Teaser Tell All


Class Is In Session! 

Come In And Take A Seat!


Hello!!!!   Bet you’re just dying to know what the deal is on yesterday’s Teaser post right?   OK – I won’t torture you and keep you waiting!


Miss Csilla (Kolytyi) !



And let me show you the photos again and then I’ll tell you who was FIRST RIGHT GUESSER!

teaserjan31-2017-2 teaserjan31-2017-1

This beautiful place is the city of Hanau, Germany and in the photos we are seeing Donjon Tower AND Castle Steinheim – two beautiful places to visit should you find yourself in this pretty city in Germany which was the “home” of the Brothers Grimm!   No wonder it looks like a fairy tale city right?!  There are a lot of great websites to learn about Hanau from but this is one you could start with:   CLICK HERE    Also if you look further down on this page you’ll see the website of our GUEST TEASER and they have info on Hanau on their blog!


Miss Csilla (Kolytyi)

That’s right – she was a DOUBLE winner!!


BUT she was FAR from the only one – and all of you smarty pants who guessed Hanau, Germany get this:


AND all of you who guessed and did your best – well, you’re not leaving empty-handed/pawed either – here’s what YOU get!


A GREENIE!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!


Yes Bobby?

“Professor Sammy Sir Can I pretty please have a Greenie?   I didn’t know the answer!”

YES Bobby – EVERYONE who guessed wrong gets a GREENIE!

Now, remember I told you the photos were from a GUEST?    The photos are actually posted on the internet today on a BRAND NEW BLOG called “A Hearty Nomad” – which is all about travel and exploring and best of all FOOD from all the different countries visited……..it’s a fun blog too – if you’d like to visit HERE is their link!    Thanks to A Hearty Nomad for the photos (and Leo for sending them to me!)    This is for you guys!


Sarge – anything you want to say before I dismiss class????

Just that they'd better not steal any pencils or paper when they leave or push each other in line or throw spitballs or say any bad words or run or be disorderly in any way! OR ELSE!

Just that they’d better not steal any pencils or paper when they leave or push each other in line or throw spitballs or say any bad words or run or be disorderly in any way! OR ELSE!

Uhh…..thank you Sarge……CLASS DISMISSED!


Have a good week students – see you next Monday!  

Angel Professor Sammy


69 responses »

  1. Sammy, we are falling in love with all the “characters” you now have for the Teaser, They are so funny. We’ll check out that new website. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


    • You know it’s a fun website if Leo’s involved in it!! He travels ALL THE TIME and eats ALL THE TIME and he’s helping his friends launch the blog so I’m thinking there’s FUN AHEAD. Glad you like Sarge….he’s – well – SARGE!!!!!

      Hugs, Angel Sammy


  2. Many conkatss to Lady Csilla on beein ferst to commint an thee Teezer winner!
    LadyMum said shee thott thee buildinss’ were inn Austria…so shee was sorta close butt as mee could not bee inn class mee will not take anyfing…
    ***air kissesss*** Siddhartha Henry xxxx


  3. Concats to the double winner!! How nifty is that to be so swift-y!!

    Ha! Were right sort of once again…our auntie has been there…
    Petcretary went to look for *her* travel pictures, but while she found them she has lost the CD they were on and there was also an itinerary of where all the pictures were taken…so now she has only a few that she actually can name town/place, etc…sigh…
    All the rest of her travel pictures are not digitized…


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