Teaser Tell All Time!!


YES!   Today is the last day we will have to wear turkeys on our head and we are very happy about that.   We’ve had feathers get stuck in our ears, foot smudges on our glasses (Angel Sammy anyway), and a whole lot of NOISE with all that “gobblegobblegobble” stuff.   At last we are FREEEEE!

But enough about us………..today is all about YOU!     You and the Teaser we had yesterday which – we are thrilled to say – FOOLED EVERYONE (at least as of time we’re doing this post!).

First, let’s tell you who our FIRST COMMENTER was…………………..and let me say that this is the SECOND WEEK in a row she’s been FIRST COMMENTER – and was the only FIRST COMMENTER last week and again this week.  No sharing of the badge with anyone………….who is this wonder woman??????




Miss Sharon of FRIENDS FUREVER!!


Miss Sharon you get a SPECIAL badge this week:

Then we sat back and watched the guessing action…………waiting…………..waiting…………..watching…………….and as of time we went to press with this TELL ALL post, nobody had guessed it – BUT we will certainly FIX that if we come back this morning and find someone DID figure it out!    But as of now…….nobody has – we CAN tell you who sent this wonderful GEM of a Teaser photo in though!

This fabulous photo was snapped by Miss Jackie of TWO DEVON CATS…………..she and her husband were on the other side of the River Nervion in Bilbao, Spain standing outside the Guggenheim Museum looking across to the other side………admiring (no doubt) the beautiful trees!    Below are two other photos she took at the same location – one looking to the left and one looking to the right.


Thank you Miss Jackie – this was a REAL TEASER of a TEASER!!   Here’s a thank you badge from US to YOU!


My fabulous photo was featured on the Tuesday Teaser of November 20, 2018!


POOEY!   I guess we ALL get GREENIES!!

Lots of you are going to be eligible for our world famous GREENIE this week………….so please………..help yourself to a copy of the special Thanksgiving GREENIE and wear it in good health!

I did NOT guess the special Thanksgiving Teaser photo of November 20, 2018 but I tried – and that’s what’s important right? Right!


Here are our cute little Cheer Team members – ready to knock your socks off with a cheer for the occasion!

Yes we’re turkeys and we’re not happy
These suits aren’t cute, they’re huge and flappy!
But we’ll try to be cheery and not be grumpy
Even though we look extremely dumpy.
Congrats to Miss Sharon for TWO FIRSTS IN A ROW!
She’s really hot – just watch her go!
As we write our cheer nobody has guessed the Teaser
I guess you could call this Teaser a big WHEEZER!
Happy Thanksgiving to you all and don’t overeat
Or you may find yourself away from the table and on the toilet seat!

Gosh Team…….that was depressing and inappropriate all rolled into one.    But what can I say – you all generally are on the edge of insanity with your cheers so why should this be any different?????

Anyway, congratulations to everyone whether you WON or LOST – everybody gets a badge………..we always have PLENTY of Greenies!!!!

I have a BIG greenie collection and one more won’t bother me one bit!

Shall we make our way to the cafeteria for Miss Dingleberry’s THANKSGIVING lunch?    I’m sure it will be delicious……………………and remember, our school first aid room is available if you find that you’ve overeaten and aren’t feeling very well.    Nurse Pinkerton will be standing by.

Happy Day Before Thanksgiving Students!  My staff and I hope you enjoy today’s FEAST!

Today’s Menu:

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Thank you Miss Dingleberry and thanks to your cafeteria staff too – it was a magnificent meal.   We Professors would like to wish EVERYONE a most wonderful Thanksgiving and if you aren’t celebrating THanksgiving in your part of the world, just know that we are very thankful you visit Ding Dong School….

Your Full of Turkey Professors, Angel Sammy and Teddy

46 responses »

    • You at least TRIED guys – and that’s what it’s all about. Taking chance with a guess and maybe being right!! This really was one of those very rare photos that really had NO CLUES!!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  1. Congratulations to Miss Sharon for begin first again!

    Congratulations to Miss Jackie for fooling us all! If I’d seen the photo to the left I’d have stood a chance of getting it right. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • The other photos Miss Jackie sent to us that we showed in the Tell All we thought might give it away……..but we wanted to share them because they’re also great photos. THis would be a really GREAT place to visit!

      Hugs, Teddy


    • Miss Jackie I was EVER SO EXCITED when the day went on and on and nobody even came close. It’s a real challenge to fool EVERYONE but your photo did just that. Thank you again for the absolutely fabulous vacation photos you so generously share with us. You make TEASING so much fun!

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

    • THis was an EPIC Teaser wasn’t it? There just were no hints at all – there was one building across the river that had a red tiled roof but even THAT isn’t unique to one country! Once in a while we have a real WHOPPER for a Teaser and this was one of them!

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Great cheer ladies! And you don’t look dumpy. Congrats to Miss Sharon and thanks to Miss Jackie for this tough teaser. Have a great day! XO


    • Mom will be bringing a lot of leftovers home but I’m not much on people food. I’ll probably WANT some but won’t EAT some. I’m persnickety! Hope you and your family have a great Thanksgiving together………..Remember to bring Gracie some leftovers because I just bet she WILL eat some turkey!

      Hugs, Teddy BEan


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