Tuesday Teaser




Okay!   Let’s get this pawty started!

Today we have another Guest Teaser (I love that people are sending me their photos!!!)………..and your job is to figure out WHERE my Guest took this photo.

I’m thinking this is an EASY Teaser…….no – I’m not saying EASY will get it (woof) but I’m saying it might be EASY to guess.  And speaking of Easy Weimaraner, he is the King of Teasers it seems so YOUR challenge is to recognize where this is BEFORE he does every Tuesday……. 🙂

Take a look and see what you think!


Now if you are the first to comment on today’s blog – just comment – you don’t even have to GUESS – you get a prize!


If you are the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER on today’s photo you get this:


If you guess RIGHT but aren’t first, you get this:


If you are WRONG, WRONG and WRONG (hahaha), you still get this:


Now go get ’em tiger!!!!!!!!

Hugs, Sammy the Tease

No peeking until tomorrow!

No peeking until tomorrow!

96 responses »

    • We don’t use “seconds” here for who’s first commenter – we round it to the minute and THREE of you got here at 8:33AM (posts were registered here in COMMENTS anyway). SO – you will split that First Commenter with Easy and Oliver and Calvin! WOOT!

      Now – where was the photo taken?????? HMMMMM???????

      Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 2 people

    • Do you guys own the entire country? WOW!!!! I’d love to visit you in your castle one day (you must live in a castle right????!!!!!!). Thanks for guessing – let’s see how you did tomorrow!

      Love, Sam


      • Why yes we do own the country or at least we’re trying to, we figure us and our other cat friends can do a better job of running things, than our current elected officials 🙂 We have a friend, Earl Grey, of the Tuxedo Party, currently running for Prime Minister, we’re definitely voting for him!


  1. We have no idea! Happy to have chance to reply today though lol! We plan to get the first responder certificate at some point! Xx


    • HAHAHAHA…..geeeee……wonder who “certain people” might be???!!!! I thought this was easy – even the person who sent it to be thought it was easy………just goes to show – one person’s easy is another person’s NOT SO MUCH!

      Love, Sam


  2. Good Morning tricky Sammy and Pammy. Oh man, a bridge that could be anywhere. Eeek, gah-zooks, shaz-butt, yabba-dabba-doo, HA!

    I’m going to guess somewhere in Colorado because I see mountains. There’s a suspesion bridge near Canon City. It’s called the Royal Gorge Bridge. I guess even when I’m wrong I learn something new cause I just Googled that, LOL. xo B ❤


    • HA! Lotsa peeps have said they may never guess right on Tuesdays BUT they learn a whole lot about the geography of the world by searching and googling on Tuesdays! Good guessing but we’ll wait and see how good tomorrow! In the meantime have a TRULY GLORIOUS AQUACIZED AND CREATIVE DAY!!!!!!

      Love, Sammy (and Pam)

      Liked by 1 person

    • Well done you three! I’m so proud of you for noticing the bridge – there are other things in that photo but NO you zeroed in on the Bridge! Now let’s find out tomorrow where the heck that bridge is?!?!?!?!

      Thanks for playing along!
      Love, Sammy


  3. Mee-you Unccle Sammy pleeze sit down because LadyMum iss goin take a guess…a REEL guess! OK here goess:
    Hi SAMMY: I think it is Lion’s Gate Bridge in Vancouver, British Columbia. Sherri-Ellen.
    PICKERELL Unccle shee reelly DID guess a ‘reel’ guess…mee can hardlee wait to see if shee was rite!!!!!!
    **paw patsss** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xXxXx


    • Gosh excellent detective work – examining all the clues, coming to a conclusion BUTTTTT, is it the right conclusion? Seville, tomorrow will be the day we find out! THanks for taking a peek!

      Love, Sam


  4. Well, I know this!! I should have been earlier. This is the Lion’s Gate Bridge going from Stanley Park to North Vancouver. The picture is taken from the Stanley Park side. A beautiful bridge. I should have commented earlier.



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