Teaser Tuesday Time!


Hi Ho Students!   It’s that time again – HAVE YOU COMMENTED YET?

Yes it’s Tuesday AGAIN and we’re ready to either stump you or make you feel extra smart because you recognize where the photo was taken immediately.     It’s a GUEST TEASER so put on your thinking caps!

“WAIT – we said THINKING CAP not CAT!!”

“Har De Har – very funny”

Why do I think you’re being sarcastic Roger?    OK – let’s get down to business.   Here’s the rules and the badges up for grabs today:

Alrighty then……without further ado – our Security Guard will bring in today’s TEASER!

“Here’s the photo Professors!”


How’s that for a Teaser?    Maybe it’s EASY but maybe it’s HARD………….you’re the only ones who can answer that!!

“I’d like to prowl around on those rooftops!”

Well they’re a little steep for us but you young whippersnappers might enjoy the challenge of those rooftops!     Let’s bring the Cheer Team in for a little CHEER shall we?????

Today we’re cheering out of the pool
Because we’re off to ballet school!
The Teaser today looks harder than a rock
If someone guesses right we’ll all be in shock
Just study hard and give it a shot
Now go have a meal in your favorite spot!
Miss D has things ready on the cafeteria line
We took a quick peek and it all looks mighty fine!

I think the Cheer Team has the right idea – let’s wander over to the Fish School Cafeteria for something to eat – a little brain food purrrhaps?

Hello Students!   Time to fill your tummies with something yummy!

Today’s Delicious Dishes:

57 responses »

  1. As Paris has already been guessed, I am going to guess London, England. We want one each of the desserts and we will share. Thank you. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, angel Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh


  2. I don’t know whether there is such a thing as a thinking plate but I think I need such a thing. Could I have a Chicken Bacon Ranch Crescent Pie, a French Toast Neapolitan, and a Banana-peanut butter smoothie? One thing seems to be sure: the food coma will be close!


    • HAHAHAHA……we have plenty of trays and silverware at the end of the cafeteria line!! Pot roast is particularly tasty this morning. As for Austria – we’ll see if you’re on your game with guessing tomorrow for the Tell All!!

      Hugs, Teddy


    • Well Mr. Frank we’re glad to see you – we knew you were on “BLOG BREAK” and thought you might be on “TEASER BREAK” at the same time! Two mimosas means you ARE on a break but not from school!!

      Hugs, Professor Teddy


  3. Whoa…that’s a lotta chimney pots o those roofs. Not sure but will go with Paris like some of the other clever folks here. As for breakfast, may I please have a fruit tart and banana peanut butter smoothie. I need some protein to get through the heat today.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Yet another unknown town dealing with a man-eating otter invasion. These citizens at least took the novel approach of turning all of the WWII era anti-aircraft guns on the roofs into anti-man-eating otter guns! However, just like man-eating otters can crawl up through the pipes and ambush an unsuspecting person on the toilet, so can the little rascals pop up through the gun turrets to take out the gunners. Where will these little brown menaces turn up next? Find out next Tuesday!!!!

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Oh no I forgot it was Tuesday and then son had to work later so I got on late. I cannot wait to see where this is. Looks interesting. I do not even reconize those kind of buildings. Have a nice evening.


  6. The roof line reminds me of the chimney sweep scene in Mary Poppins, at least a little. It’s probably some roof of an old building or castle somewhere, i’m sure i’d enjoy a visit.

    The roasted carrots and cole slaw look so yummy!


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