Friendly Friday Fill-Ins


Time for some filling in sentence fun.    This is a great blog hop co-hosted by two of our friends…………Miss Annie at McGuffy’s Reader and Miss Ellen at 15andMeowing.    All you do is fill in the blanks in the four sentences these ladies give us Hoppers every Friday – easy right?   It sure is, and if you visit all the Hoppers, you learn all kinds of stuff about each other from what they fill those blanks in WITH.   Yep – trust me.    Want to play along?    Click the badge above and go to McGuffy’s and LINK UP!

This week I decided that I – Teddy the Tiger – can fill in the blanks all by myself instead of letting Mom do them.    My fill-ins are in RED!

1. My favorite president is the president of whatever company owns the company that makes my cat food because I like my foodables a lot!.

2. This weekend, I have plans to sleep, eat, and play – not necessarily in that order.

3. I love my life, and my Mom and Dad.

4. I believe that it will be hard for me to lose weight even though my doctor wants me to and I’m on a DIET now!  BOOOOO.


Yep my friends – that #4 is true.  I had a vet appointment yesterday for shots and he had the NERVE to tell my Mom that I weigh too much.   I’m not even TWO YEARS OLD and I’m on a diet?   Well, the fact I weigh 20 lbs. already could have something to do with that I suppose.   Still, if I do lose weight maybe my Dad won’t call me Bubblebutt any longer and Mom won’t call me her little Teletubby (or Teletabby).     I’m now on a prescription diet food!     Sniff.   Oh well – I know I can do this!    I already get lots of exercise because my Mom and Dad play with me a LOT up and down three flights of stairs and with the red dot and walks in the yard but they can “step it up” and play even more with me.    I’ll LIKE that!   Let’s just hope I don’t STARVE.

This print my Dad bought a few years ago which he said reminded him of Angel Sammy NOW looks a

lot like me – at least with the SAD expression; not the SIZE of him though that’s for sure!!!!

Love, Poor Pitiful Me……..Teddy



71 responses »

    • HAHAHA…..yes I am a BIG BOY indeed. Thing is I’m SUPER active too – I’m not a “layabout” – I go for walks and run around the house all day long….but now I won’t have as much “ME” to run around with so maybe I’ll be faster than ever right? I just have to get used to this food because so far I do NOT eat it and do NOT like it.

      Hugs, Teddy


  1. Teddy,

    I loved your responses to the fill-ins! The good mews about being an indoor kitty is someone prepares your food for you removing all temptations to get out more than you need. Trust me, it’s hard as a human to resist not doing that. It sure is tough getting the weight off. I don’t remember it being hard to put on, though. 🙂 Best of luck to you with the dieting, if I see ya next week then I know that you didn’t starve to death. 😀 Just think about how awesome you’ll look and feel once you drop a few pounds? Have a good weekend!


    • Oh yes I know that I need to lose some weight – it truly WAS easier to put on than it will be to take off but if I just can get used to this food I’ll be fine. So far I’m refusing to even TRY the stuff in spite of Mom’s efforts…but she’s stubborn (don’t tell her but so am I!)…..we’ll see how things go. Thanks for the encouragement!

      Love, Teddy


  2. Aw, sweet Teddy….. that’s too bad about the diet…. but I know your pawrents will do all they can to help you with that. Motor Mommy smiled when she saw the print that your dad bought because….my pawrents were with yours when he bought it!!! She said it brought back fun memories.
    And we love the nicknames you have…so cute!
    Love, Sundae


    • Yes that print was one of Dad’s finds at that antiques shop you took them to… memories for Mom and Dad too! I still think that picture looks more like Sam than me – not just the weight but just the “look” of the kitty – I am the happiest cat my Mom says she’s EVER had and Sammy was precious but not as “open” and friendly with everyone as I am. Anyway, I am going to try to be a good boy with my new food although I didn’t eat one bit of it overnight. Not one bit…..Mom figures sooner or later I’ll be so hungry I’ll eat ANYTHING in sight including that food!

