Teaser Truth…..


Hi Tuesday Teaser Fans and everybody else tuning in today!

So I guess you want to know about the Teaser right?  I have to say that I really didn’t think people would take the time to zoom in on the sign on the building to try and read it (although Mom tried and couldn’t read it so we thought it was “safe”)……but some of you could read it.  You got a bit more of a hint than the “non-zoomers” BUT still, only TWO of you got it “spot on”.  Wanna know who? 

My friend Texas and my friend Isobel!   They guessed that it was Strasbourg, France.  YAY!!!!!

They both get the coveted super prize:

BIG Sammy Hug

There were some other folks who got extra creative with their guesses…..like these folks who guessed multiple countries instead of just one (!!) or just said “France” and I’m going to give them a semi-super prize and they are:  Miss Layla at Catwisdom 101, Pix at Sweet Days Under the Oaks, and Mollie at Mollie’s Dog Treats.  Here’s YOUR prize:

Medium Sammy Hug

And last but not least I’ve just GOT to give the “Booby Prize” to my very good friend Nerissa for guessing “EUROPE”……now THAT was creative!

Special “Made Me Giggle”  Hug

Here’s the photo again one more time:

So thanks to everybody for guessing – right OR wrong – it’s just fun playing the guessing game isn’t it?  Tune in next Tuesday for another chance to figure WHERE IN THE WORLD WERE MY PARENTS. 

I also want to take a minute to thank my little friend Poppy, the toy poodle for awarding me the Kreative Blogger Award which I already have……as always, it’s the thought that counts so THANK YOU POPCORN!

Tomorrow I’ll tell you my idea for a contest I’m going to have AND YES THERE WILL BE PRIZES!  YAY!

Happy Wednesday, The Big Tease aka Sammy


34 responses »

    • That’s a GREAT guess because the architecture is the SAME for Shakespeare’s home (Mom has some pix of that too!!)…..but it’s actually “La Petite” area of Strasbourg, France….my parents LOVED it – wandering the little streets….it’s a cool shot isn’t it?

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  1. Yeah, weee won a BIG Sammy hug and we didn’t even cheat!!! Hay Sammy, yooo’s had some problems lately. Pop over to us, I can elp’s yooo BOL;

    Big HUGS Mollie xx


    • Hi Mollie…..CONCATULATIONS on your BIG hug. I am feeling 100% perky these last couple of days but if things get crazy again I’ll just pop on an airplane and come visit you there in “Jolly Old” !!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  2. Good morning, Sammy!
    Concats to the winners of the Teaser!
    I sure hope you’re staying cool, buddy! We have heat advisories here. I get hot just watching Motor Mommy outside watering her plants and feeding those swans!
    Can’t wait to hear about the contest….
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae! Aren’t you glad you have a nice window perch to sit on and watch the HEAT go by outside??? I’ll be indoors myself….105 is a bit too hot for this old guy! See you tomorrow for the contest announcement….. 😀

      Love, Sammy


  3. Concatulations to all those BRILLIANT people who knew the answer to the T.T.! They’re much smarter than I. I’m just enjoying the pictures AND the answers, right or wrong.
    Like my furry niece said it’s going to be hot, hot, hot here in southeastern VA…we plan on staying cool inside.


  4. I missed this – but wouldn’t have known where it was anyway! I am glad to be back – and will have to try very hard next week! Try to stay cool…I am off to get groceries before it gets too hot!
    Hugs, Linda


    • Welcome Home Miss Linda! It’s gonna be a real hottie today – I’m going to stay INSIDE myself but my Mom’s heading to the grocery and dentist today – thank heavens for A/C huh???

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • HAHA! Some people are SOOOOOOO creative with their guesses and their thinking process…..I think Ye Olde Touristy Spot works for anywhere in the entire world!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy 😉


      • Oh yeah!!!! And I need to do some giggling! I need the crisp breezes of Fall so I can get out and kick up my heels like a horse turned out to frolic in the pasture! I NEED a Fallish cold front!!! Don’t you love the cool Sammy? Makes your tail want to stand up all happy in the happy tail position(kitties). Sleep in a puddle of sun on the deck or porch and smell the Fall smells(peeps and kitties). I need the Summer of 2012 to be history.


        • Pix you’re myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy kinda human! YES! I’m ready for fall – you know I love to run into a pile of neatly raked leaves….I like the breeze blowing my whiskers back….if I knew what a horse feels like when it’s out frolicing in the pasture I’m sure I’d want that too!!!! It’s 102 here today. ONE HUNDRED AND TWO! Enough is enough….good thing tomorrow we’re heading to the 80s!

          Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  5. I just KNEW that Europe would be right! Booby prize or not… I like prizes so… I’ll take it! And those Sammy hugs of yours are the prizes of all, I think. And, at least my guess was more specific than ‘Earth’ which would have been my second choice. purrs


    • HAHAHA! Earth would have won you a booby prize hug too Nerissa! You also made some other folks giggle and that’s always nice to know – we’ve made someone else smile – right???

      Kitty Hugs, Your Pal Sam


    • Oh Nellie – you know, lotsa people haven’t really traveled much and don’t really know for sure where my parents have wandered on their adventures – but it’s still fun to guess isn’t it? And OF COURSE – any time you need a hug, your old friend Sammy will be FIRST in line!!!

      )))))))))NELLIE BELLIE((((((((((( 😉
      Kisses, Sammy


    • Oh Miss Caren and Cody – don’t give up on the teasers…..one of these days you’ll know it and just think – you might get that great BIG Sammy Hug! Meanwhile…here’s one to tide you over

      ))))))))))))CAREN AND CODY((((((((((( 😀 😀


  6. Sammie…I am so disappointed…we missed yet another Tuesday Teaser…maybe your Mom can tell my Mom how she keeps up on so many blogs and how she manages to visit efurryone efurry day??? whew…we are exhausted…time for night nights…zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


    • Hi Savannah! Well, my Mom doesn’t visit every single one every day but she gives it a good try! 😀 😀 Sorry you missed the Teaser – there’s always NEXT week you know!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


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