Tuesday Teaser Class !


Hello Students!!!!    Remember to comment when you get here!

We’re out in front of the school because we want to introduce you to our new SECURITY TEAM…………..after the recent rock-throwing incident where we had to move to a different school room because someone broke a class window (!!), student Clowie (you all know her!) said she would be happy to do schoolyard Patrol to keep us all SAFE.     We like SAFE……..so we told Clowie we’d be thrilled for her to handle Security – perhaps with some helpers.     So as of today – we will be seeing the SECURITY TEAM on duty!!

We feel SAFE now!!!!    Thanks Clowie and Company!

Now that we know we are well looked after, shall we start class?????

YAY CLOWIE AND COMPANY!   Let’s do Teaser!

Today we have a GUEST TEASER for you………..So you’d better have clean glasses and open eyeballs so you will be able to study the photo today.

Clean glasses here!

Clean but ill-fitting glasses here!

Let’s review the rules and the badges shall we????

Now we have the “business” portion of things done shall we move on to the super fun part?    Seeing the photo???????


Yep – nobody gets attention quickly like Marge – actually I guess Sarge does a good job of it too!!!!!

Here’s today’s Teaser photo Professors!


We think this is an amazing bit of artwork but WHERE in the wide world do you think this artwork and the place where it resides is located???????????   Follow the rules and have fun with this one.  Tomorrow we’ll TELL ALL and let you know who submitted this photo for today’s class.

WOW…….are you sure that’s not a real horsie??   Looks real to me!!!!

Our Cheer Team thinks you may need an extra boost from them this morning to figure this one out so let’s go for it……………………….You’re ON Team!

It’s Tuesday and we’re here to cheer
Then after class, it’s hot tub and beer
That’s for US but not for YOU
You’ll be here studying until well after TWO!
Tomorrow we’ll see just how well you guessed
We imagine some of you will still be stressed
But remember Teaser is just for fun
You can’t all be First Right Guessers – only ONE!
Before we go we want to say
We’re excited about Clowie’s Company guarding us today!
We feel safe and secure and oh so happy
Knowing Clowie will take care of introoders fast and snappy!!!!

OK girls…………head off to your hot tub!

Looks like a great spot to unwind after a hearty cheer!

Now shall we head to the cafeteria?   I’m sure Miss Dingleberry has some delicious treats in store for us as usual…………………………FORWARD MARCH………………….

Hello Students!   It’s time for a hearty lunch in your cafeteria – we are here to serve you so bring your trays and let’s fill ’em up!!!

Our Ding Dong Menu for the Day:

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Good luck guessing students – see you tomorrow at regular time for the TELL ALL!!!!

Your Professors and your Security Team!


78 responses »

  1. That’s a lovely horse, but I don’t know where it is.

    I’ll think about it while I do another sweep of the perimeter. One of the trainees has gone missing. I suspect he’s checking on Miss D’s food storage area again! 😀

    That was a lovely cheer from the squad today!

    Liked by 3 people

  2. That is the cutest security team I have ever seen. Very cool art, but I have no clue as to where the photo was taken. That would be a good poetry prompt too. Great cheer ladies. XO


  3. I believe this is the so-called Trojan horse (Not to be confused with Mitzi’s friend with benefits) that the prisoners of Parthenon Penitentiary put together in a foiled attempt at a mass escape. While the breakout wasn’t successful and the prisoners were severely beaten…. er, chastised by the guards, the warden decided to keep the Trojan horse on the prison grounds anyway because…. well, just look at it! it’s so cute!

    If Ding Dong School needs any additional security, I can send Deputy Buster out to patrol the grounds. I just better warn him not to eat any of the cafeteria food…

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Mee-yow wow….wee not sure what to think…oh wait you said ‘artwork’ teddy so THE horse iss NOT reel.
    At ferst LadyMew thott a horse farm inn Kentucky. The shee said it lookss like a Hiss-torrick-al Village which cuud bee anywhere…..Shee even tried to Goo-gull butt nothin werked…
    So wee thinkss THE Horse statue iss Switzerland an iss THE creation of a Mistur Jean Tinguely who made THE Maggie-nificent machine statue LadyMew’ss Meowy saw inn 1964…..
    Shee soundss confee-dent (which meenss shee iss purrobablee wrong, mew mew mew….)
    ***purrsss*** BellaDharma

    Liked by 2 people

    • Rock throwers aren’t allowed of course so Clowie thought it would be a good idea to keep any further incidents on campus! That’s resulting in all of us feeling so nice and secure……these days that feels EXTRA good!


    • The Weims were right and we were surprised ANYBODY was…….Miss Jackie was RIGHT when she stopped there on her trip though – we benefited by getting this fabulous photo to use for a Teaser! YAY!

      Hugs, Teddy


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