Friendly Fill-Ins


Another fun Hop – this one lets us learn about our friends and that’s truly FUN. It’s co-hosted by 15andmeowing and Four-Legged Furballs. Each of them gives us TWO sentences with blanks to fill in. Funny how you can learn so much about someone with just a few blanks filled in isn’t it?!?!?!   If you’d like to join us, click the badge above and find where the link up with us.    Then have fun visiting everyone and seeing how they filled in the blanks.

Here are this week’s four sentences……………..this week I decided to let Mom be the STAR…..she is filling in ALL the blanks!    Her words are in RED.

1. I am going to give my husband a bread baking cookbook for Christmas.  (he likes to TRY to make bread but it never turns out like he wants – hopefully the book will help!)

2. I sleep about 6 hours a night.   (sometimes a little more – depends on what aches and pains I have at the time!)

3. My home is decorated with things that make me happy – it’s not a “model home/don’t touch anything” kind of place – it’s a HOME.
4. Christmas music makes me feel festive.

Nice of Teddy to allow me to do all four sentences this week.   Something tells me it’s not something I should get used to though.     HAHA

Happy Friday!   Pam (and Teddy too)

52 responses »

  1. Oh, Pam, his luck is change….my mama’s focaccia and breads, make with the same technique (!) will make you smile even more. Mama promises this. You can see a video of mama making focaccia on YouTube.
    Suzanne Dunaway’s FLASH focaccia. Lots of luck and love.


    • I will have David look at the video for sure – I think the book will be a big surprise and inspire him to try making bread again – he was just so discouraged and I KNOW your book will get him enthusiastic about it again! Thanks for the love AND luck! By the way, the book arrived from Amazon yesterday….and is now wrapped and under the Christmas tree………..

      Hugs, Pam


  2. 1. I am going to give papa a fog-proof mask and wipes for glasses to de-fog them when wearing with mask for Christmas.

    2. I sleep ALOT a night. And all day, too.

    3. My home is decorated not at all. It’s like YOURS, comfortable and NOT “decorated”…and we love that. Mama says she is terrible at decoration. She just throws pretty throw pillow around, haha. And has her paintings…

    4. Christmas music can make me sad or happy. We are not with our Rome family. So sometimes the Hallelujahs are sort of poignant, whatever that means…I like music for cats with the purr in the background, but not sure it’s holiday music, haha.


    • Hi Loulou! You filled in the sentences well. I’m a major sleeper too – I can fall asleep ANYWHERE! Someone told my Mom that if you put shaving cream on your glasses then wipe it off it will keep them from fogging up when you wear your mask. Our house is “lived in”….and our furniture is old but comfy….and Mom and Dad can think of lots of other ways to spend $$ than buying new furniture right now! HAHAHA My Mom has her paintings in her office and in one of our bathrooms (hahaha) as decoration. Nice to have an artist in the family isn’t it Loulou?!?!?!?!

      Love, Teddy


  3. I hope your husband has more success with making bread next year!

    There’s snow on the hills! I’ve been promised a long walk to find it later. 😀


  4. 1. I’m going to try to give each family member something unique this year.
    2. I sleep 8 interrupted hours each night…fighting for air because of enveloping cats.
    3. My home is not very decorated. No time to put up or take down because of circumstances.
    4. Christmas music makes me go back in time to Christmases passed.


  5. Thanks for participating in the fill-ins, great answers-we had the same for #4. 🙂 Sorry your aches and pains ruin your sleep. I am sure your hubby will love his gift. Have a nice weekend. XO


  6. I attempted to make bread when we were first married but mistook a teaspoon of salt for a tablespoon. Let’s just say it would have made a good door stop!


    • HAHAHAHAHAHA……….well, that kind of says it all. I have to be super careful with measurements too. I’ve long made my biscotti from “memory” but the last time I made it I looked at my standard recipe and noticed I’ve been putting a bit too much sugar in it – no wonder it was so tasty. HAHAHAHA

      Love, Pam


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