Thankful and Poetic Thursday


Yep – it’s Thursday again and time to be thankful.   It’s also the day Angel Sammy visits us with a poem.    First let’s be very thankful though for the fact that Hurricane Ian is finally winding down and moving away and leaving us to clean up the mess.    We’re thankful the storm wasn’t WORSE than it was but very sad there was loss of life, home, land, EVERYTHING for so many people.    Very thankful for all the first responders and emergency personnel, the utility workers, and animal rescue organizations.   They are the BACKBONE of disasters.

Thankful as well that we received Angel Sammy’s email with his poem and a photo for us to use for next week’s poetry fun.   His email is below.


It’s Time For Poetry Everyone!

Hello and I hope all of you are ready for some poetic fun today.    Writing poetry IS fun.    Stretching your imagination when viewing a photograph – taking what you see and turning it into feelings, observations, and lots of fun……….at least for me that’s what I’m trying to do when I visit on Thursdays.   

Here’s last week’s photo – of a modern dance troupe or interpretive dance group doing their thing.    I hope you wrote a poem for this photo – it’s a fun one!  

“Well Choreographed Confusion”

Poem by Angel Sammy Kimmell    ©October 5, 2022


Sometimes there’s music, sometimes just a beat

It drives them forward on hard working feet

Emotion in the movement of each one and as a group

The art form is unique in a modern dance troupe

Often balletic, sometimes chaotic, always emotional

The dancers perform their craft with feeling quite devotional

Whether there’s music or just a beat as someone strikes a chord

Experiencing an interpretive modern dance group means you could NEVER be bored…..


My Mom tells me that when she was taking ballet many MANY years ago they could visit different dance troupes – modern dance, ballet, flamenco, you name it – it was most fascinating.    I think it’s interesting but as a cat who appreciates peace and quiet I’m afraid I’d stick to watching from behind the stage!

Anyway remember to tell us in comments if you wrote a poem – you can even share your poem by writing it IN my comments……….or give us a link.     AND here’s your photo for NEXT week’s poetic challenge!

This poor guy literally has his hands full and not just with boxes but with a customer who is entertaining herself by trying on shoes – probably for fun – and has no intention of buying any.    Looks like a fun one for a poem.

Until next week – please take care of yourselves, be kind to everyone, be careful and safe……………………..and WRITE SOME POETRY!

I am the Angel Poet in the green beret…..and I hope you join me for POETIC FUN each week!

Love, Angel Sammy


Good one Angel Sammy!    Thanks for taking care of me and Mom and Dad when the storm blew through here………………..we knew you would!

Big Hugs, Teddy


44 responses »

  1. I like next week’s picture!! Too bad the sales dude can’t just throw those two out of his store,LOL!
    Oops, the costumer is always right…sigh…even when they’re being naughty!

    Here’s my dancing Poem

    Hip and Hop!
    Bippity Bop!
    Twist and twirl,
    add a swirl!
    Dancing is fun,
    Be you boy or girl!


  2. Your thankfuls for Brian’s Thankful Thursday are my thankfuls, too. My Mom stuck little me in ballet and tap classes. I had no clue and just stuck around for the cookies and chocolate milk! I wanted to ride horses.
    Good Morning Virginieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!


  3. Meowning! Loved Angel Sammy’s poem! He does fine work always! I also had to smile at the two girls trying on shoes and those smiles and laughing they are doing. It looks so like some times I had with a particular girl friend. We were both young of course…each of us had a baby, and we stuck like glue to one another…the ol’ if not in my house, then in hers sorta thing. And even going to the grocery store- from the time we pulled into the parking lot, to the doors, inside, and out again giggling like loons! (do loons giggle? Of course they do). A cascade of laughter and giggles followed us every inch of the way in the store and out. Yup, people looked at us.


    • Friends like that are USUALLY few and far between and worth a zillion bucks. Mom almost always has had ONE FRIEND like that she was close to – always had lots of friends but only one “ULTRA BESTIE”. Friends really do make the world go round just a little bit smoother……………..

      Love and Hugs, Teddy (and Mom)


  4. We are also happy that Ian finally moved on. And we pray every day for the people who were impacted so drastically. The pathetic, gloomy remnants of the storm hung around at my house for 5 days! Blerg.

    Love and licks,


    • Love the poem this week – watching these kind of performances is so very fascinating – people sometimes say it looks like everyone is just going their own way but it’s so carefully choreographed and perfectly timed!


    • The only damage we had was to trees and even that was nothing compared to what so very many got – we were just on the edge of what was left of Ian as he made his way up the coast. Lucky – YES!


    • My Mom says that all girlie girls go through a “SHOE LOVE AFFAIR” at some point. My Mom had scads (however much that is) of high heels…..she was on her feet a lot though in her jobs and they just weren’t practical so she became a comfy shoe lady and saved the high heels for going out……then she hardly ever went out so the high heels gather dust in the back of the closet. I do that with my cat toys….they are in favor for a while then go to the bottom of my toy box!

      Hugs, Teddy


  5. Teddy, what a cute photo of you outside, and Angel Sammy’s poem is exceptional. Next week’s photo should make for some interesting poems. We bet our mom tries to put a cat in one of those shoe boxes. Stinky actually wrote our poem for this week. Here’s the link:
    XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, angel Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh


  6. Pingback: Thankful Thursday – Comedy Plus

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