Teaser Tuesday


Welcome Class!   Have you commented yet?   You’d better do that before you put your bottom on the desk chair!

That’s right – it’s the most important thing to do when you walk into the school on Tuesday morning – say something and you might get FIRST COMMENTER status around here.

Speaking of status – our SECURITY TEAM has status – they are the team that keeps us feeling safe and sound in class.   They do regular patrols outside the school building, in the hallways and in the classrooms for us.    Chief Clowie and her Trainees have us covered!


Now let’s get this class going.    We have a DIFFERENT kind of Teaser challenge for you today.     Yep – we have FIVE separate photos of cities for you to look at and your job is to tell us which photo goes with what location.    Sounds easy?  Well it isn’t – all of the photos were taken from up ABOVE the city so the perspective is different……….AND big cities often look a lot alike so you should have fun figuring this one out!

I’m getting a headache just THINKING about this!

Yep – it probably will be a challenge but then again – you all like challenges right?    You don’t want EASY TEASERS!   You want to use those magnificent brains you have!

Magnificent brains?

Let’s show you the rules………….and the badges you can win – and by the way, NEXT week we have our Halloween Teaser and we will have special badges for you then.   This week we have the usual badges.


Well don’t worry – we’re about to begin the TEASER test now………….so buckle up your seatbelt and hold on right……………………..

As I said we have FIVE photos for you to study.     They were taken up above five cities – and we will give you FIVE places where the photos were taken and you need to match the photo with the place.    Got it?    So when you give us your answer on the test you must say which photo is from which city.   Just study the photos – there may be some clues in there – maybe even some we didn’t even see (!) – after all, we Professors aren’t ALWAYS as smart as you students are.

Here are the list of PLACES you will match the photos to:

Chicago, Illinois

Toronto, Canada

Hong Kong


Sao Paolo, Brazil

And if our Security Guard would be so kind as to bring in the five photos – numbered 1-5, you may begin figuring out which photo goes with which place!

Here’s today’s FIVE Teaser photos Professors!






Yes I hear you – THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE……………right?   Well maybe not…………..maybe you will find some clues to zero in on………………….who knows.    You are SMART students so I’m expecting someone to figure these out without cheating and using GOOGLE IMAGE SEARCH.    Got it?   GO FOR IT!   You may win a badge this week.


Give it a try………you might surprise yourself!

Cheer Team?  I think you need to come in here and pump up the volume (and the mood) of the class – everyone is looking like they want to vacate the premises classroom rather than tackle this Teaser.

This is quite an epic teaser
We know this FOR SURE isn’t a crowd pleaser
I see looks of panic and looks of fear
And looks of “gosh I need a beer!”
We can’t imagine having to do the guessing
We’d really find it quite depressing!
But you students are good and we know you’re smart
So take a deep breath and make a start!

Hey – did those two students FAINT or are they napping?   We know this is a toughie but it’s not THAT scary is it?

Maybe if you have a good lunch you’ll feel better about guessing this one?   Tomorrow we’ll find out if anyone wins anything or if we have a class full of GREENIE BADGES!!!!!!

Well Students I’d say you need some extra brain food today for lunch with the kind of Teaser challenge you all have to work on today………All I can say is GOOD LUCK!

Today’s Selections:

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GOOD LUCK STUDENTS – we know this is a toughie – but we know you’re up to the challenge!

Your Professors

78 responses »

      • Oh Goodness we were thinking we were going to be late when we logged on today. It is still dark outside. Looks like Daylight is being saved big time. Hi security team, Cheer Team you have that right need a beer goodness catness. Miss D can we have the fajitas and spaghetti and meaty meat balls. Mmmmm. Wonder if we got this one right professors or are we just blowing around the windy city?

        Liked by 1 person

        • Enjoy your lunch and yeah we did an early bird special with the Teaser today………and made it something different – shaking things up!! You will find out tomorrow how you did guys……..can you stand it????!!!!!

          Hugs, Professor Ted

          Liked by 1 person

  1. OK So we think the first one is Ohhh Sneaky Number 5 is San Paolo, Number 1 is Honk Kong, Number 2 is Singapore, Number 3 is Toronto and Number 4 is Chicago The windy City Sneaky Professors almost tripped us up. Hey All

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Hi, this is a tricky teaser!

    I’ll have some lunch and think about it on my next sweep of the perimeter. I’ll be back later if I get any ideas.


  3. Great cheer ladies. I like these teasers, at least I have a chance.1 Toronto, 2 Brazil, 3 Hong Kong , 4 Chicago and 5. Singapore. Have a great day! XO


  4. High rise prisons. Really, talk about an idea whose time has come. Think of all of the advantages. If we had more 70 story penitentiaries in this country, the inmate overcrowding problem would literally vanish into thin air. Escapes would be thwarted before they were ever attempted since 1,000 feet is a pretty steep jump to make it to freedom. No whiny NIMBY suburbanites to keep new facilities from being built because a prison would actually IMPROVE most downtown areas. Plus, the prisoners now get a nice view to go along with their free cable TV, which will help improve morale even more than the special messages written on those bars of prison soap…

    I think Miss D’s “brain food” is more fitting for zombies, but she’d probably even make the walking undead sick with her cooking…

    Liked by 1 person

    • It’s all about guesswork – and who knows – maybe the Professors will give you an a+ if you guessed right! Stop by tomorrow to see…………at the very least, you can pick up a GREENIE !

      Hugs, Pam


    • Make sure and stop by tomorrow and see how you did! This was a fun one but we know people prefer the single photo Teasers……….we have a “cute” one for next week’s Halloween Teaser!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  5. Looks like if we guessed correctly, we aren’t first, but Mom had to leave the house early this a.m., so she couldn’t check out all the photos then. Great cheer from the girls today. XOCK Kitties Blue


  6. We need a few hot dogs to figure this toughie out. Let’s see…..
    !/ Hong Kong
    2/ Singapore
    3/ Toronto…..yay….the Maple Leafs…sis boom ba.
    4/ Chicago
    5/ San Paolo

    Those are our guesses for this week.



  7. Oops…I took my iPad upstairs to be early for a change, but when I got up at 6am…there was not a post yet…then I did not wake up till almost noon, MOL!!
    And since it is rather wild and rambunctious outside, I had to clean up all the fallen tree limbs and other debris, well I forgot it was Tuesday. Oops!

    And I don’t have any time the rest of the day to research those city-scapes. I’ll just have to take my greenie(s) and call it a day. Hmmm
    See ya!


  8. Pingback: Have A Seat | Evil Squirrel's Nest

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