Teaser Tuesday


Please find your seats class, it’s time to TEASE!

First item of business is for you to hurry and comment on this post – the FIRST person to comment (or persons if there’s more than one in the first 60 seconds after we go live) will win a special badge to share with the universe and show off your FAST FINGERS!!!!

THEN – come back here for the MAIN EVENT!   Go on – hurry up!   Sarge will be waiting for you!

Don’t make me wait ! I don’t LIKE to wait!

Bobby I see you wildly waving your furry little paw in the back of the room – did you have something you needed to say before we start class?

Yes Sir….I talked to my Mom about what I saw her doing and that it WAS my Dad but he had on a mask! She said it was a “grownup game” whatever THAT is.

Thanks Bobby – sounds like a reasonable (cough cough) explanation to me.    Grownups do things that we don’t always understand and if you’re HAPPY then we’re all HAPPY right class??




Now, could we have a little cheer to get our audience READY to guess?   Suzie?   C’mon in and get our hearts pounding!!!!

Ra Ra Ra
Sis Boom Ba
I’m not in the mood to cheer
I’d rather be at the spa
Just give the Teaser your best
Then take a little rest
While I’m here let me say this to Bobby…..
I think your Mom has a brand new “hobby” !!  (giggle)

Thanks Suzie……………..nice of you to give Bobby MORE to think about!    I’m sure you will be getting a call from his Mom later………………………….

SO – shall we bring Mr. Silver Suitcase on board now?    Time to see what delights he has in that SUPER SECRET suitcase he keeps with our Teaser photo of the week!

Yes sir….here’s today’s challenge!

Remember please that if you are going to guess you must tell me in what TOWN/CITY/VILLAGE as well as what STATE (if USA) or COUNTRY (if not in USA) this photo was taken.    Now hurry – everyone is gonna be guessing and you want to be first don’t you???


If you are the first to guess right – you get this:

If you guess right but are NOT the first you still get this:

AND if you guess incorrectly – hey – you tried right?  You get this:

This has been a bit of a stressful class today so what do you say we take a little break and have a snack????

Yes we know you do!!!!!   Everybody have some cookies and hot chocolate and go outside for recess!

Teddy and I will see you tomorrow for the TEASER TELL ALL!

Don’t be late!

Hey – where did SHE come from?????!


Whoops….before we go…….. One of my newest friends is having a cool “challenge” on his blog – if you CLICK his link below you will find out ALL about it………..it sounds like fun – we’re gonna see if we can come up with a story to submit!!!!    If you like challenges, you just might enjoy this one – LouisDogArmstrong and his cat brother Hazuzu are great pals.     Scroll down to the bottom of their blog post to see the rules for the challenge…………………..



91 responses »

    • Good Morning dear Miss Csilla! We are here too!!!!! So far you’re the only ones here at this minute but let’s keep an eye open for a minute or two or six and see if anyone shows up – I have some Spam to check too for a possible First Teaser…..

      Love, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

    • YOU are the one and only FIRST COMMENTER today!!!!!!!! YAY FOR YOU!!!!!! We just checked so we’re fairly certain we are RIGHT this time……….you know we have been known to mess up FIRST COMMENTER before but this looks like a sure thing……..(cough cough)

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Cutie Katie! I will show Mom your guess – maybe you’re right – but we won’t know that until tomorrow – isn’t it awful to have to WAIT???!!!!!!

      Love and Hugs, Teddy


  1. We have a guess, we have a guess! We’re going to say Just outside the wardrobe of Narnia in the Country of Narnia. Teddy, did you ever see that movie, the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe? We love it, especially Oliver loves the lion, he thinks he is the lion in the movie MOL! You might be a bit young but when you’re a bit older, we can watch it together 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Hi everybody!

    I don’t know where it is, but it looks interesting.

    Suzie, you really shouldn’t tease poor Bobby!


    • Suzie is a meanie isn’t she???? Bobby’s been traumatized enough by his Mom – now he has Suzie to deal with? We may have to put a muzzle on Suzie!

      Hugs, Teddy


    • Hmm……well I don’t know if you’re right or not but my Dad will be excited to know there’s a bridge named after him (Charles) in Prague!

      Tune in tomorrow for the Tell All!
      Love, Teddy


  3. I may as well be in the Principal’s office for being late, again. This looks like a very old European religious statue. It may very well be in the Czech Republic. They have truly beautiful architecture. But, since I don’t know this time, and I am late, anyway, I will sit down and be quiet…so I don’t get in trouble. *wink*


  4. That is OK Bobby, we caught our Mom kissing Santa Claus. Great cheer SuzieQ! And as always we don’t have a clue. XO


    • HAHAHAHAHA…….Tuesday Torture? I like it…………..We will not be sticking you in the eye though – we are a “pain free zone” unless you want to count the HIGH FRUSTRATION level as pain!

      Hugs, Pam and Ted

      Liked by 2 people

  5. That is the statue of St. Brutus the Inmate and his failed escape from an ancient Roman prison which resulted in him being…… um……. eaten to death by the guard lions. The artwork looks good, especially after it was buried under tons of volcanic ash from Mt. Vesuvius. Unfortunately, Suzie’s Grandma’s face didn’t age as well under the Pompeiian ash…

    Liked by 2 people

    • I think Suzie’s Grandma’s face CAUSED Mt. Vesuvius to blow its’ top…….and you may be right about that statue being St. Brutus who enjoyed a brief but ultimately bloody escape from that ancient Roman prison before he became a meal. Tomorrow’s Tell All will be – well – telling ALL!

