Agent Sammy Checking In


Hi Peeps…….well, as I told you yesterday, I’m on a mission for the Feline Bureau of Investigation but I’ll be returning today some time….hopefully in time to greet Mom when she pops in the front door after her trip. 

I’m not supposed to say anything of course about the adventure Kozmo and I are involved in, but I decided it wouldn’t be telling anything TOP SECRET to show you a picture of what I was riding on/in yesterday as I set out on my mission to help Kozmo!

Fancy Private Jet Interior Shot

Talk about traveling in style huh???

Yep – I was really “roughing it” huh! 

OK – I’ve said enough – besides, I’m getting a top secret text from Kozmo right now so I’ve got to sign off……………….tomorrow Kozmo and I will BOTH be blogging about our journeys and the BIG MISSION.  You’ll need to visit both of our blogs to get the full story and I promise it will keep you on the edge of your seat!!!

Agent Sammy, 00.8 signing off until tomorrow……

20 responses »

  1. Ooh, Sammy, Please, please be careful! I’ll be waiting to read all about your adventure tomorrow. And, just think! Your Mom comes home today. It’s been an adventure filled weekend for you AND her!
    Love, Sundae


    • No sweat Sundae…..we guys are pretty tough when it comes to protecting the world from evil-doers…..however, I’m GLAD it’s over with!! Mom’s home and I have an available lap now. Dad tried but his lap isn’t QUITE as “comfy” as Mom’s….

      Love, Sammy


  2. Well, Sammy…I can hardly wait to read about your adventure! I am happy to know you are safe though – I was a little worried about you being out in the world! Have a happy day and enjoy your Mom! I am sure she missed you bunches!

    Hugs, Linda


    • LOL……..I hear ya Isobel……hang on…….Monday’s blog is a “tell all” then I believe the FBI will be allowing its’ two big deal agents some time off….we’ll return to the wonderful world of lap naps, bird watching, and tissue paper. LOL



    • Hi Ya’ll…….the big adventure is over and you’ll read ALLLLLLLL about it in Monday’s blog. Meanwhile, you all were SOOOOOO sweet to be worried about me. We had quite a time!

      Kitty Hugs


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