Pre-Tease Monday


Here We Go Again!

Hello Class………….please have a seat and we’ll get started with Monday’s pre-teasing………… all know the drill by now though.    Tomorrow at a SECRET time, our blog posts will go up and class will begin and we will see the TEASER PHOTO!    It’s a GUEST TEASER again tomorrow so be purrrrpared.

The first person to COMMENT on the post will be our FIRST COMMENTER and get a badge!    Then of course it’s up to the guessers to take over and we have prizes for all of them too – FIRST RIGHT GUESSER, RIGHT GUESSER NOT FIRST, and THE GREENIE BRIGADE (wrong guessers).

Sarge?    Any words for class today?


Thank you Sarge….what would we do without you?????

Professor Sammy I know the answer to THAT question but I’m afraid to answer it……….

I know Bobby………….We ALL are!!!!

Suzie?  Want to pump up the volume and get this lazy classroom of students ready for tomorrow’s challenge???

The Teaser is from a GUEST
Those are harder than the rest!
So you’d better hit the books
Or I’ll give you a NASTY look!
Don’t make me be a meanie
Or make me pouty and screamy
Good luck to all you Tease-buddies
Including all old fuddy-duddies!

Thanks Suzie for getting us all PURRRRRPARED for tomorrow.    Not only will we have our photo to guess but I will share some other photos too AND announce a BIG ACCOMPLISHMENT that our Assistant Professor Teddy – my little brother – has under his belt (yes I know he doesn’t wear a belt….just sayin’ )!

See You “Sometime” Tomorrow!

Angel Professor Sam…………

P.S.  (with great sadness)  

We learned that our beautiful and special friend Queen Nellie has left all of us and joined my big brother Angel Sammy at the Rainbow Bridge………..Angel Sammy was there to give her a great big hug along with all the other friends and her own family who had left before her.    She looks beautiful in her Angel Wings…….and she of course misses her Mommy most of all.   Nellie was one of a kind and will definitely live on in the blogosphere and especially our hearts FOREVER………

Farewell Angel Nellie……..You are the most beautiful Angel of all……….   (her blog post)

51 responses »

  1. We are ready…but the petcretary has to go out of town for an appointment on teaser day…no idea if she will let us try to guess, let alone be first. Shucks. Well, there is always the next time, right??

    See ya!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I am ready Sammy, not sure Mama will be at the ‘pewter when you go live, maybe we will be “last guesser” as usual MOL! Happy Monday!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Suzie, Sarge, I am READY! Bring it on.

    And Angel Sammy, you sure said it and right on the nailhead too. Nellie was absolutely one of a kind! XoX


    • She’s definitely going to be missed for a very long time to come…..everyone knew Nellie…….up here at the Bridge she’s EXTRA beautiful now with her pale pink queenly wings.

      Love, Angel Sammy


    • I will happily deliver hugs to Nellie from everyone………when Angels hug they have to be super careful about tangling up wings but in this case I don’t care……hugging tiny Nellie is a treat!

      Love, Angel Sam


  4. I’m never very good at this, but bring it on and we’ll try. Guess we’re just not that well traveled here. Yes, Nellie was one of a kind and she will be missed by all who knew her. A special ladycat.


  5. Sorry to hear about Nellie. I know her and Sammy are enjoying each others company over the Bridge. Looking foward to the challenge tomorrow.


  6. Someone very special has gone forever from this world and I feel an immense pain, however with your wonderful words you have made my heart rejoice. I am grateful to you for your special message which has helped me find some peace and tranquility.
    Thank you dear friends!


    • We love you Miss Barb……..we miss Nellie and always will but we know she had a life full of love and a “happily ever after” at the Bridge with all of us who adore her. What’s better than that? She is in your heart and ours always and forever.

      Hugs, Pam, Angel Sam and Teddy


  7. WE think it will be BUSCH Stadium in St. Louis. … our Pirates are playing there… SURELY we will get it Right THIS week.


    • Gosh guys…….wait until you see the photo today – you will see it absolutely is NOT a sports stadium although it would be FUN to play in this place I think!!!!! Tee Hee

      Love, Angel Sam and Ted


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