Teaser Tell All



Here we are everyone for the TELL ALL!!    Are you excited?    Well we are every week on Tell All Day because we get to hand out rewards to our friends for the hard detective work they did YESTERDAY on the Teaser.

Excited??? I can’t WAIT!

I’m beyond excited – I’m FROZEN with anticipation!

Well? Are you gonna tell us or WHAT?

OK – our FIRST COMMENTER yesterday was……………………….


Miss Sharon of Friends Furever!

I was the FIRST COMMENTER on the Teaser of Feb. 20, 2018!


Now I want to tell you WHO sent in that beautiful photo that we had on Teaser yesterday.   It was a GUEST TEASER as we told you and was sent in by our friend Miss Annie at ANIMAL COURIERS!

I sent in a FAB PHOTO that as used for the TEASER on Feb. 20, 2018! YAY FOR ME!

This is for you Miss Annie with our thanks for sending in a really beautiful photo for us to use for Teaser!   

Here’s the scoop on the photo!!

The beautiful and picturesque town of Beziers, France!

If you would like to know more about this pretty place – CLICK HERE

Now I suppose you want to know WHO was the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER???????



Timmy Tomcat !!!! 

YAY! We were the FIRST RIGHT GUESSERS on the Teaser of Feb. 20, 2018!


Those of you who also guessed correctly that it was Beziers, France, get one of these for your VERY OWN:

Well I was RIGHT but I wasn’t FIRST so I got THIS badge from the Teaser peeps on Feb. 20, 2018

Were you WRONG?    Well, fear not – you also get a badge for your trouble!

I tried – but I was wrong – still I get this GREENIE so I won SOMETHING for the Teaser of Feb. 20, 2018

Time for our weekly winners cheer – Ding Dong Cheerleaders – TAKE IT AWAY!!!!!!!

The WINNERS circle is not barren!
In the middle of it is Miss Sharon!
FIRST COMMENTER is her new badge
No we’re sorry BUT it wasn’t YOU Miss Madge!
Then we waited to see who’d be RIGHT
We were hoping to avoid a fight!
The FIRST to guess RIGHT was TIMMY!
A hunk of a mancat, NOT skinny!
So this week we got off easy
Our cheer is nice, short and breezy!
Congrats to our winners AND losers…..
Remember that beggars can’t be choosers!


I do believe that Miss Dingleberry has decided to make it a fried food extravaganza day – or – as we call it – “Artery Cloggers Delight” !!!!     After class everyone should go outside and work off the fat by playing in the sunshine!

If you ask real nice, Miss Dingleberry MIGHT give you some onion rings – she hides them behind the counter!

Your Professors – Angel Sammy and Teddy


62 responses »

  1. And…I am first commenter today!! I checked my photos and could see my guess of Avignon was wrong as I suspected, but lost connection again so never got back.


  2. Concats to Timmy and crew!! And to Miss Sharon too!

    Hey that rhymes, MOL!!!
    And a pat on our own backs for being right…yeah!


  3. Congratulations to the winners and thanks to animalcouriers for a lovely photo.

    I guess it’s still a greenie for me even though I knew it was an old bridge?

    That drum roll kitty sure is cute!


  4. OMC…Ding Dong Dingleberry cracked us up. Looks like a great spread today. Between here and Cat Scouts, Cooper Murphy and Mau are two well fed boys. We are quite certain CM would never fit in a sink; though, he has never tried. Congrats to the winners! Love to all. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • I think Cat Scouts needs to switch to spandex uniforms………I’m glad Teddy doesn’t wear clothes or we would have spent a small fortune on them this last year! HAHAHA Teddy hasn’t TRIED to lie in a sink since almost a year ago but I think he COULD – it would just be a very FULL sink!

      Hugs, Teddy


    • There are so many beautiful towns/cities/villages in Europe so it’s tough to figure these out – seems a lot of people focus on something like a cathedral that may be in the photo then figure it out from that. They all stump me though!

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Miss Sharon of Friends Furever concats on being 1st. caller. You are one of a kind, my friend. Hope you let the others sleep. Miss Annie of Animal Couriers, that was a great picture and we were stumped. Timmy’s family did awesome. Good going guys and gal.

    We knew it was in Europe but that’s it. We said Soest Germany cause mom lived there when she was a yungun’



    • My Mom lived in Germany when she was a young’un too! Weisbaden! We were excited to have ONE first commenter this week – so was Suzie – you know she gets cranky when she has to come up with cheers for LOTS of peeps!

      Hugs, Teddy


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