Teaser Tell All


Hi Peeps!!!!  We had some “right guessers” yesterday!  YAY!  Two of my friends knew this was one of the buildings down on the National Mall in Washington, DC which is part of the Smithsonian Institution and which is known as “The Castle”.  The place functions as the Smithsonian’s administrative offices and the Visitor Information Center but also has a couple of mighty fine restaurants (so says Mom anyway). 

It was built in 1855 and indeed does have a lot about it that reminds us of a castle – don’t you think???

So let’s all give a great big congratulations (and I’ll give them a BIG SAMMY HUG) to:

Miss Ingrid at The Conscious Cat    AND

Doggy’s Style


Your Friend Sammy 😀

32 responses »

  1. YAY! Concats to the winners of the coveted Sammy hug!
    Hope you’re having a good Wednesday morning. I’m watching the hazy sunrise from my window seat.
    Are you catching up today on lap naps??
    Love, Sundae


    • I sure am catching up on lap naps today Sundae….I missed Mom yesterday but she had fun visiting my Auntie Carol and my Cousins Mollye and Toby. It’s super hot here this morning so I’ll be IN enjoying some snooze time. You enjoy your sunny window seat!

      Love, Sammy


  2. Well, you would think, as many times as I have been to DC, I would have recognized it! But, apparently, I am not too observant! Nice that 2 people know where it was though…give me hope!
    Hugs, Linda


    • Hi Miss Linda! Well, considering my parents have been all over the place on vacations, and so many places in Europe where this kind of architecture is EVERYWHERE, it was tough to guess unless you really see “The Castle” regularly. Tee hee – there’s always NEXT week anyway!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Pix!! Yes you did get your BIG Sammy hug anyway – and considering all the places my parents have been and all the photos of similar buildings in Europe, it WAS hard to know this was the Smithsonian “castle” – don’t feel bad! So you lived here for 4 years? Do you know where my town of Warrenton is????

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  3. After the two right guesses, I said to myself….yep, that’s the Smithsonian but I never would have guessed it on my own. Congrats to the winners!


    • Hi Miss June! My parents haven’t been into Washington, DC in years (!) but used to visit the museums on weekends all the time. It’s just too crowded anymore and difficult to get there, etc. Anyway, we thought a few of our local blog friends would recognize it and indeed they did!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • HA! Indeed if you’ve never visited Washington you wouldn’t recognize “The Castle” but it’s one of the prettiest buildings down on the mall where all the big museums are located. Keep visiting though – you never know WHERE the photos have been taken – if you’ve been to Europe you may recognize one sooner or later! My parents have been all over the place there……Thanks for coming and taking a peek anyway!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  4. Wow,Mommie went to Washington and visited several of the Smithsonian different museums, and she didn’t recognize this! Humans!


    • Hi Callie! Well, maybe it was the angle of the photo that fooled her? It’s the only building down on the Mall that looks like this – I think the oldest one – the others are more “museum-ish” looking but it’s my Mom’s fave!

      Kitty hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Nellie! I agree – your Mommy would probably love seeing all the museums and monuments and stuff down in Washington, DC…..I’m SURE there must be a statue of YOU somewhere down there too!!!! We are staying BIG prayers for Bob today. We love ALL of you!

      Big Hugs and Kisses


    • Oh Nerissa, you just have to know that one of these Tuesdays you’ll hit the jackpot and guess right! 😀 It was kind of a tough Teaser too – especially for anyone who’s never visited Washington, DC! People who DO visit, always go down to the Mall though because it’s where all the monuments and museums are. If your humans had been there, they would have recognized it I just betcha!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


      • Oh Sammy… the sad thing is that both my peeps HAVE been to Washington DC… more than once, even. In fact, peep #2’s best friend lives there. And that peep o’ mine STILL didn’t help me with your teaser. Peeps! What can you do with ’em, huh?


        • Well then you’re right – there’s NO EXCUSE! 😉 That building stands out like crazy on the Mall – oh well, you can’t fault them for not recognizing the photo….maybe they were visiting here in a blinding snowstorm or it was raining hard and the umbrella blocked their view of “The Castle”??? I’m trying to help them out here! 😀 Well, our peeps take pretty good care of us so if they don’t recognize a photo once in a while, we cut them some slack right????

          Kitty hugs, Sammy


  5. hey Sammy, well Mom did enlarge the photo and see the American flag..but then she had to get the sweet little kitteh off to vet for surgery…and he, Clover, is doing great! Will spend next several days boarded at a local vet, then he will be taken back to the Kitty Corner shelter…but kept in a cage for 8 weeks in the office in a nice quiet spot…purrrrr little guy…but at least he is safe, cared for and not in the dump!


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