Friendly Fill-Ins


It’s Friday and We’re “filling in” !!


We’re pawticipating in our usual Friday fun by “filling in” sentences courtesy of the co-hosts Miss Annie of McGuffy’s Reader and Miss Ellen of 15andMeowing !    Every week we get FOUR sentences that we must complete by filling in the blanks.    It’s tons of fun to see how everyone finishes their sentences.   We sure learn a lot about each other this way!   If you’d like to play along, just visit one of the hosting blogs and join up using the LINKY TOOL!    This week I let my Mom do the filling in – sometimes I do them, sometimes we BOTH do them, but this week I thought it might just be MOM’s turn!!!!    Her answers are in GREEN.

Here are this week’s sentences

1. MANNERS should be taught in schools.

  1. The last item I donated was CLOTHING – I donate when I clean out my closet at change of seasons!
  2. My  (personal) song is “Unforgettable” by Nat King Cole, because it was my Dad’s favorite song.
  3. Three things I am thankful for this week are: Being a citizen of the USAbeing blessed with so many really GOOD friends, and that my sister-in-law is hostessing family for Thanksgiving dinner this year at their cabin in the mountains!!.

YAY!    Thanks Mom……… this is the first I’m hearing about you and Dad deserting me on Thanksgiving – AGAIN…………I assume you WILL be bringing home some leftovers for me?  You know I love turkey!

Where should I start??

Where should I start??

I hope everyone has a restful weekend……………….as you all know by now tomorrow is my weekly “celebration of bacon” so I hope you’ll stop by and have some with me.   Yes I do share…….really I do!


She always stops by on Saturday!


Hugs, Sammy

Thankful for all the brave

Thankful for all the brave



73 responses »

    • Mom and Dad have gone to the cabin in the mountains for turkey day the past several years….it’s a nice place to be on a cool day with a fire in the fireplace and the smell of turkey cooking……..I just miss them as they are gone overnight but when they bring leftover turkey back I forgive them!

      Hugs, Sammy


  1. You know, this has been a rough week, and I have been working overtime with therapy cat duties. I think my human should make a special bacon run for me. Don’t you, Sammy?


  2. Happy Friday cousin! My dad licked my computer screen when he saw your bacon, then looked at me weird. I’m going to hang out in my bedroom today and watch some television until mom gets home. Hope you have a fantastic day sweet friend. XOXO – Bacon


  3. Manners…people of all ages need this class! I agree…teach it! Clothing donations are so very needed out there. It is good that you do that. Unforgettable is a wonderful song. Nat was a great. I hope that Sammy has a good pet sitter who brings him turkey! Thanks for joining us this week, as always. HUGS! Annie at ~McGuffy’s Reader~


    • I read a LOT of great fill-ins all over the blogosphere today – they were excellent sentences this week (they always are)………Sammy will get his turkey for Thanksgiving – in fact, he gets turkey most every week as hubby and I always get a big pile of sliced turkey at the deli for sandwiches. Gobble gobble!

      Love and Hugs, Pam


  4. I am so not ready for Thanksgiving! It is my favorite holiday and I don’t want it to come so soon! Bacon just might be served tomorrow for breakfast, we will see! Manners for #1 is a fantastic answer! Enjoy your Friday Sammy and Pam!


    • Hi Miss Pix! We’ve missed you………at least Mom doesn’t have to cook for turkey day this year – going to the cabin and she will HELP get the dinner together but isn’t “in charge”….I hope you get some bacon tomorrow – when was the last time you did? CH is falling down on the job of keeping you well fed!!!!!! Manners was the FIRST THING that popped into my Mom’s head with FILL IN #1…..then she thought about several other things but Manners kind of was the most important.

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


  5. Mee-you that song iss thee one LadyMum an GranPaw danced to on her weddin to Mistur Kevin (back inn 1999). And today mee did a post about Granpaw Henry….sorta kewl isn’t this Unccle Sammy???
    An mmmmmm bacon day can not get here too soon……. 😉
    ***nose bumpsss*** Siddhartha Henry xxxxx


  6. Do you have Thanksgiving Day this weekend? We have Father’s Day, I have a card for my dad. It is nice to read interesting things of you, the favourite song here in Finland is now “The island in the sun” by Harry Belafonte.
    Tomorrow morning I will visit you and we will eat your bacon together and tell interesting stories the whole day, do you agree?
    Your friend


    • It’s true……and my Mom WAS taught manners and lots of other things in school like patriotism and loyalty and being kind to one another and being polite………WHATEVER HAPPENED TO THAT STUFF?!?!?!?!?!

      Hugs, Sammy


  7. Sweet fill-ins, from your mom, S. She is so right about manners. Although my mom (and probably yours) learned manners at home, when she was a teacher, she had to teach the kids in her class to say hello when they enter a room, bye when they leave, say please and thank you, hold doors open for each other, and wait their turn. I guess they didn’t learn that stuff at home.

    Love and licks,

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Great fill-ins, Sammy’s Mom. Our MOm just did a big cleanout of her closet and there were lots of bags headed to the Goodwill.

    We heard that Thanksgiving is going to be at our place this year, so we are happy about that. Misty may get her first taste of turkey AND we are hoping the breakfast includes bacon:)

    Woos – Lightning and Misty


  9. Thank you for your wonderful answers. That is sweet of you to donate clothes. Thanksgiving in a cabin in the mountains sounds wonderful-especially when someone else cooks 🙂 I know Unforgettable is very special to you. Manners are very important- good choice for #1. Have a nice weekend! XO


  10. Sammy, it is true that everything is better with bacon. Just go easy on it. Too much bacon can be bad for you. What am I saying?, There is no such thing as too much bacon.


  11. We didn’t do the fill-ins this week. Mostly because Mom couldn’t think of a song. And she said her lists for #1 and #3 (who can narrow it to three) would have taken an entire post. We are so sorry that your humans will be leaving you on turkey day. Want to come stay with us? There probably won’t be any turkey. Mom says it’s too much to cook for just two. But you will have lots of companionship. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty may, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • My Mom just does a turkey breast (a small one) because it’s just her and Dad….but that will be at Christmas this year since she and Dad are going to the mountains. I really won’t mind……..she’s NEVER let me down when it’s come to leftovers!!!!!

      Love, Sammy


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