Pre-Teaser Monday


Yep – it’s Monday again and time to prep all you students for tomorrow’s TEASER………………….Your Professors are always on the ball on Monday to make sure you have every chance possible to be a STAR on Tuesday.   First Commenter?  Maybe that will be YOU – if you get here first and post a comment you get a badge!  WOO HOO!

THIS ONE!!!!!!

If you are the FIRST to guess where the Teaser photo was taken, you get a badge!  WOO HOO!


And if you are RIGHT but not FIRST or WRONG, you get one of these badges!   Woo Hoo!

So you see you have PLENTY of reasons to be here tomorrow…………………..I can’t tell you want TIME our TEASER post will go up because it’s TOP SECRET – that’s why it’s so much fun – you never know when you will see it so everyone has a chance to be FIRST COMMENTER!

I’d sure like to be right tomorrow…….!

I hope maybe THIS week I guess right too!

I’d like to be right JUST ONCE!!!!!!!! Mommy would be so proud!

Here are the rules!

Yep – everybody plays by the rules here at Ding Dong School’s GEOGRAPHY class………… just be prepared to study the photo we post tomorrow and do your best to tell us where it was taken – could be anywhere in the world – it’s up to YOU to figure it out…………………

OK Professors – I’ll study!

Our Cheer Team will fire you up and get you ready to spend the night studying tonight – oh – well – maybe you have some more Mother’s Day celebrations to do tonight so perhaps you don’t want to study ALL night but you’d better study a little anyway.

Bee Boppa Lula
If we were Hawaiian we’d do a hula
Instead we’ll shake our bootie
For each and every cutie!
Your test will be in the morning
It will arrive with absolutely NO warning!
You’ll have to watch your inbox
And don’t get acid reflux…..(yeah we know that doesn’t rhyme well!)
Get out those atlases and tour guides
And study hard for a real wild ride
We always look forward to Classes
The Professors really kick our…….buns! (we fooled ya)

Thanks Team………………..we’ll see you tomorrow – you’d better not still be soaking in Sarge’s hot tub or you might have to show up in WET cheer uniforms.    We do NOT condone “wet t-shirt or uniform” contests here at Ding Dong School!

Hubba Hubba….wet t-shirts????

Miss Dingleberry thought that she’d just serve us some cookies today since many of us had BIG Mother’s Day meals yesterday.    So please help yourselves at the big table at the back of the room and do not make big pigs of yourselves.    OK?    OK!

When you touch a cookie – it’s YOURS!  Got it?

See you tomorrow at a surprise time class!  

Your Professors

27 responses »

  1. Guess I’d better drag out the geography books and study….. No, never mind, that probably wouldn’t help either!
    Happy Monday, Teddy!
    Love, Sundae


  2. Maybe ‘chickenpox’ rhymes better with ‘inbox’ than ‘acid reflux’ – but it might be even worse, at least, for no-longer-pup individuals. But those cookies look a purrrrfect cure for both!!!


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