Pre-Teaser Monday


It’s Monday and time for us to get you all warmed up to face Tuesday and the challenge that Tuesday brings to students of geography at Ding Dong School!     YOU WOULD BE YOU!


WHO – ME?????

YES – you, you and YOU!   All of you.    We need to remind you of the rules, show you what badges you can win and how, and feed you a good lunch or snack so you will have the energy to PAY ATTENTION in school tomorrow when it counts the most.   First a review of the rules:

Yes indeed – we want you to use your BRAIN to figure out the Teaser……just study the photo and you probably can figure it out every time.    Secondly, here are the badges you can win tomorrow!

Also, I must remind you that the post will appear in your inbox at a SURPRISE time so be alert…………..don’t stay up too late tonight……….and maybe YOU will be our FIRST COMMENTER!

I’m gonna study REALLY hard tonight….!

I bet you all would just LOVE to have a cheer from the cheer team to really get you in the mood for tomorrow – right?

Chick-a-Boom, Chick-a-Boom, Chick-a-BoomBoomBoom
We want everyone’s attention in the old classroom!
Tomorrow is the teaser so it’s comin’ soon….
Either you’ll be a star, or a big baboon….
We think if Sarge doesn’t get out of the hot tub room
He’s gonna turn into a BIG big bald prune!

Hey……WAITAMINUTE!   Why pick on me today????

Oh Sarge – at least they aren’t spreading rumors again about you and Marge!    Now let’s move onto something less contentious and serve up some of Miss Dingleberry’s SNACKS at the back of the room – that ought to cheer YOU and everyone up!

Alright my little rugrats I have a couple of sandwich platters TOO in case a snack doesn’t fill you up!

Roast beef, ham, turkey!

Chicken salad, tuna salad, shrimp salad!

Don’t forget – surprise time tomorrow!!   See you then!

Professors Angel Sammy and Teddy too………..

29 responses »

  1. I love the cheer and the cheer leaders! They are my most favorite!!! Those sandwiches are going to be great after a day of school and geography challenge! Sarge, I promise to be attentive and good!


  2. Oh boy, snacks and samwichs! That cheer was first rate! Made us giggle. We’ll be back tomorrow at an undisclosed time. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • Tomorrow we have a buffet from Miss Dingleberry (I think she cleaned out the cafeteria freezer)…….glad you liked the cheer today – tomorrow’s is a doozy too as is the TEASER!

      Hugs, Teddy


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