Pre-Tease Monday


Hoooo-Haaaaa It’s Time To Prime for Teaser!

Here we are…….starting another epically epic week at Ding Dong School with our regular feature – PRE-TEASE MONDAY!     It’s also Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day but we did a separate post for that today.

Let’s talk TEASE shall we?    This week we have another fabulous Guest Teaser for you………….we aren’t sure if you will think it’s impossible or maybe it’s an easy peasy one.   That will be up to you to decide!

The BIGGEST DEAL for tomorrow will be that you won’t know when our post will pop into your inbox AND you must hurry up and comment on the post the minute you DO see it because you might be our FIRST COMMENTER!

Last week Miss Csilla was our FIRST COMMENTER and you don’t want her to win TWO IN A ROW do you???????  No – so be on your toes (or paws).

Now just one other announcement before we bring Suzie in for a little CHEER to get your blood stirred up……………today after class and before your recess, Miss Dingleberry is going to be serving us a FABULOUS lunch!    It’s “SOUTHERN FRIED” day here at school – we’ll have fried chicken and all the other fixins for your crunchy/munchy pleasure before you go outside and swing or teeter-totter or climb the monkey bars or chase each other and get all sweaty.   Sounds good right?   Right!

BUT FIRST………………..

Here we are with another tease
You’re all so cute I could give you a squeeze!
Miss Dingleberry has fixed us lunch
Southern fried chicken has a wonderful crunch!
Greasy food is my best friend
Even though it gives me “wind”
I wish you luck on tomorrow’s test
You’ve gotta be FAST to be the best….
So be here early with your brain in gear
Or I just might spank you on your………ARM
(yeah I know it doesn’t rhyme – just use your imagination!)

Thanks Suzie!    That was SWELL…………wasn’t it everyone?

WOW… it just me or does class seem bigger than usual today????

I hope Miss Dingleberry has made enough food……………..

Hey – wait a minute….this isn’t your USUAL class Professors!!

Yes we don’t know what happened Miss Dingleberry but I guess your fame as a fabulous cook must have spread far and wide………………….no worries – I’ll handle it!

Attention Crowd!   If you are only here for lunch, BEAT IT.  That’s right – lunch is for our registered Geography Class participants only!   The rest of you go up the street and eat at the GOLDEN ARCHES – yeah – them – they have a grease fest there every single day!  

OK Miss Dingleberry – all those freeloaders are gone………..bring on the food!!!!

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Now this is what I call EATING!!!!!  Hey Teddy, hand me a pile of napkins will ya????!

We’ll see you tomorrow for the TEASER!

P.S.  Don’t forget this Thursday, August 31st is Shopping Around The World!   This month is “SNACKS” – share your favorite recipe, list of ingredients and prices and hopefully a photo of your masterpiece on your blog and link to PIGLOVE where Bacon lives!!     We’re hosting this month as a favor to Bacon and his Mom!

38 responses »

  1. Oh yum. Thanks for the noms. We’ll skip the okra though! We may live in the South, but technically we are not southern. If Mom remembers, we’ll try to get here early tomorrow. SuzieQ…here’s hoping your day is not too “windy.” XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


    • We’re keeping Suzie on the downwind side of the classroom today………..and hope to see you in class tomorrow! My Mom wouldn’t come NEAR okra until she had it properly crispy and fried – the gummy version is a NO GO though!

      Hugs, Teddy


  2. Suzie Q we loved your poem…to the point…MOL

    Mrs. Dingleberry’s southern lunch is the best. I love depp fried chicken and chips…mom never makes them but wow, what a mouthful. Thanks Mrs. Dingleberry.



    • Oh you may be a clown but you always have a guess on which prison we are showing photos of on a Tuesday so FOR SURE you are a registered student at Ding Dong School – kind of appropriate right?

      Hugs, Teddy


  3. I hanging around to try and be first commenter, but you can bet I’ll go off and do something and forget again. The fried chicken and bacon chips look good, but I’m not sure about the hush puppies! Surely not deep fried dog!

    Liked by 1 person

    • HAHAHA… Miss Jackie – hush puppies are a Southern treat and where that name came from would be interesting to research but have nothing to do with pups…..they sure are good though!!!!! See you in class…….Love, Teddy


  4. Well, I did the teaser before I came here, MOL, MOL!!! How silly can a purr-son get?? So I an last here…at least for now, and for sure I was not first in the teaser…tee-hee. I think I will give up on trying to be first, cause it means I would have to take the confuser to bed…um…nope:)


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