Friendly Fill-Ins


Happy Friday!    It’s time to fill in the blanks with our co-hosts, Four-Legged Furballs and 15andMeowing.    Four sentences with blanks and all we have to do is fill those blanks in!    Fun way to share information – you can join us by clicking the badge above and linking up.

Here are the sentences for today and this week Mom and I share the fill-in duty.    If the words are my Mom’s, they’re in BLUE and if they’re mine, they’re GREEN!


1. I keep hoping the ice will melt on the sidewalk so I can go outside – – – I am not a fan of cold paws!
2. Last year at this time, I was making plans for a trip to Maine – Covid changed that!.
3. Sunny and warm is my favorite kind of weather.
4. One random fact I happen to know is life really is full of surprises.

My parents go to Maine in October and have done that for years until LAST year.    They were so disappointed and it’s still up in the air whether they will be able to go this year or not too.    The virus has changed EVERYONE’s life in some way.    I’m thankful that so far Mom and Dad are healthy – and both are waiting patiently for their turn at getting the vaccine.   Hopefully the day isn’t too far off when we can all breathe a sigh of relief and it won’t be through a mask.

Open the door Mom – I’m comin’ back in!

Hugs, Teddy

57 responses »

  1. 1. I keep hoping that everyone will be vaccinated and we will FOIL this virus.
    2. Last year at this time, I was doing the same things we are doing today, sigh…….
    3. Sunny and warm is my favorite kind of weather. I’m seconding that!
    4. One random fact I happen to know is that the ONLY thing one can know for sure is that CHANGE will happen..
    That’s probably positive right now!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Good filling in ! Last year this time we hadn’t heard the about the virus yet…..and we made plans including plane reservations – fortunately the reservations are being honored this year by the airline but whether or not we can actually GO to Maine is the question! We just want everyone – EVERYONE – to be able to get back to their lives they love and miss.

      Hugs, Pam


  2. This time last year we had just come home from a 5 day midweek break. We booked it for half price when we were away for Christmas. We weren’t sure about it as it was the same place and soon after the other break. We are glad we did go now because that was the last time we got away. Two days now since we had our shots and no side effects!
    I hope it soon warms up for your paws, Teddy.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jackie I’m so happy you and Ivor have had your shots AND had no side effects! No vaccine available in my town/area for another few weeks – we’re patiently (sort of) waiting! I know what you mean about travel, etc. It’s so hard to think about the fun of hopping in the car and taking a drive to a beautiful Inn somewhere to enjoy a break and knowing we just shouldn’t – at least not yet!!!! Soon though – we hope!

      Love, Pam


  3. Good Fill-ins Teddy and Teddy’s Mom! We are trying to be patient about waiting for the vaccine but we don’t seem to be making any progress. Not really well planned out in our area and it took them forever how to figure out how to get people registered without giving shots to people that don’t even live here. Snowbirds got the shots that full time residents should have gotten. I am hoping you get to go to Maine and that we get our shots before SSNS brother and wife come to Florida next month.
    Good Morning!


    • Yes our County is WAY messed up too with the shots – we’re signed up everywhere but there is delay in shipping vaccine – and it could be months…… Sure hope you can get your shots before you have visitors!!!! We know patience is a virtue but it’s tough to be virtuous when it comes to this virus! 🙂 🙂

      Hugs, Pam


  4. Mom said she is waiting on her turn for a shot, and she hopes that I don’t have to take care of her if she has a severe reaction.


    • They are being super hopeful and I am also hoping I can go visit the SPA……they will need to decide/know soon as they only have a year to use the plane tickets from last year that they couldn’t use then…….!

      Hugs, Teddy


  5. Thank you for participating in the fil-ins, great answers. I am sorry it is icy outside. And I sure hope your folks can get to Maine this fall. Your mom is right about life. Have a nice weekend. XO


  6. This covid thing really messed up the world but dad was coping. Now with the snow that is endless on top he feels like he is in jail. Ugh. And our county has terribly messed up vaccinations. Double Ugh. Teddy we are not allowed in the cat yard as there is nowhere to go. The last fill in is so true and doesnt that add such zest to life. Always something good that pops up if you keep looking, and include the little things!


    • Our county is also behind with vaccinations – none to be found – Mom and Dad on wait list along with a million others….staying hopeful though! At least things are looking up finally instead of spiraling downward.

      Hugs, Teddy


  7. Good Morning ☀️ Always enjoy your fill ins Teddy and Pam. I’m glad it’s warming up here. Below zero temperatures is too cold 🥶
    Hubby got his first Moderna shot yesterday at the VA. I get mine March 5 at public health. Hubby had no side effects. Hope I’m that lucky too.
    Hope your sidewalks warm up soon Teddy.


  8. e at least are feeling happier since now the temps are in the 20’s instead of the single digits!

    We too are awaiting patiently or not for the better days ahead…but why does it have to take so long…sigh….oh well, at least we are healthy and so are our sons…and the fourlegged ones, too.
    And my facility is now Covid free..and we pray it stays that way.


    • That’s great news about the facility – things are looking up everywhere…..we are still waiting waiting waiting for more shipments of vaccine – they say 2-3 more weeks….and even at that we’ll have to wait. So happy you all are OK!!

      Hugs, Pam


  9. We just got in from shovelling another 6 inches of snow. It is to get above freezing today and with the freezing at night, it compresses into ice…so it has to be removed from the driveway and the sidewalk or we’ll never get out. Gosh I am sick of winter this year, but I am so thankful it was not this snowy last year.
    We can’t wait to see what bacon delight we will learn about tomorrow! Stay warm guys, thanks for visiting us and commenting! We LOVE it and have a marvellously Happy Day!


    • My Dad shoveled today too – but only down to the layer of ice……..we have sun today supposedly so hoping for a little melting! Hope you like the incredibly easy dip we have on tap in the Castle Kitchen today!

      Hugs, Teddy


  10. Teddy COME BACK INN!!!! Iss too chilley out there!
    LadyMew has not bin stressed out bye all THE changess. Shee has bin unabell to go out much inn past 3 yeerss beecause of her kneess that are BOTH bone on bone & her Skeletal Hyperostosis. Shee did not have to adapt like so many otherss.
    Shee DOES miss goin out with Aunty Mary-Ellen an goin up to her Farm to vissit Unkell Tyerrone an THE other catss an THE horseiess. THE rest has bin easy…..all tho’ tryin to go to storess an get inn without standin outside inn freezin cold has bin a challenge.
    LadyMew meowed to mee shee iss gratefull fore havin a warm dry place fore us to live an havin Penshunss an fore Aunty Sheila an Aunty Melinda. Wee have foodabulss an suppliess an treetss an litter an Tee V an Pee C an bookss an mewsick… each other….fore us there iss no reeson to leeve home…..
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma an ❤ LadyMew


    • Same here BellaDharma……we have been happy at home together too and haven’t wanted for anything. More time together has been nice but as Spring gets closer Mom and Dad think more about finally venturing out into the world a bit more – the mountains are close and there’s lots of nice picnic spots up there – fresh air – and while it’s been great here at home, a change of scenery would be NICE! Stay safe and cozy – that’s the BEST thing.

      hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Teddy, such fantastic fill-ins from you and your mom! Our snow is all melting away, and we hope yours is, too! Warm weather is just around the corner. Purrs!


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