Teaser Tell All and Shopping



Oh what a GREAT Teaser we had this week!!!!

Before I get down to business, I think I’ll go ahead and tell you WHO our fabulous Guest Teaser was and give them their BADGE OF THANKS for helping make our Teasers so much fun every week!    This photo was sent to us by our friend Sarge (the Pawlice Commissioner of Blogville).   Thanks Commish!   This is for you…….

Thank you Sarge for being my Guest Teaser!

Thank you Sarge for being my Guest Teaser!

Let’s show you the photo once more before I tell you where Sarge’s family took this photo……………….OKEE DOKEE???????   Mr. Silver Briefcase – please pop that photo up on the screen for our visitors will ya ?

Your wish is my command!

Your wish is my command!


Neato photo isn’t it?    It was taken at Little Round Top, Gettysburg PA, USA.      On July 2, 1863, the second day of the Battle of Gettysburg, Union forces seized this high ground and held it throughout the remainder of the battle.    This photo was taken from inside the monument looking out over the site.    Here are two other shots Sarge sent in so you can see more………….

TEASERFEB23-2016-3 TEASERFEB23-2016-2

WAY cool photos and now for the NEWS you’re waiting to hear……………………..first of all, who commented first yesterday?    Some of you who follow comments know that my buds from Facebook Oliver and Calvin were FIRST!    This is for you guys:


My FIRST RIGHT GUESSER was my buddy and pal who is becoming a force of nature in the Tuesday Teaser Department (watch out Easy) is Raz from Friends Furever !  This is for you my friend:

First Right Guesser!

First Right Guesser!

If anyone else guessed Gettysburg, then you get a RIGHT GUESSER badge!  WOOT!

Right Guesser but not FIRST!

Right Guesser but not FIRST!

AND, of course, those of you who were wrong – or had no clue on today’s Teaser, you have the right to add to your collection of GREENIES!

The new 2016 GREENIE!

The new 2016 GREENIE!

Now that wasn’t very painful was it?  Certainly not for Raz – but maybe just a TWINGE from everyone else?   Never fear -there’s always NEXT Tuesday……..and I just KNOW you’ll be here straining your eyes and using google search like mad so you can be FIRST……..yep – I know my audience by now don’t I ??   HAHAHA


NOW, for PART TWO of today’s blog post………..why PART TWO?   Well, because it’s Bacon’s SHOPPING AROUND THE WORLD DAY!    And you know I try to post for that occasion even though it means “double blog” stuff on Wednesdays once a month.   Oh well………….this month’s challenge by Bacon is to post a recipe and ingredients for “ANYTHING WITH PASTA” !!   Well, we do love our pasta around here (not me of course but my Mom and Dad are pasta-holics for sure).    What I’m going to do is an old favorite which I think we MIGHT have actually blogged about on a previous “SHOPPING” but so what – some things should be repeated right?    This is one of Mom’s favorite QUICKIE recipes and my Dad insists she make it A LOT.    I’m OK with it because I always get a tiny bit of cooked hamburger!!



1 lb. hamburger  (1 lb. Lean Ground Beef – $5.99)

Sour Cream (amount depends on your taste!)  (16 oz. $1.29)

Flat Pasta Noodles (1 bag egg noodles $1.95)

1 Can Cream of Mushroom Soup  ($.97)

2 cloves garlic chopped (or more if you’re a garlic-a-holic) (50 cents a clove!)

Brown the burger with the garlic…………….drain……….add cream of mushroom soup and as much sour cream as you like.   I probably put about half a container in – we LOVE sour cream and it mixes well with the soup…….also, you MIGHT need to add a little bit of milk to thin the “sauce” down to make it the consistency you like!!

Cook the noodles………………….add salt and pepper to taste for the sauce………and MAN OH MAN IS THIS DELICIOUS AND INEXPENSIVE!

There you have it! 

A double blog – TWICE as much

Sammy as you thought you’d get!


Hugs, Sammy








60 responses »

    • I love hamburger but just a tiny little taste………..most things I’m insisting on having a sample of – sometimes it’s a WINNER and sometimes it’s in the YUCKY department, but whatever Mom and Dad are eating, I want to at least KNOW ABOUT IT! HAHAHA

      Love, Sammy


  1. Concats Olver, Calvin and Raz! Oh boy I was completely wrong… think we send the new glasses back to the store huh? Sammy that sounds eggs-tremely tasty… sadly european peeps are not able to make sour cream…that’s scandalous… can we replace it with creme fraiche too?

    Liked by 1 person

    • I think your Mom’s glasses are OK – and I’m glad you haven’t had a chance to EAT them yet! I think crème fraiche would work in the recipe instead of sour cream but just adding regular milk to thin out the soup will also work. Mom discovered the sour cream thing but prior to that had just used milk. It’s a tasty and VERY EASY recipe – Mom gives me a little bit of the “gravy” and since I like sour cream, that’s THE BEST.

