❤ ❤


        • When you have a cat with a big personality (!) it’s easy to blog “for” them……likewise when you have a very shy cat, withdrawn and super quiet, we can bring them “alive” with our blog…… blogging is interesting and fun. Glad you like Sam’s blog – we love yours!

          Hugs, Pam (and Sam)


  10. Sammy give you mom a high 5 this is such a great post!
    Your mom is like mine…the blog takes her to another dimension and after living w me for 12 years ans Milky-WaY, RIP, for 14,5 years…she thinks like a cat
    Madi your bfff


  11. I enjoyed learning more about your creative process, Pam. I am so glad to hear that you do some of it “by the seat of your pants” since I work the same way. I often think I should be more organized but right now that’s what works for me! I admire anyone who has written a book (and need to read yours), it just seems like such a huge undertaking.


    • I thought it would be a huge undertaking but it just seemed to “write itself”……the rest of the process is a pain though – finding agents/publishers – I originally had an agent and publisher but then republished my novel myself. I was glad I did it too!!! Kind of gave it a “second wind”. Seat of the pants works for a lot of people in other areas of their lives so why not writing? LOL

      Hugs, Pam


          • Thanks! NC is calling for hurricane to come and that’s where we are at the moment, lol. Anyways, we’re hunkered down for a week at a inn. We’ll be fine. Hope you’re doing okay. Sorry I couldn’t make Book ‘Em this year. But I did get an interview from a student who was recommended by someone at Book ‘Em to contact me. It was pretty cool. We talked about my experiences with publishing.


          • Hi Bon! I hope you and your family stay nice and safe at the Inn in NC. Looks like NC is going to get more of Arthur’s wrath than we will up here but let’s hope Arthur likes being OUT TO SEA more than hitting land! I wasn’t at Book ‘Em either – not writing other than blogs these days. I’m glad you got an interview though – that’s wonderful….and I know you’re continuing with your writing and artwork – I’m so happy for you!

            Hugs, Pam


    • I guess we all find our own way of doing everything in life but it just seemed like “living my character” made it a whole lot easier to give life to the adventure in a logical fashion. It was tons of fun to write that book!

      Hugs, Pam


  12. Ifin yous still need a 3rd wees will pawticipate Sammy and Ms Pam. Just let us know. Dis wus a pawsum posty. Wees weally enjoyed leawnin’ wees not da only seat of da pants writers. MOL

    Luv ya’



    • If you guys would like to do this blog hop – please feel free to do so…………I think the more people who really examine their own process the better. Writing isn’t a chore – it’s supposed to be enjoyable and I just wanted to explain how I write…..everyone has their own way. Seriously – if you decide to answer the questions, just go ahead and post it on Monday – then remember to “pass it on” to three of your friends. That way it will keep going and going!

      Hugs, Pam


  13. I often wonder who brought the best out in who with Nylablue & I??
    I think maybe we brought out the BEST in each other. I found Nylablue had a very definite view of the world…things are very black & white with her,,,,she also has a sense of humour…she helps me see the funny side of life.
    It is so lovely to have like minded friends here. Funny thing: I could be at the beach for Canada Day celebrations with face to face people but I chose to stay home & be with my TRUE friends here on WP…
    Plus I am so far behind reading some blogs….
    Now I must figure out our WW for tomorrow also. Thank you for the compliment. I(we) work hard to make our blog interesting & fun & even informative…
    ❤ Sherri-Ellen & ❤ Nylablue x0x0x0


  14. Now if I were a feline Pam, I would *fluff* myself up with pride!!! LOL.
    It has been alot of trial & error to figure out what works blogging. I know that how I blog now will change when Nylablue is no longer here. However I hope to continue blogging for a very long time…whether as Nylablue or another feline. I find my blogs as myself rather dry…hard to believe I wrote poetry & short stories for years.\Thank you for your support & guidance here; it is much appreciated!
    ((HUGS)) Sherri-Ellen x0


    • My writing has changed drastically over the last five or six years………blogging has filled the gap. I will probably always blog – and always have a cat in my life!

      Love, Pam


  15. Thanks for the invite Pam and Sammy and for all the awesome posts you share everyday. I’m amazed really at how you manage. Your fun and creative artwork you do for camping trips and trips to space are so entertaining. Having joined you on a trip, I know how much time and effort you put into each and every post and I’m totally impressed.
    I love when Sammy tells us about his day and what’s going on in his world. You’re both so generous to link to other projects and posts too. Thanks for linking me here 😀 You’re a great community member and your example inspires me to do the same. As always, I adore you both to bits xoxoox your true friend Boomdee


  16. Oh Boomdee what a lovely post…..when I needed to pass on the fun of writing this blog to others I honestly thought of you first – you are one of the MOST creative and inventive people I know….and every blog of yours makes me smile. I can’t wait to hear your responses though – everyone likes to “peek inside” the head of someone who can pull a rabbit out of a hat (which is what blogging is sometimes!)…..and still have the energy to write poetry, make exquisite unique gifts for friends, and keep people so HAPPY. Thanks for being our friend……….

    Hugs, Sam and Pam


  17. Pingback: Blog Hop Around The World | Boomdeeadda

    • Hi Linne……well a few years ago when I was actively writing I MIGHT have had different answers (or not)……I’ve lived a long and full life so far but there’s always room to decide to pick up my pen (or keyboard) again so who knows. Glad to meet you through Boomdee…..she’s amazing and from what I saw on your blog, you are as well! Talent comes in so many forms……endlessly fascinating.

      Pam (and Sam)


  18. Pingback: Voyage Through the Virtual Village (AKA “Blog Hop Around the World”) :-) | A Random Harvest

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