Sunday Selfie Hop


Time for Selfies!    But before I load up mine I want to make sure and wish my little pal from the Kitties Blue crew at The Cat On My Head a SPECIAL GET WELL wish.    Sawyer had a huge seizure Friday morning and unlike the others before this one, it did NOT stop on its’ own.   It just went on and on and his Mom and Dad rushed him to the emergency vets’.    He was intubated and sedated and we all held our breath until we heard that his temperature was coming down…….and even though he was still “out”, he was trying to come around.    By Friday night he was resting much easier and the vet said he might be able to come home Saturday morning.    Well, he did come out of it AND did get to come back home where he belongs and where he could feel all the love from his brothers, sisters, and Mom and Dad.    Oh – and those of us who care about him too!

So, how about sending little Sawyer any spare POTP you might have?   We want him to get better and if we could put the power of the paw to work and make it so he NEVER had another very bad seizure EVER again.    We want him to have the BEST life ever while he’s with us.

We’re hooping he’s feeling even BETTER this Sunday morning………………………it’s Selfie Hop day!     I’m doing a flashback AGAIN…………..the only new photos of me are tummy shots (of course) Mom did while I was napping in her room while she worked on the computer.    We have enough tummy shots to line the walls of every room in this house of ours.    So I decided to dig into the photo box and find one of ME from as close to this date as I could only back in 2017 – here’s what I found:

Amazing………………this is from June 20, 2017 so I was only here for four months but you might remember the photo from two weeks ago that I shared of me “almost in” my red tent so obviously I like “hanging out” instead of being all the way IN my red tent.    Mom of course thinks this is hilarious.   It is similar to the one from two weeks ago:

These two tents resided at the time in my Mom’s office at home………….so I was frequently stationed in there while she worked on my blog………This poor tent sure did wee a lot of action!!!!!

She did a jigsaw puzzle with the second “almost in the tent” photo from back then and here it is after she Lunapic-ed it with “Illustion” filter and framed it!

AND here’s the jigsaw puzzle if you’re up for the challenge!   Just click the “MINI-ME” painting below and you’ll get the puzzle!



Happy Sunday and please send some POTP to Sawyer!!  

Love, Teddy


About onespoiledcat

We are Angel Sammy and Teddy......! Two ginger cats - one left for the Rainbow Bridge in December of 2016 (but still keeps in touch...) and the other in the "here and now" having lots of fun. Join us as we try to bring smiles to everyone around us with our blog.

55 responses »

  1. Teddy you are so kind to yo such a lovely picture of Sawyer. Yes, we are worried about Sawyer too and wish him well.

    Thank you for being so kind.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I read about Sawyer on FB and it was very scary for him and his family. I send my best wishes to them and prayers too.
    That is a great photo of you in (and out) of your tent. Thanks for the puzzle which I will do tonight.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi ERin…….I certainly spend a lot of my life on my back – even in the flashbacks. We thought it was so funny that within two weeks Mom would catch me in almost the EXACT position. She also said maybe it’s time to get me a new RED tent! YAY! Happy Sunday.

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Yes, POTP for Sawyer. Mom and I were upset yesterday when we went to his blog and were reading that he had such a bad time.
    Teddy, ain’t nobody can stretch out better that YOU.


    • I do know how to stretch things out don’t I?? Sawyer is MUCH better today and apparently didn’t suffer any organ damage from the high body temperature he had during his seizure. They are adjusting his meds again – hopefully at least when he has a seizure it will STOP on its’ own next time.

      Hugs, Teddy


  4. Sorry about your friend. Sending prayers. Love your photo you did. I miss those kind of tents. Walmart used to carry them but; now they changed them. Made better but; Tubby can’t tear it up like he used to. That was his favorite thing to do. LOL. Rainy day today. Enjoy your yours.


  5. Beautiful graphic for Sawyer. He is in my prayers. I love this photo of you Teddy and your mom made it into a work of art. Thanks for the puzzle. XO


  6. Dearest Teddy, thank you for this sweet and thoughtful post for Sawyer. Those grumpy old man photos from when he first came to live with us are so funny. And we absolutely love your cube photo today. You look as exhausted as if you had just run a marathon. We probably have as many belly photos of Cooper as there are of you. Thanks for hopping and for all of your support and love. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • Miss Cecilia also put our note about Sawyer out in the POTP post so lots of people are getting the word that Sawyer – and you – need extra support!!! Mom has decided she needs to order me a new red tent like the one I’ve almost torn to smithereens.

      Love, Teddy


    • We hear that Sawyer spent a lot of his day napping and catching up on real rest….and he has eaten and played a bit so we think all the POTP everyone sent his way helped! YAY!!!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  7. Meow meow Teddy yore tent Selfiess are so adoorabell… are so cute! You made LadyMew giggell even!!!
    As fore Sawyer mee iss sendin ALL THE POTP mee can msuter fore him to make a full reecovurree….poor man cat…mee has seen LadyMew have a seizure an THAT was scarey enuff….mee can not rap mee head ’round sweet Sawyer havin one….So furry sad!
    ***purrsss*** an ❤ BellaDharma


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