Teaser Tell All


C’mon in and get warmed up – it’s time for class!

OK Students…………………yesterday’s Teaser was guessed fairly quickly BUT it was still fun………………and know what else?   We had TWO First Commenters – I think the Cheer Team was mighty happy to hear that so they wouldn’t have a super long cheer to do adding a bazillion names.    We’ll find out shortly I guess – they’re in the hot tub working on their cheer now!


Our FIRST COMMENTERS this week were:

*****Drum Roll*****

CARRY from CarryLovesCats

OLIVER/CALVIN (and Mom Melissa)

Woo Hoo!   Concatulations!   You each win one of these:

I was a FIRST COMMENTER on the Teaser of January 29, 2019 and I’m PROUD OF IT!

I was a little late to class yesterday or I’d have won this badge!!!!

Then we watched and waited and sure enough – before long in came the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER……………..WHO WAS IT??????

It was ME wasn’t it – it was ME right???? Huh????

No it wasn’t YOU – it was ME! ME ME ME ME!

No sorry boys neither of you were right with your guesses but ONE person was FIRST right and that was:

*****Drum Roll*****

PHENNY and NEILSON of Easyweimaraner!

WOO HOO DUDES – you get this badge!!!

We were FIRST RIGHT GUESSERS on the Teaser of January 29, 2019 – we TOTALLY ROCK!

And there were others who guessed the correct location for the Teaser too – each of you win one of these:

I guessed RIGHT on the Teaser of January 29, 2019 BUT I was not FIRST……Darn!

And of course we are awarding the world famous GREENIE to those of you who guessed INCORRECTLY:

POOEY! I guessed WRONG on the Teaser of January 29, 2019 but I tried……so there!!

Here’s the Teaser photo again THEN we’ll tell you where it was taken:

What a beautiful place……….who’d have guessed though that it’s located in San Francisco, California???    This is the gorgeous San Francisco Palace of Fine Arts.    It has a most interesting history and if you’d like more info about it, just CLICK HERE.

Give yourselves a hand winners and better luck next time to our Greenie Gang!

Congratulations EVERYONE!!!

Let’s have that cheer from the Cheer Team shall we???    They are all dried off from hot tub time and fresh as four little daisies – TAKE IT GIRLS!!

Here we are fresh from the tub
After we tell you who won, let’s all get some grub!
Carry and Oliver and Calvin too
Were our FIRST COMMENTERS and faster than YOU!
Then we waited and had our FIRST RIGHT GUESSER
Phenny and his brother Neilson were RIGHT even under pressure!
Another successful Teaser for Ding Dong School
Now let’s go get lunch because we’re starting to drool!

Yeah I see some drooling students in class so maybe we’d better scoot over to the cafeteria for lunch.    Then you all get to go home early because it’s SNOWING and the buses don’t like driving in that stuff (we Professors don’t like to either!).     We’ll see you in class next week though!

Hello Students!   It’s time to get some lunch to warm you up before you head on home to play in the snow!  Enjoy!

I’m not looking forward to hopping off the bus into THIS!

Today’s Menu Selections:

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Your Professors, Angel Sammy and Teddy too

37 responses »

  1. Oh yummy! Eclair cake and hot chocolate for me please. Not that I’m a chocoholic of course 🙂
    Congrats to Carry and Oliver and Calvin for being speedy. Congrats to for Phenny and Nellie being the super sleuths.


  2. Wow! We missed a day! Mom did not get uop until really late and she stumbled around in her bathrobe for the 3rd day in a row! We did not get a chance to guess!
    Kudos to the winners!


    • Well people in that time zone can still GUESS and if they are RIGHT they win a Right Guesser Badge……….so all is not lost! You could have had a RIGHT GUESSER badge on the bars of your cage Kismet!


  3. I definitely thought this was in Europe, would have never guessed California. Congrats to all the speedy and clever guessers. Great cheer ladies! XO


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