      Happy Wednesday!


    • My Mom and Dad said they REALLY loved not just the battlefield tours which were super interesting but also the town itself….lots of great shops and restaurants. Definitely worth a visit!

      Hugs, Sammy


  2. Congrats to Oliver and Calvin…
    Sammy don’t tell Raz I told you this……
    but i taught him all he knows…MOL MOL MOL
    Just kidding my guy is smart and handsome
    Hugs madi your bfff


  3. Hey Sammy!
    Wow, that was soooo fun! I love your teaser and this is the only way I ever know where it is. BOL/MOL I got a wag out of everyone noticing the feet in the pix. Concats to your winners and thanks for using my pix!
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Police Commish


    • Yes on the feet – – – I was gonna tease the ones who mentioned it about having a foot fetish but decided not. HAHAHA Anyway, if your Mom has any other goodies – SEND AWAY! Thanks again for playing with us on Teasers!

      Love, Sammy


  4. Concats to Oliver and Calvin, and Raz. My mum was sure that it was in Ephesus because the arch is the same shape and the outlook was so similar. The only thing she had doubts about is that the arch looked quite a bit narrower than the arch of the Koressos Gate.


    • Others guessed Ephesus too! Interesting photo really isn’t it……the arch fooled people a bit I think……..and it’s a “bumpy and lumpy” landscape which is a little bit puzzling too.

      Hugs, Sammy


  5. That sounds yummy! I can’t believe I forgot to do my recipe and you gave me lots of reminders. I hope I can do it for tomorrow. Congrats to your fastest and smartest guessers. XO


  6. Thanks for the pawsome badge! We’re excited to have guessed right again. Mom went to Gettysburg with HER Mom and her Aunt when she was young (87 bazillion years ago). It was a really cool place to visit.

    That recipe sounds wonderful! Mom is going to add it to her recipe box!!!!

    The Florida Furkids


    • My Mom loved your Mom’s recipe too! This is a fun thing isn’t it? As for Gettysburg, Mom and Dad went there maybe 8 or 9 years ago….loved the town itself too – stayed in an old Inn there.

      Hugs, Sammy


  7. dood….we wuz knot even in de rite countree !!!! conga ratz oliver, calvin & raz & crew !!! 🙂 & yur momz recipeez soundz grate……de food servizz gurl iza veggie tarry un but her can all ways skip de burger & fix de rest !! 🙂 ♥♥♥


  8. MEowser Sammy dat’s a lot of blog. MOL Da foto’s really cool. And da stroganoff sounds purretty yummy. And dat’s sayin’ sumfin’ cuz mommy ain’t a stroganoff purrson. MOL Hope yous havin’ a gweat day. And enjoy dat burger.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi


  9. Licks piggy lips – OMP Cousin – this recipe sounds so yummy! I gotta write it down for my mom/dad to try one night. Sorry for the delay in comment – we were playing with some fellow peeps and were out of town 🙂 XOXO – Bacon


    • Were they the fellow peeps I think they were?????????????????????????? Hope you had fun……

      Love, Sammy
      p.s. Mom makes that hamburger stroganoff just about once a week – she and Dad love it…….I like the sour cream part.


      • YEPPERS – They were the peeps you think. They have went on their second part of their trip now. We had 9 days of fantastic fun – so much to talk about soon. And yes, mom/dad will love that recipe. Can’t wait to try it for sure – maybe this weekend. Cause next week, mom has *got*to get serious on her way of eating since she threw all of that out the window this past week. Snorts with piggy laughter. XOXO – Bacon


        • You can’t eat right when you’re (a) on vacation and (b) having a blast……they just don’t go together with watching your diet! She’s determined – she will do it – I know she will and so does Mom. On the recipe – Mom sometimes puts chopped onions in there too – AND also adds extra mushrooms once in a while because she and Dad love sautéed onions and mushrooms. Talk about not dieting – this probably is a “heart attack in a frying pan” but Mom says “WHAT A WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”.

          Love, Sam


          • This is true and my mom agrees – what a way to go. Oh cousin, you should see some of the pictures of the food that mom/dad and friends had this past week. WOWZER! Since we are done with Travels to Israel we will be covering this under Travels of the South on Wednesdays – just wait – licks lips. XOXO – Bacon


          • Oh boy……..nothing as yummers as good old Southern food (My Mom says)…..I know your Mom and Dad had a last with their friends – and I’m sure we’ll read about that HERE and THERE!

            Love, Sammy

            Liked by 1 person

          • Yes cousin – it was a blast. All of that fun will be featured in my Travels of the South on Wednesdays in March. So much to talk about! XOXO – Bacon


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