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

    • Gosh Lily and Edward, I really don’t know but it MIGHT be…….let’s tune in for the Tell All tomorrow and find out shall we? Meanwhile, you two have a FUN-filled day!

      Love, Teddy


  6. I think that the statue is in Vaduz, Lichtenstein. It could stand some maintenance-look at all the pigeon poop on it. As an expert in bird poop, I know the answer. It commemorates the expansion of the Lichensteinian Empire to control all of Europe. Of course, you never heard or read about that one because it was in prehistoric times.

    Liked by 2 people

    • That statue certainly does have a lot of pigeon poop on it…..Imagine dinky little Lichtenstein aspiring to control all of Europe – well I say more power to them! I’m always rooting for the underdog (or cat or bird).

      Hugs, Teddy


  7. Angel Unccle Sammy an Teddy mee iss here!! Mee made it on time!!! Woo Hoo!!!!
    LadyMum sayss this iss “Thee Littul Mermaid” inn Copenhagen, Denmark. Mee nevurr saw her answer so quiklee befur!!! Mee wunderss if shee iss even close, mew mew mew…
    Siddhartha Henry =^..^=


    • Well dear Siddhartha Henry, if Ladymum answered that quickly – maybe she’s right? I don’t know because my Mom refuses to give even ME a hint and it’s MY blog!!! Imagine that! Tune in tomorrow to see how you and your Ladymum did though OK??

      Hugs, Teddy


  8. Looks as if you have some right guessers already. This poor fellow needs a good washing! He resides in a place I have always wanted to visit! Sending love to all. Off to the vet with Mau in a short while. Love to all. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


  9. Bobby I bet they were playing Twister or Spin the bottle?!
    Suzie did someone lick the red off your lollipop?

    We are not first but we are not last
    but one thing for sure we are the worst
    at guessing
    Hugs madi and mom
    PS we have already submitted out Challenge post to Hazuzu.


    • Hi Madi and Mom! Thanks for at least peeking at the Teaser today……as for Bobby – we’re sure his Mom was with his Dad (or at least a reasonable facsimile). Good for you already doing your Challenge at the A&E – we are behind of course. It will be a miracle to make the DeadLion of the 20th!!

      Love, Teddy


  10. Well, obviously we won’t win for first commenter today! And we don’t know where in the world that Teaser pic was take. But we will be here tomorrow to find out! And we’re on our way over to check on the challenge!
    Love, Sundae


    • The challenge looks like fun but maybe a bit of work……….I hope I’m able to direct some new folks to my buddy Louis’s blog too – he’s a great guy and is doing a good job as Director of Arts and Entertainment in Blogville!

      Hugs, Teddy


  11. Cwap! How mean can you guys get? This statue has seen better days so it is old. The house is in a European style so I will hazard a guess…Stockholm, Sweden. The statue is right out front by the loading docks.



    • Hi Louis!!!!! Your guess is RIGHT for the Teaser – you get a RIGHT GUESSER badge my little buddy!!!! I hope you get a lot of entries for your Blogville May Challenge – Mom is gonna try to come up with something so we can pawticipate too!!!!!

      Love, Teddy


    • Never keep Sarge waiting…..he’s kind of a cranky old sod!!! Good guess by the way but Miss Michelle (who sent in the photo for the Teaser) was in Prague working when she snapped this photo of St. Vitus!

      Hugs, Teddy


    • Oh Miss Boomdee – how wonderful to hear from you but sadly (sniff) you are wrong on your guess……..many moons ago before I came to live with my Mom and Dad they had a Teaser that Miss Michelle did that was from CHINA – the Great Wall in fact – but this time around she was in Prague and snapped a photo of pigeon-poop-covered St. Vitus on the Charles Bridge! Thanks for the snuggles though – I LOVE snuggles!

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Oooh…sorry we are so furry late…Petcretary had no time after her morning chores to check out the confuser fun and games…and then she had to leave to go to her various appointments. Sheesh, she always has those on Tuesdays, cause that is her permanent day off work…oh well, we are here and having fun later than not at all is OK, we are all night creatures here anypaws, MOL!

    That statue could user a pressure washer…OMC, there is a ton of um…well you know…doo-doo on I, probably centuries worth, MOL!
    We think it *is* the Statue of St. Vitus on the Charles Bridge, Prague, Czech Republic…but well it really doesn’t matter anymore cause its been guessed by many earlier visitors. That bridge has some 30 starues on it, Wow.

    Well, off to check out other blogville stuff…See ya fur the tell all:)


    • Dear buddies and pals – even if someone ELSE has guessed RIGHT FIRST – you HAVE guessed RIGHT so you get one of those ever popular and totally fabulous “RIGHT GUESSER” badges I posted! Take it – it’s yours and you can proudly display the fact that you knew that pigeon-poop-covered status was good old DIRTY St. Vitus!!!!!!! WOO HOOO!!!!!

      Hugs, Teddy


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