      Hugs, Teddy


  3. Honey, you will be even more energetic if that’s possible once you lose that weight. I ought to follow you on that. I am up to 14.1!! Your mom and dad will see a very hard-to-look-at Teddy parked by the empty food bowl till the next meal is served, and that will challenge them greatly. It is something our parents can’t stand to see…hungry kitties. You will make it and you’ll get used to it. ❤️


    • I sure hope so Katie…..right now I’m just miserable. I’ve never EVER begged but now I am and yes both my Mom and Dad are very sad……..I’m going to TRY to eat some of this disgusting food just so Mom and Dad won’t be upset. But trust me – this is gonna be TOUGH!!!!!

      Love, Teddy the starving ❤


      • Saphera will eat anything. That’s the problem Ultimately, the vet said to mix a can of green beans into her food – she finally stated to lose some weight, and has developed a love for beans as well as a gas issue…. Still, she’s always hungry, so we’re wondering if this is totally physical or partially psychological.


    • HAHAHAHAHA…….Well, the vet told my Mom he suspected he understood why she said the ginger cats she’s always had were all BIG CATS. It wasn’t because they were ginger – it was because she fed all of them including me TOO MUCH FOOD! He’s no fun. I’m protesting!

      Hugs, Teddy


  4. You poor kitty, you will have to sneak snacks at Cat Scouts. I like the nickname Teletubby 🙂
    Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. Have a nice weekend! XO


  5. Teddy, with all the exercise you get, we’d think you’d be slim and trim. We’re pretty sure at 18 1/2 pounds that Cooper Murphy is right behind you when it comes to a diet. Do they have Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig for cats? We’ll keep our paws crossed for you. Sending love to all. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


  6. You can go on the bootcamp with Pippin! He looks like he’s wearing saddle bags and is probably considerably larger than you Teddy. Having four cats makes putting one of them on a diet rather difficult…


  7. They should make diet food in bacon flavor. Good luck on your diet, I hope that you will find that you like your diet food once you get used to it. Or as Garfield would say, “diet is just die with a t”. 😄


    • Garfield was right………..and maybe if they made bacon diet food I’d be fine but even though I make a big deal about bacon I rarely get some – and then it’s just a tiny piece. I’m BIG because I love my Friskies kibble. This diet food is – well – ICKY!

      Hugs, Teddy


    • I tried to tell my Mom that but she says she’s willing to take a chance on that diet bacon stuff……but I do HATE my diet food so who knows what’s gonna happen. Mom says SHE is stubborn and I say I’m more “stubbon-er” so we’ll just see who wins the battle of the diet food!

      Hugs, Teddy


  8. OH, we do not like that DIET word either, but we know the vet knows what is best. We bet in no time you will be as fit as he wants you. We think your fill-ins are superb!!!

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber


  9. I am sorry you have to go on a diet Teddy, but 20 pounds is a lot and you don’t want to start waddling instead of walking. You are heavier than Eric was at your age, and he ended up being 23 pounds!!
    I hope you get on well with your diet food.


  10. OMGoodness, T. You are catching up to me! I weigh 22 pounds. (Sometimes 23.) I think that is a lot for a kitty. Your doctor and parents know best on this one. I hope there isn’t any extreme bacon restriction. Aargh. That would be bad. Good luck, buddy.

    Love and licks,


    • Oh Cupcake this diet food is icky but I’m going to TRY to be a good boy and go with the new program around here. Mom wants me to be healthy that’s for sure. Doc says YES I am a big boy anyway, but 20 is too much…..we’re going to aim for 17 at the most!

      Hugs, Teddy
      p.s. wish me luck!


    • The weird thing is I get a lot of exercise – red dot all day, outside walks on harness, flying up and down my cat tree, playing fetch up and down three flights of stairs with Mom……..I must have a slow metabolism but I think this new food will do the trick – all I have to do is EAT IT! LOL

      Hugs, Teddy


  11. Aww, Poor Teddy! But, you know, our Angel Toki was about 21 pounds, and he was just way too big, and he got severely ill on account of it…you do not want that to happen, nor do any of us, much less your Mom & Dad who love you so furry much. Hang in there, soon you will be lithe and slim again:) Pawppy here lost 150+ pounds, so you can loose what needs to come off too. Yesiree!


    • I actually lost a couple of pounds when I was having my vaccine reaction…..I’m right about where I should be for a big cat! We can do what we want to do if we just TRY – I was doing well on my diet then got sick and now I’m right where I should be.

      Love and thanks!
      Teddy the Trim


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